# Get the application running ## Install Java JDK Download and install Java JDK 8 or above from [Oracle](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk21-archive-downloads.html) ## Clone the repository Make a clone from the repository onto your machine ```bash git clone https://github.com/ppaunovski/Bus-GO.git ``` Then open the project in your IDE of choice (preferably IntelliJ) ## Connect to the database Establish a connection to the remote database ## Run the application Start the application, open a browser and navigate to [https://localhost:8080](https://localhost:8080) ## Registered accounts: ### 1. Admin Email: vangel.ajanovski@admin.jsp.mk Password: va #### Functionalities: Register bus drivers and conductors. ### 2. Bus Driver Email: petar.gruevski@vozac.jsp.mk Password: pg #### Functionalities: Start and end routes. ### 3. Conductor Email: darko.sekulovski@kondukter.jsp.mk Password: ds #### Functionalities: Control the routes, and write tickets to registered or unregistered commuters which haven't paid for the ride. ### 4. Commuter Email: pavel.paunovski@patnik.jsp.mk Password: pp #### Functionalities: Buy tickets for the rides, starting and ending a ride.