= Напредни извештаи од базата (SQL и складирани процедури) == Да се најде направениот промет за секој артист во изминатата година. {{{#!sql select u."name" , SUM(t.stripe_price) from artists a join users u on u.id = a.user_id join offers o on o.artist_id = u.id join transactions t on t.offer_id = o.id where extract (year from t.created_at) = extract (year from now() - interval '1 year') group by u.id }}} == Да се најдат каков тип на Артисти ангажирале Организаторите во последните 6 месеци. {{{#!sql select distinct at2.name from organizers o left join events e on e.organizer_id = o.user_id left join offers o2 on o2.event_id = e.id left join artists a on a.user_id = o2.artist_id join artist_types at2 on at2.id = a.artist_type_id where o2.status = 'COMPLETED' and o2.completed_at between now() - interval '6 months' and now() group by o.user_id, at2.name }}} == Листа на организатори кои организирале настани на кои биле поканети 2 или повеќе артисти {{{#!sql select u.id, u.username, u.email, u.name, o.city, o.country from events as e join ( select e.id, e.title, count(distinct a.user_id) as num_artists from events as e join offers as o2 on o2.event_id = e.id join artists as a on a.user_id = o2.artist_id group by e.id ) as tt on tt.id = e.id and tt.num_artists > 1 join organizers as o on o.user_id = e.organizer_id join users as u on u.id = o.user_id group by o.user_id, u.id }}} == Да се најде просечно време (во денови) кое било потрошено од страна на Организаторите и Артистите за да склучат договор (да платат). {{{#!sql select avg(extract(day from o.completed_at-o.created_at)) from offers o where completed_at notnull }}} == Број на трансакции реализирани од страна на организатори кои оставиле позитивни рецензии (оценка над 3) кон артисти {{{#!sql select count (*) from ( with tempTable as (select o.* from organizers o join reviews as r on r.organizer_id = o.user_id and r.rating > 3 group by o.user_id) select t.* from events as e join tempTable as tt on tt.user_id = e.organizer_id join offers as o2 on o2.event_id = e.id join transactions as t on t.offer_id = o2.id ) as temp }}} == Во кој дел од денот се испраќаат најмногу барања за понуди. {{{#!sql select concat( avg(extract (hour from o.created_at))::int, ':', avg(extract (minute from o.created_at)):: int) as avgTime from offers o }}} == Процент на успешно прифатени/реализирани понуди (во проценти). {{{#!sql select to_char((select ( (select count(*) from offers o where completed_at notnull) / (select count(*) from offers o2)::float) *100), 'fm00D00%') }}} == Табеларен извештај за трансакции по артисти, по години и тримесечја. {{{#!sql with year_transactions as ( select distinct extract(year from (t.created_at)) as year from transactions t ) select us."name", yt.year, ( select count(t.id) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id ) as total_transactions, ( select count(t.id) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (1,2,3) ) as total_num_trans_q1, ( select count(t.id) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (4,5,6) ) as total_num_trans_q2, ( select count(t.id) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (7,8,9) ) as total_num_trans_q3, ( select count(t.id) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (10,11,12) ) as total_num_trans_q4, ( select avg(o.price) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (1,2,3) ) as avg_trans_value_q1, ( select avg(o.price) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (4,5,6) ) as avg_trans_value_q2, ( select avg(o.price) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (7,8,9) ) as avg_trans_value_q3, ( select avg(o.price) from transactions t join offers o on o.artist_id = us.id and t.offer_id = o.id where yt.year = extract(year from (t.created_at)) and extract(month from (t.created_at)) in (10,11,12) ) as avg_trans_value_q4 from year_transactions yt, artists ar left join users us on us.id = ar.user_id; }}} == Детален приказ на статистики за артисти кои имаат менаџери {{{#!sql select m.user_id as manager_id, a.user_id as artists_id, u.name, a.city, a.country, at2.name as artist_type, ( select count(distinct asg.genre_id) from artist_sings_genres asg where asg.