"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.UpdateCommand = void 0; const schematics_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics"); const tools_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics/tools"); const child_process_1 = require("child_process"); const fs = __importStar(require("fs")); const npm_package_arg_1 = __importDefault(require("npm-package-arg")); const path = __importStar(require("path")); const semver = __importStar(require("semver")); const workspace_schema_1 = require("../lib/config/workspace-schema"); const command_1 = require("../models/command"); const schematic_engine_host_1 = require("../models/schematic-engine-host"); const version_1 = require("../models/version"); const color_1 = require("../utilities/color"); const install_package_1 = require("../utilities/install-package"); const log_file_1 = require("../utilities/log-file"); const package_manager_1 = require("../utilities/package-manager"); const package_metadata_1 = require("../utilities/package-metadata"); const package_tree_1 = require("../utilities/package-tree"); const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest'); const NG_VERSION_9_POST_MSG = color_1.colors.cyan('\nYour project has been updated to Angular version 9!\n' + 'For more info, please see: https://v9.angular.io/guide/updating-to-version-9'); const UPDATE_SCHEMATIC_COLLECTION = path.join(__dirname, '../src/commands/update/schematic/collection.json'); /** * Disable CLI version mismatch checks and forces usage of the invoked CLI * instead of invoking the local installed version. */ const disableVersionCheckEnv = process.env['NG_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK']; const disableVersionCheck = disableVersionCheckEnv !== undefined && disableVersionCheckEnv !== '0' && disableVersionCheckEnv.toLowerCase() !== 'false'; class UpdateCommand extends command_1.Command { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.allowMissingWorkspace = true; this.packageManager = workspace_schema_1.PackageManager.Npm; } async initialize(options) { this.packageManager = await package_manager_1.getPackageManager(this.context.root); this.workflow = new tools_1.NodeWorkflow(this.context.root, { packageManager: this.packageManager, packageManagerForce: options.force, // __dirname -> favor @schematics/update from this package // Otherwise, use packages from the active workspace (migrations) resolvePaths: [__dirname, this.context.root], schemaValidation: true, engineHostCreator: (options) => new schematic_engine_host_1.SchematicEngineHost(options.resolvePaths), }); } async executeSchematic(collection, schematic, options = {}) { let error = false; let logs = []; const files = new Set(); const reporterSubscription = this.workflow.reporter.subscribe((event) => { // Strip leading slash to prevent confusion. const eventPath = event.path.startsWith('/') ? event.path.substr(1) : event.path; switch (event.kind) { case 'error': error = true; const desc = event.description == 'alreadyExist' ? 'already exists' : 'does not exist.'; this.logger.error(`ERROR! ${eventPath} ${desc}.`); break; case 'update': logs.push(`${color_1.colors.cyan('UPDATE')} ${eventPath} (${event.content.length} bytes)`); files.add(eventPath); break; case 'create': logs.push(`${color_1.colors.green('CREATE')} ${eventPath} (${event.content.length} bytes)`); files.add(eventPath); break; case 'delete': logs.push(`${color_1.colors.yellow('DELETE')} ${eventPath}`); files.add(eventPath); break; case 'rename': const eventToPath = event.to.startsWith('/') ? event.to.substr(1) : event.to; logs.push(`${color_1.colors.blue('RENAME')} ${eventPath} => ${eventToPath}`); files.add(eventPath); break; } }); const lifecycleSubscription = this.workflow.lifeCycle.subscribe((event) => { if (event.kind == 'end' || event.kind == 'post-tasks-start') { if (!error) { // Output the logging queue, no error happened. logs.forEach((log) => this.logger.info(` ${log}`)); logs = []; } } }); // TODO: Allow passing a schematic instance directly try { await this.workflow .execute({ collection, schematic, options, logger: this.logger, }) .toPromise(); reporterSubscription.unsubscribe(); lifecycleSubscription.unsubscribe(); return { success: !error, files }; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof schematics_1.UnsuccessfulWorkflowExecution) { this.logger.error(`${color_1.colors.symbols.cross} Migration failed. See above for further details.\n`); } else { const logPath = log_file_1.writeErrorToLogFile(e); this.logger.fatal(`${color_1.colors.symbols.cross} Migration failed: ${e.message}\n` + ` See "${logPath}" for further details.\n`); } return { success: false, files }; } } /** * @return Whether or not the migration was performed successfully. */ async executeMigration(packageName, collectionPath, migrationName, commit) { const collection = this.workflow.engine.createCollection(collectionPath); const name = collection.listSchematicNames().find((name) => name === migrationName); if (!name) { this.logger.error(`Cannot find migration '${migrationName}' in '${packageName}'.