OS.UM.SIS Directory - Open-Source University Management and Student Information Systems

Assessment Management Systems


The University of Nottingham's e-Assessment management system used to create and deliver online assessments.
This online system supports the full process from question and paper creation (including peer and external examiner reviews) to the analysis of exam results and creation of reports.


Online Grades

Is the leading free-software project that allows K-12+ student grades attendance information to be posted onto a dynamic web site. Online Grades is not a web-based gradebook. Instead, it accepts grade export information from several popular gradebook software programs such as Easy Grade Pro, Gradekeeper, Misty City's Grade Machine, and PGGP and places the grade information online securely. Student, Teachers, Parents, and Administrators each get their own personal login into Online Grades, which allows them to see all of the grades in all of their classes. If parents have more than one student at a school or district, they only need one parent login to see the grades of all of their students.
