
Version 1 (modified by 193158, 5 months ago) ( diff )


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The goal of this project, titled "Auditly" is to create a comprehensive database system for a tool designed as part of this university course. Auditly serves as a digital platform that aids companies in monitoring and analyzing user reviews about their products, as well as the user experiences and opinions related to their competitors' offerings. This tool stands out by aggregating reviews from various platforms into a singular, streamlined interface, enabling businesses to easily access and examine feedback from both their own users and those of their competitors.

At the core of Auditly's functionality is an advanced web scraping mechanism. This mechanism systematically extracts reviews from multiple online sources, providing a rich dataset for analysis. Furthermore, Auditly extends its capabilities by identifying and linking their Email and LinkedIn profile of the reviewers. This feature not only enriches the data quality but also allows businesses to engage directly with reviewers, fostering a more interactive and responsive user experience.

Детален опис на проектот

The users of auditly are the central entity of the application. Each user has a name, email address, and the website of the users product (if it has one and wants to monitor its reviwes). In the onboarding screen the users select which competitor`s reviews they want to monitor, or they can monitor reviews of whole industries. a competitor represents a company that has reviews written about them on review sites like G2, Capterra and Tustpilot. Competitors can be grouped by industries. the reviews are an assessment or critique of the competitor. Besides the review itself, the review can have positive or negative sentiment, and a review score. Each review is written by a reviewer. The reviwers sometimes leave thier personal information on the review sites like their name, email, company position, company name and and social media profiles. with this information the app is trying to find the email and/or Linkedin profile of the reviewer. Users of Auditly can build message sequences so that they get in contact with the reviewer as soon as possible. Some examples for message sequences: a reviewer writes a negative review on a users competitor because of their lack of customer support, the user can send a message that thier product has that issue solved and book a demo call for that reviewer. If a reviewer sends a positive review about the users product, they can thank them and give them a coupon.

For whom is the database and project intended, i.e., who, according to your idea, will be responsible for possessing the database and application and providing them as a service - is it a company/institution/organization or an individual, and a brief description of their needs?"

The owner of the database is meant to be the company that is the owner of the application Auditly. For now it a simple database scheme so the company must have employees that have knowledge in database system management and maintenance. The owner can opt for a third party to have access and manage the Auditly database.

What problems in the company or organization will you solve with your work?"

In absence of the database, the users of Auditly will have to wait a lot of time in order for the mass reviews to be scraped. The database will have data about most of the companies that have a review on them. If not, they will be added to the data base and the reviews table will be refreshed weekly along with all the other companies in the database.

What types of users will have access to the database and project - in terms of types of employees in the company/institution or clients?

Every employee that works in that is literate in database systems will have access to the database so that they can alter it for the purpose of fixing bugs or building new features. The users of Auditly can only get data from the database tables using an interface (by using filters). They cannot create and delete tables.

If there are other similar ideas in the same company or in the vicinity, or if there are already existing solutions in the world, what is different about your proposal?

There is another tool called Birdview that targets enterprise users. This tool is different because its target are small and medium businesses, targeting them with the low price and giving them only the necessary features.

Is it for a web, mobile, and/or desktop application?

This is meant to be a web application for now, it may expand to a mobile application if the users find it necessary.

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