"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.checkThresholds = exports.checkBudgets = exports.calculateThresholds = exports.ThresholdSeverity = void 0; const path_1 = require("path"); const schema_1 = require("../browser/schema"); const stats_1 = require("../webpack/utils/stats"); var ThresholdType; (function (ThresholdType) { ThresholdType["Max"] = "maximum"; ThresholdType["Min"] = "minimum"; })(ThresholdType || (ThresholdType = {})); var ThresholdSeverity; (function (ThresholdSeverity) { ThresholdSeverity["Warning"] = "warning"; ThresholdSeverity["Error"] = "error"; })(ThresholdSeverity = exports.ThresholdSeverity || (exports.ThresholdSeverity = {})); var DifferentialBuildType; (function (DifferentialBuildType) { DifferentialBuildType["ORIGINAL"] = "original"; DifferentialBuildType["DOWNLEVEL"] = "downlevel"; })(DifferentialBuildType || (DifferentialBuildType = {})); function* calculateThresholds(budget) { if (budget.maximumWarning) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.maximumWarning, budget.baseline, 1), type: ThresholdType.Max, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Warning, }; } if (budget.maximumError) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.maximumError, budget.baseline, 1), type: ThresholdType.Max, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Error, }; } if (budget.minimumWarning) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.minimumWarning, budget.baseline, -1), type: ThresholdType.Min, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Warning, }; } if (budget.minimumError) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.minimumError, budget.baseline, -1), type: ThresholdType.Min, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Error, }; } if (budget.warning) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.warning, budget.baseline, -1), type: ThresholdType.Min, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Warning, }; yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.warning, budget.baseline, 1), type: ThresholdType.Max, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Warning, }; } if (budget.error) { yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.error, budget.baseline, -1), type: ThresholdType.Min, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Error, }; yield { limit: calculateBytes(budget.error, budget.baseline, 1), type: ThresholdType.Max, severity: ThresholdSeverity.Error, }; } } exports.calculateThresholds = calculateThresholds; /** * Calculates the sizes for bundles in the budget type provided. */ function calculateSizes(budget, stats, processResults) { if (budget.type === schema_1.Type.AnyComponentStyle) { // Component style size information is not available post-build, this must // be checked mid-build via the `AnyComponentStyleBudgetChecker` plugin. throw new Error('Can not calculate size of AnyComponentStyle. Use `AnyComponentStyleBudgetChecker` instead.'); } const calculatorMap = { all: AllCalculator, allScript: AllScriptCalculator, any: AnyCalculator, anyScript: AnyScriptCalculator, bundle: BundleCalculator, initial: InitialCalculator, }; const ctor = calculatorMap[budget.type]; const { chunks, assets } = stats; if (!chunks) { throw new Error('Webpack stats output did not include chunk information.'); } if (!assets) { throw new Error('Webpack stats output did not include asset information.'); } const calculator = new ctor(budget, chunks, assets, processResults); return calculator.calculate(); } class Calculator { constructor(budget, chunks, assets, processResults) { this.budget = budget; this.chunks = chunks; this.assets = assets; this.processResults = processResults; } /** Calculates the size of the given chunk for the provided build type. */ calculateChunkSize(chunk, buildType) { // Look for a process result containing different builds for this chunk. const processResult = this.processResults.find((processResult) => { var _a; return processResult.name === ((_a = chunk.id) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()); }); if (processResult) { // Found a differential build, use the correct size information. const processResultFile = getDifferentialBuildResult(processResult, buildType); return (processResultFile && processResultFile.size) || 0; } else { // No differential builds, get the chunk size by summing its assets. if (!chunk.files) { return 0; } return chunk.files .filter((file) => !file.endsWith('.map')) .map((file) => { const asset = this.assets.find((asset) => asset.name === file); if (!asset) { throw new Error(`Could not find asset for file: ${file}`); } return asset.size; }) .reduce((l, r) => l + r, 0); } } getAssetSize(asset) { if (asset.name.endsWith('.js')) { const processResult = this.processResults.find((processResult) => processResult.original && path_1.basename(processResult.original.filename) === asset.name); if (processResult === null || processResult === void 0 ? void 0 : processResult.original) { return processResult.original.size; } } return asset.size; } } /** * A named bundle. */ class BundleCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { const budgetName = this.budget.name; if (!budgetName) { return []; } const buildTypeLabels = getBuildTypeLabels(this.processResults); // The chunk may or may not have differential builds. Compute the size for // each then check afterwards if they are all the same. const buildSizes = Object.values(DifferentialBuildType).map((buildType) => { const size = this.chunks .filter((chunk) => { var _a; return (_a = chunk === null || chunk === void 0 ? void 0 : chunk.names) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(budgetName); }) .map((chunk) => this.calculateChunkSize(chunk, buildType)) .reduce((l, r) => l + r, 0); return { size, label: `bundle ${this.budget.name}-${buildTypeLabels[buildType]}` }; }); // If this bundle was not actually generated by a differential