import { rooms } from "../postgre"; const singleDeck = ["SA", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8", "S9", "SX", "SJ", "SQ", "SK", "HA", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "H7", "H8", "H9", "HX", "HJ", "HQ", "HK", "CA", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9", "CX", "CJ", "CQ", "CK", "DA", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "DX", "DJ", "DQ", "DK" ]; /* We are using 5 decks */ const deck = singleDeck.concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck); /** * Sample game state (Begining of the game) */ export let game = { credits: -1, deck: [...deck], status: '_1_room_created', // statuses: _1_room_created, _2_made_initial_bet, _3_made_side_bet, _4_cards_on_the_table, _5_game_over playerCards: [], dealerName: 'Lazar', dealerCards: [], initialBet: 0, sideBet: 0, sideBetName: '', outcome: '', earnings: 0, sideBetOutcome: '', sideBetEarnings: 0, messageTitle: '', messageDescription: '', betOutcomeMessageShown: true, sideBetOutcomeMessageShown: true, } export function getGame(session_id) { if (rooms[session_id] !== undefined) { return { success: true, game: rooms[session_id], } } return { success: false, game: {, playerCards: [], dealerCards: []}, }; } export function getRestrictedGameObject(session_id) { const { success, game } = getGame(session_id) return {, dealerCards: game.status.includes('_5_') ? game.dealerCards : game.dealerCards.length > 0 ? [game.dealerCards[0]].concat(['back']) : [], } } /** * Replace deck if empty */ function checkDeckSize(game) { if (game.deck.length === 0) { game.deck = [...deck]; } } /** * Draw a SINGLE random card */ export function drawASingleCard(room) { checkDeckSize(room); let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * room.deck.length); let card = room.deck[idx]; room.deck.splice(idx, 1); return card; } /** * Deal the initial hand of cards */ export function getInitialCards(room) { room.playerCards.push(drawASingleCard(room)); room.playerCards.push(drawASingleCard(room)); room.dealerCards.push(drawASingleCard(room)); room.dealerCards.push(drawASingleCard(room)); } /** * Calculate the hand value */ export function calculateHandValue(cards) { let value = 0; let aces = 0; for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { let card = cards[i]; if (card.substring(1) === 'A') { value += 11; aces++; } else if (card.substring(1) === 'X' || card.substring(1) === 'J' || card.substring(1) === 'Q' || card.substring(1) === 'K') { value += 10; } else { value += parseInt(card.substring(1)); } } while (value > 21 && aces > 0) { value -= 10; aces--; } return value; }