"use strict"; // THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. TO UPDATE THIS FILE YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE // CORRESPONDING JSON SCHEMA FILE, THEN RUN devkit-admin build (or bazel build ...). Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Implement = exports.SchematicsAngularComponentStyle = exports.ChangeDetection = exports.ViewEncapsulation = exports.SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle = exports.PackageManager = void 0; /** * Specify which package manager tool to use. * * The package manager used to install dependencies. */ var PackageManager; (function (PackageManager) { PackageManager["Cnpm"] = "cnpm"; PackageManager["Npm"] = "npm"; PackageManager["Pnpm"] = "pnpm"; PackageManager["Yarn"] = "yarn"; })(PackageManager = exports.PackageManager || (exports.PackageManager = {})); /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files. */ var SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle; (function (SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle) { SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle["Css"] = "css"; SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle["Less"] = "less"; SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle["Sass"] = "sass"; SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle["Scss"] = "scss"; })(SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle = exports.SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle || (exports.SchematicsAngularApplicationStyle = {})); /** * The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new application. * * The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component. * * The view encapsulation strategy to use in the initial project. */ var ViewEncapsulation; (function (ViewEncapsulation) { ViewEncapsulation["Emulated"] = "Emulated"; ViewEncapsulation["None"] = "None"; ViewEncapsulation["ShadowDom"] = "ShadowDom"; })(ViewEncapsulation = exports.ViewEncapsulation || (exports.ViewEncapsulation = {})); /** * The change detection strategy to use in the new component. */ var ChangeDetection; (function (ChangeDetection) { ChangeDetection["Default"] = "Default"; ChangeDetection["OnPush"] = "OnPush"; })(ChangeDetection = exports.ChangeDetection || (exports.ChangeDetection = {})); /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files, or 'none' to skip generating * the style file. */ var SchematicsAngularComponentStyle; (function (SchematicsAngularComponentStyle) { SchematicsAngularComponentStyle["Css"] = "css"; SchematicsAngularComponentStyle["Less"] = "less"; SchematicsAngularComponentStyle["None"] = "none"; SchematicsAngularComponentStyle["Sass"] = "sass"; SchematicsAngularComponentStyle["Scss"] = "scss"; })(SchematicsAngularComponentStyle = exports.SchematicsAngularComponentStyle || (exports.SchematicsAngularComponentStyle = {})); var Implement; (function (Implement) { Implement["CanActivate"] = "CanActivate"; Implement["CanActivateChild"] = "CanActivateChild"; Implement["CanDeactivate"] = "CanDeactivate"; Implement["CanLoad"] = "CanLoad"; })(Implement = exports.Implement || (exports.Implement = {}));