from datetime import datetime import psycopg2 import config_read from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests # import sys # file_path = 'outputfile.txt' # sys.stdout = open(file_path, "w") # Call to read the configuration file and connect to database cinfo = config_read.get_databaseconfig("../postgresdb.config") db_connection = psycopg2.connect( database=cinfo[0], host=cinfo[1], user=cinfo[2], password=cinfo[3] ) cur = db_connection.cursor() mobitech_url = "" response1 = requests.get(mobitech_url) soup1 = BeautifulSoup(response1.content, 'html.parser') phones = soup1.find_all('div', {'class': 'jet-woo-products__inner-box'}) offer_shop = "Mobitech" # offer shop is_validated = False for phone in phones: offer_url = phone.find('h5', {'class': 'jet-woo-product-title'}).find('a').get('href') # url image_url = phone.find('div', {'class': 'jet-woo-product-thumbnail'}).find('img').get('src') # image brand = phone.find_next('div', {'class': 'jet-woo-product-categories'}).find('a').get_text().strip() # brand offer_name = phone.find('h5', {'class': 'jet-woo-product-title'}).find('a').get_text().strip() # offer_name if brand not in offer_name: offer_name = brand+" "+offer_name temp_prices = phone.find('div', {'class': 'jet-woo-product-price'}).find_all('bdi') price = int(float(temp_prices[len(temp_prices) - 1].get_text().replace("ден", "").replace(",", "").strip())) # price last_updated = # offer last_updated date response2 = requests.get(offer_url) soup2 = BeautifulSoup(response2.content, 'html.parser') specifications = soup2.find_all('h2', {'class': 'elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default'}) ram_memory = "" rom_memory = "" battery = "" back_camera = "" operating_system = "" for specification in specifications: # rom memory if specification.get_text().startswith("Меморија:"): rom_memory = specification.get_text().split("Меморија:")[1].strip() if rom_memory == "Нема" or rom_memory == "/": rom_memory = None # ram memory if specification.get_text().startswith("РАМ Меморија:"): ram_memory = specification.get_text().split("РАМ Меморија:")[1].strip() if ram_memory == "Нема" or ram_memory == "/": ram_memory = None # camera if specification.get_text().startswith("Камера:"): back_camera = specification.get_text().split("Камера:")[1].strip() if back_camera == "Нема": back_camera = None # operating system if specification.get_text().startswith("Оперативен систем:"): operating_system = specification.get_text().split("Оперативен систем:")[1].split(",")[0].strip() if operating_system == "Нема": operating_system = None # battery if specification.get_text().startswith("Батерија:"): battery = specification.get_text().split("Батерија:")[1].strip() if battery == "Нема": battery = None insert_script = 'INSERT INTO phone_offers (offer_shop, brand, offer_name, price, image_url, offer_url, ram_memory,' \ ' rom_memory, battery, back_camera, last_updated, operating_system, is_validated)' \ ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);' insert_value = (offer_shop, brand, offer_name, price, image_url, offer_url, ram_memory, rom_memory, battery, back_camera, last_updated, operating_system, is_validated) cur.execute(insert_script, insert_value) db_connection.commit() cur.close() db_connection.close()