`); return false; } const schematic = this.workflow.engine.createSchematic(name, collection); this.logger.info(color_1.colors.cyan(`** Executing '${migrationName}' of package '${packageName}' **\n`)); return this.executePackageMigrations([schematic.description], packageName, commit); } /** * @return Whether or not the migrations were performed successfully. */ async executeMigrations(packageName, collectionPath, from, to, commit) { const collection = this.workflow.engine.createCollection(collectionPath); const migrationRange = new semver.Range('>' + (semver.prerelease(from) ? from.split('-')[0] + '-0' : from) + ' <=' + to.split('-')[0]); const migrations = []; for (const name of collection.listSchematicNames()) { const schematic = this.workflow.engine.createSchematic(name, collection); const description = schematic.description; description.version = coerceVersionNumber(description.version) || undefined; if (!description.version) { continue; } if (semver.satisfies(description.version, migrationRange, { includePrerelease: true })) { migrations.push(description); } } migrations.sort((a, b) => semver.compare(a.version, b.version) || a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); if (migrations.length === 0) { return true; } this.logger.info(color_1.colors.cyan(`** Executing migrations of package '${packageName}' **\n`)); return this.executePackageMigrations(migrations, packageName, commit); } async executePackageMigrations(migrations, packageName, commit = false) { for (const migration of migrations) { const [title, ...description] = migration.description.split('. '); this.logger.info(color_1.colors.cyan(color_1.colors.symbols.pointer) + ' ' + color_1.colors.bold(title.endsWith('.') ? title : title + '.')); if (description.length) { this.logger.info(' ' + description.join('.\n ')); } const result = await this.executeSchematic(migration.collection.name, migration.name); if (!result.success) { return false; } this.logger.info(' Migration completed.'); // Commit migration if (commit) { const commitPrefix = `${packageName} migration - ${migration.name}`; const commitMessage = migration.description ? `${commitPrefix}\n\n${migration.description}` : commitPrefix; const committed = this.commit(commitMessage); if (!committed) { // Failed to commit, something went wrong. Abort the update. return false; } } this.logger.info(''); // Extra trailing newline. } return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function async run(options) { var _a, _b; await package_manager_1.ensureCompatibleNpm(this.context.root); // Check if the current installed CLI version is older than the latest version. if (!disableVersionCheck && (await this.checkCLILatestVersion(options.verbose, options.next))) { this.logger.warn(`The installed local Angular CLI version is older than the latest ${options.next ? 'pre-release' : 'stable'} version.\n` + 'Installing a temporary version to perform the update.'); return install_package_1.runTempPackageBin(`@angular/cli@${options.next ? 'next' : 'latest'}`, this.packageManager, process.argv.slice(2)); } const logVerbose = (message) => { if (options.verbose) { this.logger.info(message); } }; if (options.all) { const updateCmd = this.packageManager === workspace_schema_1.PackageManager.Yarn ? `'yarn upgrade-interactive' or 'yarn upgrade'` : `'${this.packageManager} update'`; this.logger.warn(` '--all' functionality has been removed as updating multiple packages at once is not recommended. To update packages which don’t provide 'ng update' capabilities in your workspace 'package.json' use ${updateCmd} instead. Run the package manager update command after updating packages which provide 'ng update' capabilities. `); return 0; } const packages = []; for (const request of options['--'] || []) { try { const packageIdentifier = npm_package_arg_1.default(request); // only registry identifiers are supported if (!packageIdentifier.registry) { this.logger.error(`Package '${request}' is not a registry package identifer.`); return 1; } if (packages.some((v) => v.name === packageIdentifier.name)) { this.logger.error(`Duplicate package '${packageIdentifier.name}' specified.`); return 1; } if (options.migrateOnly && packageIdentifier.rawSpec) { this.logger.warn('Package specifier has no effect when using "migrate-only" option.'); } // If next option is used and no specifier supplied, use next tag if (options.next && !packageIdentifier.rawSpec) { packageIdentifier.fetchSpec = 'next'; } packages.push(packageIdentifier); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(e.message); return 1; } } if (!options.migrateOnly && (options.from || options.to)) { this.logger.error('Can only use "from" or "to" options with "migrate-only" option.'); return 1; } // If not asking for status then check for a clean git repository. // This allows the user to easily reset any changes from the update. if (packages.length && !this.checkCleanGit()) { if (options.allowDirty) { this.logger.warn('Repository is not clean. Update changes will be mixed with pre-existing changes.'); } else { this.logger.error('Repository is not clean. Please commit or stash any changes before updating.'); return 2; } } this.logger.info(`Using package manager: '${this.packageManager}'`); this.logger.info('Collecting installed dependencies...'); const rootDependencies = await package_tree_1.getProjectDependencies(this.context.root); this.logger.info(`Found ${rootDependencies.size} dependencies.