DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."admins"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS admins_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."admins" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('admins_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text, "password" text, "salt" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."blackjack"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."blackjack" ( "data" text, "identifier" text DEFAULT 'blackjack_data'::text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."blackjack_history"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS blackjack_history_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."blackjack_history" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('blackjack_history_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text, "history" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."complaints"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS complaints_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."complaints" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('complaints_id_seq'::regclass), "date" text, "by" text, "description" text, "answered" text, "answer" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."credit_cards"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS credit_cards_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."credit_cards" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('credit_cards_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text, "card_hash" text, "card_salt" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."players"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS players_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."players" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('players_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text NOT NULL, "display_name" text NOT NULL, "credits" float8 ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."poker"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."poker" ( "data" text, "identifier" text DEFAULT 'poker_data'::text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."poker_history"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS poker_history_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."poker_history" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('poker_history_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text, "history" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."roulette"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."roulette" ( "data" text, "identifier" text DEFAULT 'roulette_data'::text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."roulette_history"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS roulette_history_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."roulette_history" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('roulette_history_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text, "history" text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."sessions"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."sessions" ( "data" text, "identifier" text DEFAULT 'sessions_data'::text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."stats"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS stats_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."stats" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('stats_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text NOT NULL, "blackjack_games" int8, "roulette_games" int8, "poker_games" int8, "blackjack_won_games" int8, "roulette_won_games" int8, "poker_won_games" int8, "money_bet" int8, "money_earned" int8 ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."users"; -- This script only contains the table creation statements and does not fully represent the table in the database. It's still missing: indices, triggers. Do not use it as a backup. -- Sequence and defined type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS users_id_seq; -- Table Definition CREATE TABLE "public"."users" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass), "username" text NOT NULL, "password" text NOT NULL, "salt" text NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL, "email_activation_id" text NOT NULL, "activated" text NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO "public"."admins" ("id", "username", "password", "salt") VALUES (1, 'admin', 'c7258f1d118136a210cbd591a5bf03236226d34e6567bdf4ccc780dcd96a722c4a21b3433eb282220d8d4172d99c2ad6a7c7be1d2ab3b20e090cf8d3c799d578', 'fd67bce156239de46b59f05aaed57435'); INSERT INTO "public"."blackjack" ("data", "identifier") VALUES ('[]', 'blackjack_data'); INSERT INTO "public"."complaints" ("id", "date", "by", "description", "answered", "answer") VALUES (1, '2022-07-13T19:22:46.631+02:00', 'simon', 'I have a problem with logging in. It says my name is already taken.', 'true', 'Unfortunately, that means that someone else has already registered with that username before you. Please choose a different a username.'); INSERT INTO "public"."poker" ("data", "identifier") VALUES ('[]', 'poker_data'); INSERT INTO "public"."roulette" ("data", "identifier") VALUES ('{}', 'roulette_data'); INSERT INTO "public"."sessions" ("data", "identifier") VALUES ('[]', 'sessions_data');