Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of Напредни извештаи од базата

02/12/22 19:55:43 (3 years ago)



  • Напредни извештаи од базата

    v14 v15  
     1== Просечна цена на продуктот во месец од изминатите 12 месеци ==
     4sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =1 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =1 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Januari,
     5sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =2 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =2 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Fevruari,
     6sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =3 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =3 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Mart,
     7sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =4 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =4 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as April,
     9sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =5 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =5 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Maj,
     10sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =6 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =6 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Juni,
     11sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =7 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =7 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Juli,
     12sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =8 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =8 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Avgust,
     14sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =9 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =9 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Septemvri,
     15sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =10 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =10 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Oktomvri,
     16sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =11 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =11 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Noemvri,
     17sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =12 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =12 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Dekemvri
     18from project.price_history as ph
     19where prod_id = 3250;
    221== Најпопуларен производ во wishlists на корисниците во изминатите 6 месеци ==