# Caessino Firstly, create a .env file in the project's root directory and populate it like so: HOME_URL="http://localhost:3000" POSTGRES_HOST="db" POSTGRES_USER="postgres" POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" POSTGRES_DB="postgres" Now, in your console, navigate to the project's root directory and run: docker-compose up =========================================================================== If you are configuring this project for the first time, do the following, in order to set up the database. -- Note: The containers should be running in the background! (previously started with docker-compose up) Open another console and run: docker exec -it name_of_db_container /bin/bash psql -U postgres postgres `<` /usr/local/app/dummy_database.sql -- Note: When inserting `<`, it should not be surrounded by quotation marks =========================================================================== Now you are all set up. Enjoy your stay at Caessino.