import axios from 'axios'; require('dotenv').config(); import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; const sampleTable = { id: '', name: '', status: '_1_just_created', creator: '', started: false, ended: false, round: 0, turnIdx: -1, pot: 0, lastBet: 0, turnsSinceLastBet: 0, players: [], deck: [], cardsOnTable: [], winners: [], splitWinners: false, turnTimeout: null, } const samplePlayer = { id: '', table: '', status: '_1_just_entered', displayName: '', cards: [], hand: { hand: '', highCard: 0, }, betAmount: 0, isSatDown: false, isCoordinator: false, isFolded: false, isGhost: false, credits: 0, } let tables = [] // contures -> { status, round, turnIdx, lastBet, turnsSinceLastBet, // // players -> { id, table, status, displayName, cards, // betAmount, isSatDown, isCoordinator }, // // cardsOnTable } const singleDeck = ["SA", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8", "S9", "SX", "SJ", "SQ", "SK", "HA", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "H7", "H8", "H9", "HX", "HJ", "HQ", "HK", "CA", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9", "CX", "CJ", "CQ", "CK", "DA", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "DX", "DJ", "DQ", "DK" ]; const deck = [...singleDeck]; /* We are using 5 decks */ // const deck = singleDeck.concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck).concat(singleDeck); /** * Replace deck if empty */ function checkDeckSize(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { if (tables[tableIdx].deck.length === 0) { tables[tableIdx].deck = [...deck]; } } } /** * Draw a SINGLE random card */ function drawASingleCard(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { checkDeckSize(tableId); let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * tables[tableIdx].deck.length); let card = tables[tableIdx].deck[idx]; tables[tableIdx].deck.splice(idx, 1); return card; } return undefined; } function getMaxBet(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; let maxBet = 0; table.players.forEach(player => { if (player.betAmount > maxBet) { maxBet = player.betAmount; } }) return maxBet; } return 0; } function setNextPlayerIdx(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; if (table.turnTimeout !== null) clearTimeout(table.turnTimeout); let counter = 10; while (true) { counter--; table.turnIdx++; table.turnIdx %= table.players.length; if (table.players[table.turnIdx] !== undefined && table.players[table.turnIdx].isSatDown && !table.players[table.turnIdx].isFolded) { if (table.round >= 2 && table.players[table.turnIdx].credits === 0) continue; let prevTurnIdx = table.turnIdx; table.turnTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (prevTurnIdx === table.turnIdx) { if (table.players[table.turnIdx] !== undefined) { table.players[table.turnIdx].isFolded = true; setNextPlayerIdx(; } } }, 30000); table.lastBet = getMaxBet( - table.players[table.turnIdx].betAmount; if (table.round === 1 && getMaxBet( <= 20) table.lastBet = 20; return ; } if (counter <= 0) return ; } } } function getCardsOnTable(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; if (table.round === 2) { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const card = drawASingleCard(; if (card !== undefined) {; } } } else if (table.round > 2) { const card = drawASingleCard(; if (card !== undefined) {; } } } } function resetGame(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; table.started = false; table.ended = false; table.round = 0; table.turnIdx = 0; table.turnTimeout = null; table.pot = 0; table.lastBet = 20; table.turnsSinceLastBet = 0; table.deck = [...deck]; table.players = table.players.filter(e=>e.isGhost === false); table.players.forEach(player => { player.credits = 0; = []; player.isFolded = false; player.betAmount = 0; player.wonAmount = 0; player.hand = { hand: '', highCard: 0, } }) = []; table.splitWinners = false; = []; } } function giveMoneyToTheWinners(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; const satDownPlayers = table.players.filter(e => e.isSatDown === true); const satDownCount = satDownPlayers.length; table.players.forEach(player => { let winnings = 0; if ( !== -1) { // winner winnings = 0; table.players.forEach(tmpPlayer => { winnings += Math.min(tmpPlayer.betAmount, player.betAmount); }) axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=add_credits&session_id=${}&credits=${winnings}&game=poker&outcome=won`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; } }); } else { // loser winnings = player.betAmount; table.players.forEach(tmpPlayer => { if ( !== -1) { winnings -= tmpPlayer.betAmount; } }) axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=add_credits&session_id=${}&credits=${winnings}&game=poker&outcome=lost`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; } }); } player.wonAmount = winnings; }) setTimeout(() => { resetGame(; }, 15000); } } function setWinner(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; table.turnIdx = -1; table.players.forEach(player => { if (player.isSatDown && !player.isFolded) { player.hand = getHandDetails( } }) hands.forEach(hand => { const playerHands = table.players.filter(e=>e.hand.hand === hand); if ( === 0) { if (playerHands.length === 1) {[0]) } else if (playerHands.length > 1) { let tmp = playerHands[0].hand.highCard; let tmpWinners = []; playerHands.forEach(player => { if (player.hand.highCard > tmp) { tmp = player.hand.highCard; } }) playerHands.forEach(player => { if (player.hand.highCard === tmp) { tmpWinners.push(player); } }) if (tmpWinners.length > 1) table.splitWinners = true; = [...tmpWinners]; } } }) giveMoneyToTheWinners(; } } function progressRoundIfNeeded(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tables[tableIdx] !