== Вкупен приhод по продавница во изминатите 3 месеци== {{{#!sql select sum(t1.Anhoch+t2.Anhoch) as Anhoch, sum(t1.Setec + t2.Setec) as Setec, sum(t1.Neptun+t2.Neptun) as Neptun from ( select sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Anhoch' then cp.quantity * pr.price else 0 end) as Anhoch, sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Setec' then cp.quantity * pr.price else 0 end) as Setec, sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Neptun' then cp.quantity * pr.price else 0 end) as Neptun from project.order as o join project.checkout as ch on o.order_id = ch.order_id join project.cart as cr on cr.cart_id = ch.cart_id join project.contains_product as cp on cp.cart_id = cr.cart_id join project.product as pr on pr.prod_id = cp.prod_id join project.store as str on pr.store_name = str.store_name join project.delivery as dlv on dlv.delivery_id = o.delivery_id where now() - interval '3 months' <= dlv."date" ) as t1, ( select sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Anhoch' then ccp.num_products_config * pr.price else 0 end) as Anhoch, sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Setec' then ccp.num_products_config * pr.price else 0 end) as Setec, sum(case when pr.store_name = 'Neptun' then ccp.num_products_config * pr.price else 0 end) as Neptun from project.order as o join project.orders_configuration as oc on o.order_id = oc.order_id join project."Configuration" as cfg on oc.config_id = cfg.config_id join project.config_contains_product as ccp on cfg.config_id = ccp.config_id join project.product as pr on pr.prod_id = ccp.prod_id join project.store as str on pr.store_name = str.store_name join project.delivery as dlv on dlv.delivery_id = o.delivery_id where now() - interval '3 months' <= dlv."date" ) as t2 }}} == Просечна цена на продуктот во месец од изминатите 12 месеци == {{{#!sql select sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =1 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =1 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Januari, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =2 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =2 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Fevruari, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =3 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =3 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Mart, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =4 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =4 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as April, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =5 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =5 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Maj, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =6 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =6 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Juni, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =7 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =7 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Juli, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =8 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =8 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Avgust, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =9 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =9 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Septemvri, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =10 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =10 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Oktomvri, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =11 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =11 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Noemvri, sum(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =12 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end)/count(case when extract(month from ph.dates) =12 and now() - interval'12 months' <= ph.dates then ph.price end) as Dekemvri from project.price_history as ph where prod_id = 3250; }}} == Најпопуларен производ во wishlists на корисниците во изминатите 6 месеци == {{{#!sql select p."name" as Product, p.description as Description from project.product as p join( select ptw.prod_id, count(ptw.prod_id) as cnt from project.product_to_wishlist as ptw group by ptw.prod_id ) as pw on p.prod_id = pw.prod_id join( select u.time_stamp, u.product_id from project.updates as u group by u.product_id, u.time_stamp )as u on u.product_id = p.prod_id where now()-interval'6 months' <= u.time_stamp group by p."name", p.description, pw.cnt, p.prod_id, u.time_stamp order by pw.cnt desc limit 1; }}} == Доставувач со највеќе доставени продукти во изминатите 3 месеци == {{{#!sql select o.distributor_id as Dostavuvac , sum(d.cnt) as Br_Dostaveni_Produkti from project.distributor as o join ( select count(d.delivery_id) as cnt ,d.distributor_id, d.delivery_id from project.delivery as d where status='Delivered' AND now() - interval'3 months' <= d."date" group by d.delivery_id, d.distributor_id )as d on o.distributor_id = d.distributor_id group by o.distributor_id order by Br_Dostaveni_Produkti desc limit 1; }}}