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_genres, ( select count(*) from offers o where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_offers, ( select count(*) from offers o join transactions t on t.offer_id = o.id where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_completed_offers, ( select count(distinct e.id) from offers o join events e on e.id = o.event_id and e.event_date < now() where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_completed_events, ( select count(distinct e.id) from offers o join events e on e.id = o.event_id and e.event_date > now() where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_upcoming_events, ( select count(*) filter(where r.rating > 3) from reviews r where r.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_positive_reviews, ( select count(*) filter(where r.rating <= 3) from reviews r where r.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_negative_reviews, ( select count(distinct e.organizer_id) from offers o join events e on e.id = o.event_id where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_organizers, ( select count(t.id) from offers o left join transactions t on t.offer_id = o.id where o.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_transactions from managers m join artists as a on a.manager_id = m.user_id and a.admin_verified_at is not null join users as u on u.id = a.user_id join artist_types at2 on at2.id = a.artist_type_id }}} == Популарни артисти - рангирано според број на рецензии, тотална заработка и број на добиени понуди. {{{#!sql select u."name" , u.email, a.city, a.country, a.price_per_hour, at2.name, coalesce(sum(t.stripe_price),0) as earnings, ( select count(o2.id) from offers o2 where o2.artist_id = a.user_id ) as num_offers, ( (5 * (select count(re.artist_id) from reviews re where re.rating = 5 and re.artist_id = a.user_id) + 4 * (select count(re.artist_id) from reviews re where re.rating = 4 and re.artist_id = a.user_id) + 3 * (select count(re.artist_id) from reviews re where re.rating = 3 and re.artist_id = a.user_id) + 2 * (select count(re.artist_id) from reviews re where re.rating = 2 and re.artist_id = a.user_id) + 1 * (select count(re.artist_id) from reviews re where re.rating = 1 and re.artist_id = a.user_id)) / ((select case when count(re.artist_id) > 0 then count(re.artist_id)::float else 1 end from reviews re where re.artist_id = a.user_id)) ) as average_rating from users u join artists a on a.user_id = u.id join artist_types at2 on at2.id = a.artist_type_id left join reviews r on r.artist_id = a.user_id left join offers o on o.artist_id = a.user_id left join transactions t on t.offer_id = o.id group by a.user_id, u.id, at2.id order by average_rating desc, earnings desc, num_offers asc; }}} == Број на добиени барања за понуди по артист. {{{#!sql select u."name" , count(o.id) as num_of_offers_received from artists a join users u on u.id = a.user_id join offers o on o.artist_id = a.user_id join events e on e.id = o.event_id group by u."name" }}} == Просечен број на коментари/пораки кои се потребни за да се постигне договор. {{{#!sql with tempTable as (select oc.offer_id, count(oc.offer_id) as num_of_comments from offer_comments oc join offers as o on o.id = oc.offer_id and o.status = 'COMPLETED' group by oc.offer_id) select avg(t.num_of_comments) from tempTable as t }}} == Најпопуларни жанрови според број на артисти кои ги пеат (во опаѓачки редослед). {{{#!sql select g."name", count(asg.genre_id) as popularity from artist_sings_genres asg join genres g on g.id = asg.genre_id group by asg.genre_id, g.id order by popularity desc }}} == Најпопуларни локации за артисти (во опаѓачки редослед). {{{#!sql select e.country, count(e.country) as num_of_events from events e group by e.country order by num_of_events desc }}} == Просечен број на артисти со кои менаџерите менаџираат. {{{#!sql with tempTable as (select m.user_id, count(a.user_id) from managers m left join artists a on a.manager_id = m.user_id group by m.user_id) select avg(count) from tempTable }}} == Најпопуларни типови на настани (во опаѓачки редослед). {{{#!sql select et.name, count(*) as occurence from events e join event_types et on et.id = e.event_type_id group by et.name order by occurence desc; }}} == Типови артисти според популарност (во опаѓачки редослед). {{{#!sql select a_t.id, a_t.name, count (distinct a.user_id) from artist_types a_t left join artists a on a.artist_type_id = a_t.id group by a_t.id, a_t.name order by count desc }}}