"use strict"; // THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. TO UPDATE THIS FILE YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE // CORRESPONDING JSON SCHEMA FILE, THEN RUN devkit-admin build (or bazel build ...). Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.OutputHashing = exports.InlineStyleLanguage = exports.I18NMissingTranslation = exports.CrossOrigin = exports.Type = void 0; /** * The type of budget. */ var Type; (function (Type) { Type["All"] = "all"; Type["AllScript"] = "allScript"; Type["Any"] = "any"; Type["AnyComponentStyle"] = "anyComponentStyle"; Type["AnyScript"] = "anyScript"; Type["Bundle"] = "bundle"; Type["Initial"] = "initial"; })(Type = exports.Type || (exports.Type = {})); /** * Define the crossorigin attribute setting of elements that provide CORS support. */ var CrossOrigin; (function (CrossOrigin) { CrossOrigin["Anonymous"] = "anonymous"; CrossOrigin["None"] = "none"; CrossOrigin["UseCredentials"] = "use-credentials"; })(CrossOrigin = exports.CrossOrigin || (exports.CrossOrigin = {})); /** * How to handle missing translations for i18n. */ var I18NMissingTranslation; (function (I18NMissingTranslation) { I18NMissingTranslation["Error"] = "error"; I18NMissingTranslation["Ignore"] = "ignore"; I18NMissingTranslation["Warning"] = "warning"; })(I18NMissingTranslation = exports.I18NMissingTranslation || (exports.I18NMissingTranslation = {})); /** * The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles. */ var InlineStyleLanguage; (function (InlineStyleLanguage) { InlineStyleLanguage["Css"] = "css"; InlineStyleLanguage["Less"] = "less"; InlineStyleLanguage["Sass"] = "sass"; InlineStyleLanguage["Scss"] = "scss"; })(InlineStyleLanguage = exports.InlineStyleLanguage || (exports.InlineStyleLanguage = {})); /** * Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode. */ var OutputHashing; (function (OutputHashing) { OutputHashing["All"] = "all"; OutputHashing["Bundles"] = "bundles"; OutputHashing["Media"] = "media"; OutputHashing["None"] = "none"; })(OutputHashing = exports.OutputHashing || (exports.OutputHashing = {}));