import axios from 'axios'; require('dotenv').config(); import { createTable, getRestrictedTablesArray, getRestrictedTableArray, getTable, getTableAndPlayer } from './gameStates'; import { drawASingleCard, setNextPlayerIdx, progressRoundIfNeeded, progressRoundTillTheEnd } from './tableSpecific' import { tables, cleanTables, update_tables_to_database, load_tables_from_database } from '../postgre/index' /** * ********************* BEGIN OF REQUEST HANDLER ********************* */ export default async function handler(req, res) { /** * GET method */ if (req.method === 'GET') { /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action game_action * @param session_id * @param specificAction * @param betAmount */ if (req.query.action === 'game_action' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.specificAction && req.query?.betAmount) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && table.started && !table.ended && player.isSatDown && !player.isFolded) { if (> !== table.turnIdx) { res.end(); return ; } let okayToGo = false; if (req.query.specificAction === 'check') { if (table.lastBet === 0) { table.turnsSinceLastBet++; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'call') { await axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=take_credits&session_id=${req.query.session_id}&credits=${table.lastBet}&takeWhatYouCan=true`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; if (player.credits >= table.lastBet) player.betAmount += table.lastBet; else player.betAmount += player.credits; table.pot += table.lastBet; table.turnsSinceLastBet++; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } }); } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'raise') { const betAmount = parseInt(req.query.betAmount); if (betAmount >= table.lastBet) { await axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=take_credits&session_id=${req.query.session_id}&credits=${betAmount}&takeWhatYouCan=true`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; player.betAmount += betAmount; table.pot += betAmount; table.turnsSinceLastBet = 1; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } }); } } else if (req.query.specificAction === 'fold') { player.isFolded = true; okayToGo = true; progressRoundIfNeeded(; } if (okayToGo) { table.lastActivity =; setNextPlayerIdx(; } } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action start_game * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'start_game' && req.query?.session_id) { const { success, table } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && !table.started && !table.ended && table.players.filter(e=>e.isSatDown===true).length >= 2) { table.players.forEach(player => { axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre/?action=check_if_logged_in&session_id=${}`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { player.credits =; } }); }) table.lastActivity =; table.started = true; table.round = 1; table.turnIdx = Math.floor(Math.random(0, table.players.length)) setNextPlayerIdx(; table.players.forEach(player => { if (player.isSatDown) { for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const card = drawASingleCard(; if (card !== undefined) {; } } } }) } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action sit_down * @param session_id * @param tableId */ if (req.query.action === 'sit_down' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.tableId) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id) if (success && !table.started) { player.isSatDown = true; } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action leave_table * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'leave_table' && req.query?.session_id) { const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (success) { table.lastActivity =; player.isGhost = true; player.isFolded = true; if (table.started) { if (table.players[table.turnIdx] !== undefined && table.players[table.turnIdx] === player) { setNextPlayerIdx(; } } else { table.players = table.players.filter(e=>e.isGhost === false); } } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action join_a_table * @param session_id * @param tableId * @param displayName */ if (req.query.action === 'join_a_table' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.tableId && req.query?.displayName) { if (req.query.tableId.length > 0) { const { success } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (!success) { const table = getTable(req.query.tableId) if (table !== undefined && !table.started) { table.players.push({ id: req.query.session_id, table: req.query.tableId, credits: 0, status: '_1_just_entered', displayName: req.query.displayName, cards: [], betAmount: 0, wonAmount: 0, isSatDown: false, isCoordinator: false, isFolded: false, isGhost: false, hand: { hand: '', highCard: 0, }, }) } } } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Creates the table and enters the user inside * @action create_a_table * @param session_id * @param displayName * @param tableName */ if (req.query.action === 'create_a_table' && req.query?.session_id && req.query?.displayName && req.query?.tableName) { const { success } = getTableAndPlayer(req.query.session_id); if (!success) { createTable(req.query.session_id, req.query.displayName, req.query.tableName); } update_tables_to_database(); res.end(); } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * Updates the state periodically * @action update_state * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'update_state' && req.query?.session_id) { const session_id = req.query.session_id; const { success, table, player } = getTableAndPlayer(session_id); if (success && table.started && !table.ended) { const d =; if (d - table.lastActivity > 30000) { if (table.players[table.turnIdx] !== undefined) { table.players[table.turnIdx].isFolded = true; table.lastActivity =; setNextPlayerIdx(; } } } res.json({ success: true, pokerGame: { tables: getRestrictedTablesArray(), table: getRestrictedTableArray(, req.query.session_id), player: player, } }) } /** * /---------------------- GET ----------------------/ * If the player is not in an existing room, create a room for them. * If they are reconnecting, get the room they were in. * @action get_player_info_on_enter * @param session_id */ if (req.query.action === 'get_player_info_on_enter' && req.query?.session_id) { const session_id = req.query.session_id; axios.get(`${process.env.HOME_URL}/api/postgre?action=check_if_logged_in&session_id=${session_id}`).then(postgreRes => { if ( { res.json({ success: true, displayName:, session_id:, credits:, }) } else { res.json({ success: false, }) } }); } } } /** * ********************* END OF REQUEST HANDLER ********************* */