`); if (packages.length === 0) { // Show status const { success } = await this.executeSchematic(UPDATE_SCHEMATIC_COLLECTION, 'update', { force: options.force || false, next: options.next || false, verbose: options.verbose || false, packageManager: this.packageManager, packages: [], }); return success ? 0 : 1; } if (options.migrateOnly) { if (!options.from && typeof options.migrateOnly !== 'string') { this.logger.error('"from" option is required when using the "migrate-only" option without a migration name.'); return 1; } else if (packages.length !== 1) { this.logger.error('A single package must be specified when using the "migrate-only" option.'); return 1; } if (options.next) { this.logger.warn('"next" option has no effect when using "migrate-only" option.'); } const packageName = packages[0].name; const packageDependency = rootDependencies.get(packageName); let packagePath = packageDependency === null || packageDependency === void 0 ? void 0 : packageDependency.path; let packageNode = packageDependency === null || packageDependency === void 0 ? void 0 : packageDependency.package; if (packageDependency && !packageNode) { this.logger.error('Package found in package.json but is not installed.'); return 1; } else if (!packageDependency) { // Allow running migrations on transitively installed dependencies // There can technically be nested multiple versions // TODO: If multiple, this should find all versions and ask which one to use const packageJson = package_tree_1.findPackageJson(this.context.root, packageName); if (packageJson) { packagePath = path.dirname(packageJson); packageNode = await package_tree_1.readPackageJson(packageJson); } } if (!packageNode || !packagePath) { this.logger.error('Package is not installed.'); return 1; } const updateMetadata = packageNode['ng-update']; let migrations = updateMetadata === null || updateMetadata === void 0 ? void 0 : updateMetadata.migrations; if (migrations === undefined) { this.logger.error('Package does not provide migrations.'); return 1; } else if (typeof migrations !== 'string') { this.logger.error('Package contains a malformed migrations field.'); return 1; } else if (path.posix.isAbsolute(migrations) || path.win32.isAbsolute(migrations)) { this.logger.error('Package contains an invalid migrations field. Absolute paths are not permitted.'); return 1; } // Normalize slashes migrations = migrations.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (migrations.startsWith('../')) { this.logger.error('Package contains an invalid migrations field. ' + 'Paths outside the package root are not permitted.'); return 1; } // Check if it is a package-local location const localMigrations = path.join(packagePath, migrations); if (fs.existsSync(localMigrations)) { migrations = localMigrations; } else { // Try to resolve from package location. // This avoids issues with package hoisting. try { migrations = require.resolve(migrations, { paths: [packagePath] }); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { this.logger.error('Migrations for package were not found.'); } else { this.logger.error(`Unable to resolve migrations for package. [${e.message}]`); } return 1; } } let success = false; if (typeof options.migrateOnly == 'string') { success = await this.executeMigration(packageName, migrations, options.migrateOnly, options.createCommits); } else { const from = coerceVersionNumber(options.from); if (!from) { this.logger.error(`"from" value [${options.from}] is not a valid version.`); return 1; } success = await this.executeMigrations(packageName, migrations, from, options.to || packageNode.version, options.createCommits); } if (success) { if (packageName === '@angular/core' && options.from && +options.from.split('.')[0] < 9 && (options.to || packageNode.version).split('.')[0] === '9') { this.logger.info(NG_VERSION_9_POST_MSG); } return 0; } return 1; } const requests = []; // Validate packages actually are part of the workspace for (const pkg of packages) { const node = rootDependencies.get(pkg.name); if (!(node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.package)) { this.logger.error(`Package '${pkg.name}' is not a dependency.`); return 1; } // If a specific version is requested and matches the installed version, skip. if (pkg.type === 'version' && node.package.version === pkg.fetchSpec) { this.logger.info(`Package '${pkg.name}' is already at '${pkg.fetchSpec}'.