build, then // merge the results into a single value. if (allEquivalent(buildSizes.map((buildSize) => buildSize.size))) { return mergeDifferentialBuildSizes(buildSizes, budgetName); } else { return buildSizes; } } } /** * The sum of all initial chunks (marked as initial). */ class InitialCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { const buildTypeLabels = getBuildTypeLabels(this.processResults); const buildSizes = Object.values(DifferentialBuildType).map((buildType) => { return { label: `bundle initial-${buildTypeLabels[buildType]}`, size: this.chunks .filter((chunk) => chunk.initial) .map((chunk) => this.calculateChunkSize(chunk, buildType)) .reduce((l, r) => l + r, 0), }; }); // If this bundle was not actually generated by a differential build, then // merge the results into a single value. if (allEquivalent(buildSizes.map((buildSize) => buildSize.size))) { return mergeDifferentialBuildSizes(buildSizes, 'initial'); } else { return buildSizes; } } } /** * The sum of all the scripts portions. */ class AllScriptCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { const size = this.assets .filter((asset) => asset.name.endsWith('.js')) .map((asset) => this.getAssetSize(asset)) .reduce((total, size) => total + size, 0); return [{ size, label: 'total scripts' }]; } } /** * All scripts and assets added together. */ class AllCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { const size = this.assets .filter((asset) => !asset.name.endsWith('.map')) .map((asset) => this.getAssetSize(asset)) .reduce((total, size) => total + size, 0); return [{ size, label: 'total' }]; } } /** * Any script, individually. */ class AnyScriptCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { return this.assets .filter((asset) => asset.name.endsWith('.js')) .map((asset) => ({ size: this.getAssetSize(asset), label: asset.name, })); } } /** * Any script or asset (images, css, etc). */ class AnyCalculator extends Calculator { calculate() { return this.assets .filter((asset) => !asset.name.endsWith('.map')) .map((asset) => ({ size: this.getAssetSize(asset), label: asset.name, })); } } /** * Calculate the bytes given a string value. */ function calculateBytes(input, baseline, factor = 1) { const matches = input.match(/^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(%|(?:[mM]|[kK]|[gG])?[bB])?\s*$/); if (!matches) { return NaN; } const baselineBytes = (baseline && calculateBytes(baseline)) || 0; let value = Number(matches[1]); switch (matches[2] && matches[2].toLowerCase()) { case '%': value = (baselineBytes * value) / 100; break; case 'kb': value *= 1024; break; case 'mb': value *= 1024 * 1024; break; case 'gb': value *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; } if (baselineBytes === 0) { return value; } return baselineBytes + value * factor; } function* checkBudgets(budgets, webpackStats, processResults) { // Ignore AnyComponentStyle budgets as these are handled in `AnyComponentStyleBudgetChecker`. const computableBudgets = budgets.filter((budget) => budget.type !== schema_1.Type.AnyComponentStyle); for (const budget of computableBudgets) { const sizes = calculateSizes(budget, webpackStats, processResults); for (const { size, label } of sizes) { yield* checkThresholds(calculateThresholds(budget), size, label); } } } exports.checkBudgets = checkBudgets; function* checkThresholds(thresholds, size, label) { for (const threshold of thresholds) { switch (threshold.type) { case ThresholdType.Max: { if (size <= threshold.limit) { continue; } const sizeDifference = stats_1.formatSize(size - threshold.limit); yield { severity: threshold.severity, message: `${label} exceeded maximum budget. Budget ${stats_1.formatSize(threshold.limit)} was not met by ${sizeDifference} with a total of ${stats_1.formatSize(size)}.`, }; break; } case ThresholdType.Min: { if (size >= threshold.limit) { continue; } const sizeDifference = stats_1.formatSize(threshold.limit - size); yield { severity: threshold.severity, message: `${label} failed to meet minimum budget. Budget ${stats_1.formatSize(threshold.limit)} was not met by ${sizeDifference} with a total of ${stats_1.formatSize(size)}.`, }; break; } default: { throw new Error(`Unexpected threshold type: ${ThresholdType[threshold.type]}`); } } } } exports.checkThresholds = checkThresholds; /** Returns the {@link ProcessBundleFile} for the given {@link DifferentialBuildType}. */ function getDifferentialBuildResult(processResult, buildType) { switch (buildType) { case DifferentialBuildType.ORIGINAL: return processResult.original || null; case DifferentialBuildType.DOWNLEVEL: return processResult.downlevel || null; } } /** * Merges the given differential builds into a single, non-differential value. * * Preconditions: All the sizes should be equivalent, or else they represent * differential builds. */ function mergeDifferentialBuildSizes(buildSizes, mergeLabel) { if (buildSizes.length === 0) { return []; } // Only one size. return [ { label: mergeLabel, size: buildSizes[0].size, }, ]; } /** Returns whether or not all items in the list are equivalent to each other. */ function allEquivalent(items) { return new Set(items).size < 2; } function getBuildTypeLabels(processResults) { var _a, _b, _c; const fileNameSuffixRegExp = /\-(es20\d{2}|esnext)\./; const originalFileName = (_b = (_a = processResults.find(({ original }) => (original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.filename) && fileNameSuffixRegExp.test(original.filename))) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.original) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filename; let originalSuffix; if (originalFileName) { originalSuffix = (_c = fileNameSuffixRegExp.exec(originalFileName)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[1]; } return { [DifferentialBuildType.DOWNLEVEL]: 'es5', [DifferentialBuildType.ORIGINAL]: originalSuffix || 'es2015', }; }