== undefined) { const table = tables[tableIdx]; const satDownPlayers = table.players.filter(e=>e.isSatDown === true); const remainingPlayers = satDownPlayers.filter(e=>e.isFolded === false); if (table.turnsSinceLastBet === remainingPlayers.length) { table.round++; table.lastBet = 0; table.turnsSinceLastBet = 0; if (table.round <= 4) { getCardsOnTable(; } else { table.ended = true; } if (table.ended && === 0) { setWinner(; } } } } /** * ********************* BEGIN OF FUNCTIONS ********************* */ function createTable(playerId, playerName, tableName) { const tableId = uuidv4(); const table = { id: tableId, name: tableName, status: '_1_just_created', creator: playerName, started: false, ended: false, round: 0, turnIdx: -1, pot: 0, lastBet: 20, turnsSinceLastBet: 0, deck: [...deck], players: [{ id: playerId, table: tableId, credits: 0, status: '_1_just_entered', displayName: playerName, cards: [], betAmount: 0, wonAmount: 0, isSatDown: false, isCoordinator: true, isFolded: false, isGhost: false, hand: { hand: '', highCard: 0, }, }], winners: [], splitWinners: false, cards: [], } tables.push(table) return table; } function getRestrictedTablesArray() { let result = []; tables.forEach(table => { let tmpPlayers = []; table.players.forEach(player => { tmpPlayers.push({ ...player, id: '', table: '', cards: '', }) }); let tmpWinners = []; => { tmpWinners.push({ ...winner, id: '', table: '', cards: '', }) }); let tmp = { ...table, deck: [], players: tmpPlayers, winners: tmpWinners, turnTimeout: null, } result.push({...tmp}); }) return result; } function getRestrictedTableArray(tableId, session_id) { let result = {...sampleTable}; let tableIdx =>; if (tableIdx !== -1) { let table = tables[tableIdx]; let tmpPlayers = []; table.players.forEach(player => { if ( === session_id) { tmpPlayers.push({ ...player, id: '', table: '', }) } else { tmpPlayers.push({ ...player, id: '', table: '', cards: table.ended ? : > 0 ? ['back', 'back'] : '', }) } }); let tmpWinners = []; => { if ( === session_id) { tmpWinners.push({ ...winner, id: '', table: '', }) } else { tmpWinners.push({ ...winner, id: '', table: '', cards: table.ended ? : > 0 ? ['back', 'back'] : '', }) } }); result = { ...table, players: tmpPlayers, winners: tmpWinners, turnTimeout: null, } } return result; } function getTable(tableId) { const tableIdx =>; if (tableIdx !== -1) { return tables[tableIdx]; } return undefined; } function getTableAndPlayer(session_id) { for (let tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < tables.length; tableIdx++) { const playerIdx = tables[tableIdx].players.filter(e=>e.isGhost === false).map(e=>; if (playerIdx !== -1) { return { success: true, table: tables[tableIdx], player: tables[tableIdx].players[playerIdx], } } } return { success: false, table: sampleTable, player: samplePlayer, }; } /** * ********************* END OF FUNCTIONS ********************* */ /** * ********************* BEGIN OF REQUEST HANDLER ********************* */ export default async function handler(req, res) { /** * GET method */ if (req.method === 'GET') { /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action game_action * @param session_id * @param specificAction * @param betAmount */ if (req.query.action === 'game_action' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.specificAction && req.query?.betAmount) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && table.started && !table.ended && player.isSatDown && !player.isFolded) { if (> !== table.turnIdx) { res.end(); return ; } let okayToGo = false; if (req.query.specificAction === 'check') { if (table.lastBet === 0) { table.turnsSinceLastBet++; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'call') { await axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=take_credits&session_id=${req.query.session_id}&credits=${table.lastBet}&takeWhatYouCan=true`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; if (player.credits >= table.lastBet) player.betAmount += table.lastBet; else player.betAmount += player.credits; table.pot += table.lastBet; table.turnsSinceLastBet++; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } }); } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'raise') { const betAmount = parseInt(req.query.betAmount); if (betAmount >= table.lastBet) { await axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=take_credits&session_id=${req.query.session_id}&credits=${betAmount}&takeWhatYouCan=true`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; player.betAmount += betAmount; table.pot += betAmount; table.turnsSinceLastBet = 1; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } }); } } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'fold') { player.isFolded = true; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } if (okayToGo) { setNextPlayerIdx(; } } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action start_game * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'start_game' && req.query?.session_id) { const { success, table } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && !table.started) { table.players.forEach(player => { axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=check_if_logged_in&session_id=${}`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; } }); }) table.started = true; table.round = 1; table.turnIdx = Math.floor(Math.random(0, table.players.length)) setNextPlayerIdx(; table.players.forEach(player => { if (player.isSatDown) { for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const card = drawASingleCard(; if (card !