`); continue; } requests.push({ identifier: pkg, node }); } if (requests.length === 0) { return 0; } const packagesToUpdate = []; this.logger.info('Fetching dependency metadata from registry...'); for (const { identifier: requestIdentifier, node } of requests) { const packageName = requestIdentifier.name; let metadata; try { // Metadata requests are internally cached; multiple requests for same name // does not result in additional network traffic metadata = await package_metadata_1.fetchPackageMetadata(packageName, this.logger, { verbose: options.verbose, }); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(`Error fetching metadata for '${packageName}': ` + e.message); return 1; } // Try to find a package version based on the user requested package specifier // registry specifier types are either version, range, or tag let manifest; if (requestIdentifier.type === 'version' || requestIdentifier.type === 'range' || requestIdentifier.type === 'tag') { try { manifest = pickManifest(metadata, requestIdentifier.fetchSpec); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ETARGET') { // If not found and next was used and user did not provide a specifier, try latest. // Package may not have a next tag. if (requestIdentifier.type === 'tag' && requestIdentifier.fetchSpec === 'next' && !requestIdentifier.rawSpec) { try { manifest = pickManifest(metadata, 'latest'); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'ETARGET' && e.code !== 'ENOVERSIONS') { throw e; } } } } else if (e.code !== 'ENOVERSIONS') { throw e; } } } if (!manifest) { this.logger.error(`Package specified by '${requestIdentifier.raw}' does not exist within the registry.`); return 1; } if (((_a = node.package) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === '@angular/cli') { // Migrations for non LTS versions of Angular CLI are no longer included in @schematics/angular v12. const toBeInstalledMajorVersion = +manifest.version.split('.')[0]; const currentMajorVersion = +node.package.version.split('.')[0]; if (currentMajorVersion < 9 && toBeInstalledMajorVersion >= 12) { const updateVersions = { 1: 6, 6: 7, 7: 8, 8: 9, }; const updateTo = updateVersions[currentMajorVersion]; this.logger.error('Updating multiple major versions at once is not recommended. ' + `Run 'ng update @angular/cli@${updateTo}' in your workspace directory ` + `to update to latest '${updateTo}.x' version of '@angular/cli'.\n\n` + 'For more information about the update process, see https://update.angular.io/.'); return 1; } } if (manifest.version === ((_b = node.package) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.version)) { this.logger.info(`Package '${packageName}' is already up to date.`); continue; } packagesToUpdate.push(requestIdentifier.toString()); } if (packagesToUpdate.length === 0) { return 0; } const { success } = await this.executeSchematic(UPDATE_SCHEMATIC_COLLECTION, 'update', { verbose: options.verbose || false, force: options.force || false, next: !!options.next, packageManager: this.packageManager, packages: packagesToUpdate, }); if (success) { try { // Remove existing node modules directory to provide a stronger guarantee that packages // will be hoisted into the correct locations. await fs.promises.rmdir(path.join(this.context.root, 'node_modules'), { recursive: true, maxRetries: 3, }); } catch { } const result = await install_package_1.installAllPackages(this.packageManager, options.force ? ['--force'] : [], this.context.root); if (result !== 0) { return result; } } if (success && options.createCommits) { const committed = this.commit(`Angular CLI update for packages - ${packagesToUpdate.join(', ')}`); if (!committed) { return 1; } } // This is a temporary workaround to allow data to be passed back from the update schematic // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const migrations = global.externalMigrations; if (success && migrations) { for (const migration of migrations) { // Resolve the package from the workspace root, as otherwise it will be resolved from the temp // installed CLI version. let packagePath; logVerbose(`Resolving migration package '${migration.package}' from '${this.context.root}'...`); try { try { packagePath = path.dirname( // This may fail if the `package.json` is not exported as an entry point require.resolve(path.join(migration.package, 'package.json'), { paths: [this.context.root], })); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { // Fallback to trying to resolve the package's main entry point packagePath = require.resolve(migration.package, { paths: [this.context.root] }); } else { throw e; } } } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { logVerbose(e.toString()); this.logger.error(`Migrations for package (${migration.package}) were not found.