/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ const MAC_ENTER = 3; const BACKSPACE = 8; const TAB = 9; const NUM_CENTER = 12; const ENTER = 13; const SHIFT = 16; const CONTROL = 17; const ALT = 18; const PAUSE = 19; const CAPS_LOCK = 20; const ESCAPE = 27; const SPACE = 32; const PAGE_UP = 33; const PAGE_DOWN = 34; const END = 35; const HOME = 36; const LEFT_ARROW = 37; const UP_ARROW = 38; const RIGHT_ARROW = 39; const DOWN_ARROW = 40; const PLUS_SIGN = 43; const PRINT_SCREEN = 44; const INSERT = 45; const DELETE = 46; const ZERO = 48; const ONE = 49; const TWO = 50; const THREE = 51; const FOUR = 52; const FIVE = 53; const SIX = 54; const SEVEN = 55; const EIGHT = 56; const NINE = 57; const FF_SEMICOLON = 59; // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for semicolon instead of 186 const FF_EQUALS = 61; // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for equals instead of 187 const QUESTION_MARK = 63; const AT_SIGN = 64; const A = 65; const B = 66; const C = 67; const D = 68; const E = 69; const F = 70; const G = 71; const H = 72; const I = 73; const J = 74; const K = 75; const L = 76; const M = 77; const N = 78; const O = 79; const P = 80; const Q = 81; const R = 82; const S = 83; const T = 84; const U = 85; const V = 86; const W = 87; const X = 88; const Y = 89; const Z = 90; const META = 91; // WIN_KEY_LEFT const MAC_WK_CMD_LEFT = 91; const MAC_WK_CMD_RIGHT = 93; const CONTEXT_MENU = 93; const NUMPAD_ZERO = 96; const NUMPAD_ONE = 97; const NUMPAD_TWO = 98; const NUMPAD_THREE = 99; const NUMPAD_FOUR = 100; const NUMPAD_FIVE = 101; const NUMPAD_SIX = 102; const NUMPAD_SEVEN = 103; const NUMPAD_EIGHT = 104; const NUMPAD_NINE = 105; const NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 106; const NUMPAD_PLUS = 107; const NUMPAD_MINUS = 109; const NUMPAD_PERIOD = 110; const NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 111; const F1 = 112; const F2 = 113; const F3 = 114; const F4 = 115; const F5 = 116; const F6 = 117; const F7 = 118; const F8 = 119; const F9 = 120; const F10 = 121; const F11 = 122; const F12 = 123; const NUM_LOCK = 144; const SCROLL_LOCK = 145; const FIRST_MEDIA = 166; const FF_MINUS = 173; const MUTE = 173; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 181 for MUTE const VOLUME_DOWN = 174; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 182 for VOLUME_DOWN const VOLUME_UP = 175; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 183 for VOLUME_UP const FF_MUTE = 181; const FF_VOLUME_DOWN = 182; const LAST_MEDIA = 183; const FF_VOLUME_UP = 183; const SEMICOLON = 186; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 59 for SEMICOLON const EQUALS = 187; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 61 for EQUALS const COMMA = 188; const DASH = 189; // Firefox (Gecko) fires 173 for DASH/MINUS const PERIOD = 190; const SLASH = 191; const APOSTROPHE = 192; const TILDE = 192; const OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = 219; const BACKSLASH = 220; const CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = 221; const SINGLE_QUOTE = 222; const MAC_META = 224; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /** * Checks whether a modifier key is pressed. * @param event Event to be checked. */ function hasModifierKey(event, ...modifiers) { if (modifiers.length) { return modifiers.some(modifier => event[modifier]); } return event.altKey || event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey; } /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /** * Generated bundle index. Do not edit. */ export { A, ALT, APOSTROPHE, AT_SIGN, B, BACKSLASH, BACKSPACE, C, CAPS_LOCK, CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, COMMA, CONTEXT_MENU, CONTROL, D, DASH, DELETE, DOWN_ARROW, E, EIGHT, END, ENTER, EQUALS, ESCAPE, F, F1, F10, F11, F12, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, FF_EQUALS, FF_MINUS, FF_MUTE, FF_SEMICOLON, FF_VOLUME_DOWN, FF_VOLUME_UP, FIRST_MEDIA, FIVE, FOUR, G, H, HOME, I, INSERT, J, K, L, LAST_MEDIA, LEFT_ARROW, M, MAC_ENTER, MAC_META, MAC_WK_CMD_LEFT, MAC_WK_CMD_RIGHT, META, MUTE, N, NINE, NUMPAD_DIVIDE, NUMPAD_EIGHT, NUMPAD_FIVE, NUMPAD_FOUR, NUMPAD_MINUS, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY, NUMPAD_NINE, NUMPAD_ONE, NUMPAD_PERIOD, NUMPAD_PLUS, NUMPAD_SEVEN, NUMPAD_SIX, NUMPAD_THREE, NUMPAD_TWO, NUMPAD_ZERO, NUM_CENTER, NUM_LOCK, O, ONE, OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, P, PAGE_DOWN, PAGE_UP, PAUSE, PERIOD, PLUS_SIGN, PRINT_SCREEN, Q, QUESTION_MARK, R, RIGHT_ARROW, S, SCROLL_LOCK, SEMICOLON, SEVEN, SHIFT, SINGLE_QUOTE, SIX, SLASH, SPACE, T, TAB, THREE, TILDE, TWO, U, UP_ARROW, V, VOLUME_DOWN, VOLUME_UP, W, X, Y, Z, ZERO, hasModifierKey }; //# sourceMappingURL=keycodes.js.map