== undefined) {; } } } }) } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action sit_down * @param session_id * @param tableId */ if (req.query.action === 'sit_down' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.tableId) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && !table.started) { player.isSatDown = true; } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action leave_table * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'leave_table' && req.query?.session_id) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (success) { player.isGhost = true; player.isFolded = true; if (table.players[table.turnIdx] !== undefined && table.players[table.turnIdx] === player) { setNextPlayerIdx(; } } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action join_a_table * @param session_id * @param tableId * @param displayName */ if (req.query.action === 'join_a_table' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.tableId && req.query?.displayName) { if (req.query.tableId.length > 0) { const { success } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (!success) { const table = getTable(req.query.tableId) if (table !== undefined && !table.started) { table.players.push({ ...samplePlayer, id: req.query.session_id, table: req.query.tableId, displayName: req.query.displayName }) } } } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action create_a_table * @param session_id * @param displayName * @param tableName */ if (req.query.action === 'create_a_table' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.displayName && req.query?.tableName) { const { success } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (!success) { createTable(req.query.session_id, req.query.displayName, req.query.tableName); } res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action update_state * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'update_state' && req.query?.session_id) { const session_id = req.query.session_id; const { table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(session_id); res.json({ success: true, pokerGame: { tables: getRestrictedTablesArray(), table: getRestrictedTableArray(, req.query.session_id), player: player, } }) } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * If the player is not in an existing room, create a room for them. * If they are reconnecting, get the room they were in. * @action get_player_info_on_enter * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'get_player_info_on_enter' && req.query?.session_id) { const session_id = req.query.session_id; axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre?action=check_if_logged_in&session_id=${session_id}`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { res.json({ success: true, displayName:, session_id:, credits:, }) } else { res.json({ success: false, }) } }); } } } /** * ********************* END OF REQUEST HANDLER ********************* */ const hands = [ 'Royal Flush', 'Straight Flush', 'Four of a Kind', 'Full House', 'Flush', 'Straight', 'Three of a Kind', 'Two Pairs', 'Pair', 'High Card', ] const order = "23456789TJQKA" function getHandDetails(hand) { const cards = hand const faces = => String.fromCharCode([77 - order.indexOf(a[1])])).sort() const suits = => a[0]).sort() const counts = faces.reduce(count, {}) const duplicates = Object.values(counts).reduce(count, {}) const flush = suits[0] === suits[4] const first = faces[0].charCodeAt(1) const straight = faces.every((f, index) => f.charCodeAt(1) - first === index) let rank = (flush && straight && 1) || (duplicates[4] && 2) || (duplicates[3] && duplicates[2] && 3) || (flush && 4) || (straight && 5) || (duplicates[3] && 6) || (duplicates[2] > 1 && 7) || (duplicates[2] && 8) || 9; return { hand: hands[rank], highCard: faces.sort(byCountFirst).join("") } function byCountFirst(a, b) { //Counts are in reverse order - bigger is better const countDiff = counts[b] - counts[a] if (countDiff) return countDiff // If counts don't match return return b > a ? -1 : b === a ? 0 : 1 } function count(c, a) { c[a] = (c[a] || 0) + 1 return c } } function getCardCombinations(playerCards, tableCards) { let combinations = []; combinations.push([playerCards[0], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[4], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], tableCards[0], tableCards[4], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], tableCards[4], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[4], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[4], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[1], tableCards[4], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[2]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[1], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[2], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[0], tableCards[3], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[1], tableCards[3], tableCards[4]]) combinations.push([playerCards[0], playerCards[1], tableCards[2], tableCards[3], tableCards[4]]) return combinations; }