` + ' The package could not be found in the workspace.'); } else { this.logger.error(`Unable to resolve migrations for package (${migration.package}). [${e.message}]`); } return 1; } let migrations; // Check if it is a package-local location const localMigrations = path.join(packagePath, migration.collection); if (fs.existsSync(localMigrations)) { migrations = localMigrations; } else { // Try to resolve from package location. // This avoids issues with package hoisting. try { migrations = require.resolve(migration.collection, { paths: [packagePath] }); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { this.logger.error(`Migrations for package (${migration.package}) were not found.`); } else { this.logger.error(`Unable to resolve migrations for package (${migration.package}). [${e.message}]`); } return 1; } } const result = await this.executeMigrations(migration.package, migrations, migration.from, migration.to, options.createCommits); if (!result) { return 0; } } if (migrations.some((m) => m.package === '@angular/core' && m.to.split('.')[0] === '9' && +m.from.split('.')[0] < 9)) { this.logger.info(NG_VERSION_9_POST_MSG); } } return success ? 0 : 1; } /** * @return Whether or not the commit was successful. */ commit(message) { // Check if a commit is needed. let commitNeeded; try { commitNeeded = hasChangesToCommit(); } catch (err) { this.logger.error(` Failed to read Git tree:\n${err.stderr}`); return false; } if (!commitNeeded) { this.logger.info(' No changes to commit after migration.'); return true; } // Commit changes and abort on error. try { createCommit(message); } catch (err) { this.logger.error(`Failed to commit update (${message}):\n${err.stderr}`); return false; } // Notify user of the commit. const hash = findCurrentGitSha(); const shortMessage = message.split('\n')[0]; if (hash) { this.logger.info(` Committed migration step (${getShortHash(hash)}): ${shortMessage}.`); } else { // Commit was successful, but reading the hash was not. Something weird happened, // but nothing that would stop the update. Just log the weirdness and continue. this.logger.info(` Committed migration step: ${shortMessage}.`); this.logger.warn(' Failed to look up hash of most recent commit, continuing anyways.'); } return true; } checkCleanGit() { try { const topLevel = child_process_1.execSync('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'pipe', }); const result = child_process_1.execSync('git status --porcelain', { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'pipe' }); if (result.trim().length === 0) { return true; } // Only files inside the workspace root are relevant for (const entry of result.split('\n')) { const relativeEntry = path.relative(path.resolve(this.context.root), path.resolve(topLevel.trim(), entry.slice(3).trim())); if (!relativeEntry.startsWith('..') && !path.isAbsolute(relativeEntry)) { return false; } } } catch { } return true; } /** * Checks if the current installed CLI version is older than the latest version. * @returns `true` when the installed version is older. */ async checkCLILatestVersion(verbose = false, next = false) { const installedCLIVersion = version_1.VERSION.full; const LatestCLIManifest = await package_metadata_1.fetchPackageManifest(`@angular/cli@${next ? 'next' : 'latest'}`, this.logger, { verbose, usingYarn: this.packageManager === workspace_schema_1.PackageManager.Yarn, }); return semver.lt(installedCLIVersion, LatestCLIManifest.version); } } exports.UpdateCommand = UpdateCommand; /** * @return Whether or not the working directory has Git changes to commit. */ function hasChangesToCommit() { // List all modified files not covered by .gitignore. const files = child_process_1.execSync('git ls-files -m -d -o --exclude-standard').toString(); // If any files are returned, then there must be something to commit. return files !== ''; } /** * Precondition: Must have pending changes to commit, they do not need to be staged. * Postcondition: The Git working tree is committed and the repo is clean. * @param message The commit message to use. */ function createCommit(message) { // Stage entire working tree for commit. child_process_1.execSync('git add -A', { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'pipe' }); // Commit with the message passed via stdin to avoid bash escaping issues. child_process_1.execSync('git commit --no-verify -F -', { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'pipe', input: message }); } /** * @return The Git SHA hash of the HEAD commit. Returns null if unable to retrieve the hash. */ function findCurrentGitSha() { try { const hash = child_process_1.execSync('git rev-parse HEAD', { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'pipe' }); return hash.trim(); } catch { return null; } } function getShortHash(commitHash) { return commitHash.slice(0, 9); } function coerceVersionNumber(version) { if (!version) { return null; } if (!version.match(/^\d{1,30}\.\d{1,30}\.\d{1,30}/)) { const match = version.match(/^\d{1,30}(\.\d{1,30})*/); if (!match) { return null; } if (!match[1]) { version = version.substr(0, match[0].length) + '.0.0' + version.substr(match[0].length); } else if (!match[2]) { version = version.substr(0, match[0].length) + '.0' + version.substr(match[0].length); } else { return null; } } return semver.valid(version); }