"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ArchitectCommand = void 0; const architect_1 = require("@angular-devkit/architect"); const node_1 = require("@angular-devkit/architect/node"); const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core"); const json_schema_1 = require("../utilities/json-schema"); const analytics_1 = require("./analytics"); const command_1 = require("./command"); const parser_1 = require("./parser"); class ArchitectCommand extends command_1.Command { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.useReportAnalytics = false; // If this command supports running multiple targets. this.multiTarget = false; } async initialize(options) { this._registry = new core_1.json.schema.CoreSchemaRegistry(); this._registry.addPostTransform(core_1.json.schema.transforms.addUndefinedDefaults); this._registry.useXDeprecatedProvider((msg) => this.logger.warn(msg)); if (!this.workspace) { this.logger.fatal('A workspace is required for this command.'); return 1; } this._architectHost = new node_1.WorkspaceNodeModulesArchitectHost(this.workspace, this.workspace.basePath); this._architect = new architect_1.Architect(this._architectHost, this._registry); if (!this.target) { if (options.help) { // This is a special case where we just return. return; } const specifier = this._makeTargetSpecifier(options); if (!specifier.project || !specifier.target) { this.logger.fatal('Cannot determine project or target for command.'); return 1; } return; } let projectName = options.project; if (projectName && !this.workspace.projects.has(projectName)) { this.logger.fatal(`Project '${projectName}' does not exist.`); return 1; } const commandLeftovers = options['--']; const targetProjectNames = []; for (const [name, project] of this.workspace.projects) { if (project.targets.has(this.target)) { targetProjectNames.push(name); } } if (targetProjectNames.length === 0) { this.logger.fatal(this.missingTargetError || `No projects support the '${this.target}' target.`); return 1; } if (projectName && !targetProjectNames.includes(projectName)) { this.logger.fatal(this.missingTargetError || `Project '${projectName}' does not support the '${this.target}' target.`); return 1; } if (!projectName && commandLeftovers && commandLeftovers.length > 0) { const builderNames = new Set(); const leftoverMap = new Map(); let potentialProjectNames = new Set(targetProjectNames); for (const name of targetProjectNames) { const builderName = await this._architectHost.getBuilderNameForTarget({ project: name, target: this.target, }); if (this.multiTarget) { builderNames.add(builderName); } const builderDesc = await this._architectHost.resolveBuilder(builderName); const optionDefs = await json_schema_1.parseJsonSchemaToOptions(this._registry, builderDesc.optionSchema); const parsedOptions = parser_1.parseArguments([...commandLeftovers], optionDefs); const builderLeftovers = parsedOptions['--'] || []; leftoverMap.set(name, { optionDefs, parsedOptions }); potentialProjectNames = new Set(builderLeftovers.filter((x) => potentialProjectNames.has(x))); } if (potentialProjectNames.size === 1) { projectName = [...potentialProjectNames][0]; // remove the project name from the leftovers const optionInfo = leftoverMap.get(projectName); if (optionInfo) { const locations = []; let i = 0; while (i < commandLeftovers.length) { i = commandLeftovers.indexOf(projectName, i + 1); if (i === -1) { break; } locations.push(i); } delete optionInfo.parsedOptions['--']; for (const location of locations) { const tempLeftovers = [...commandLeftovers]; tempLeftovers.splice(location, 1); const tempArgs = parser_1.parseArguments([...tempLeftovers], optionInfo.optionDefs); delete tempArgs['--']; if (JSON.stringify(optionInfo.parsedOptions) === JSON.stringify(tempArgs)) { options['--'] = tempLeftovers; break; } } } } if (!projectName && this.multiTarget && builderNames.size > 1) { this.logger.fatal(core_1.tags.oneLine ` Architect commands with command line overrides cannot target different builders. The '${this.target}' target would run on projects ${targetProjectNames.join()} which have the following builders: ${'\n ' + [...builderNames].join('\n ')} `); return 1; } } if (!projectName && !this.multiTarget) { const defaultProjectName = this.workspace.extensions['defaultProject']; if (targetProjectNames.length === 1) { projectName = targetProjectNames[0]; } else if (defaultProjectName && targetProjectNames.includes(defaultProjectName)) { projectName = defaultProjectName; } else if (options.help) { // This is a special case where we just return. return; } else { this.logger.fatal(this.missingTargetError || 'Cannot determine project or target for command.'); return 1; } } options.project = projectName; const builderConf = await this._architectHost.getBuilderNameForTarget({ project: projectName || (targetProjectNames.length > 0 ? targetProjectNames[0] : ''), target: this.target, }); const builderDesc = await this._architectHost.resolveBuilder(builderConf); this.description.options.push(...(await json_schema_1.parseJsonSchemaToOptions(this._registry, builderDesc.optionSchema))); // Update options to remove analytics from options if the builder isn't safelisted. for (const o of this.description.options) { if (o.userAnalytics && !analytics_1.isPackageNameSafeForAnalytics(builderConf)) { o.userAnalytics = undefined; } } } async run(options) { return await this.runArchitectTarget(options); } async runSingleTarget(target, targetOptions) { // We need to build the builderSpec twice because architect does not understand // overrides separately (getting the configuration builds the whole project, including // overrides). const builderConf = await this._architectHost.getBuilderNameForTarget(target); const builderDesc = await this._architectHost.resolveBuilder(builderConf); const targetOptionArray = await json_schema_1.parseJsonSchemaToOptions(this._registry, builderDesc.optionSchema); const overrides = parser_1.parseArguments(targetOptions, targetOptionArray, this.logger); const allowAdditionalProperties = typeof builderDesc.optionSchema === 'object' && builderDesc.optionSchema.additionalProperties; if (overrides['--'] && !allowAdditionalProperties) { (overrides['--'] || []).forEach((additional) => { this.logger.fatal(`Unknown option: '${additional.split(/=/)[0]}'`); }); return 1; } await this.reportAnalytics([this.description.name], { ...(await this._architectHost.getOptionsForTarget(target)), ...overrides, }); const run = await this._architect.scheduleTarget(target, overrides, { logger: this.logger, analytics: analytics_1.isPackageNameSafeForAnalytics(builderConf) ? this.analytics : undefined, }); const { error, success } = await run.output.toPromise(); await run.stop(); if (error) { this.logger.error(error); } return success ? 0 : 1; } async runArchitectTarget(options) { var _a; const extra = options['--'] || []; try { const targetSpec = this._makeTargetSpecifier(options); if (!targetSpec.project && this.target) { // This runs each target sequentially. // Running them in parallel would jumble the log messages. let result = 0; for (const project of this.getProjectNamesByTarget(this.target)) { result |= await this.runSingleTarget({ ...targetSpec, project }, extra); } return result; } else { return await this.runSingleTarget(targetSpec, extra); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof core_1.schema.SchemaValidationException) { const newErrors = []; for (const schemaError of e.errors) { if (schemaError.keyword === 'additionalProperties') { const unknownProperty = (_a = schemaError.params) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.additionalProperty; if (unknownProperty in options) { const dashes = unknownProperty.length === 1 ? '-' : '--'; this.logger.fatal(`Unknown option: '${dashes}${unknownProperty}'`); continue; } } newErrors.push(schemaError); } if (newErrors.length > 0) { this.logger.error(new core_1.schema.SchemaValidationException(newErrors).message); } return 1; } else { throw e; } } } getProjectNamesByTarget(targetName) { const allProjectsForTargetName = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion for (const [name, project] of this.workspace.projects) { if (project.targets.has(targetName)) { allProjectsForTargetName.push(name); } } if (this.multiTarget) { // For multi target commands, we always list all projects that have the target. return allProjectsForTargetName; } else { // For single target commands, we try the default project first, // then the full list if it has a single project, then error out. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const maybeDefaultProject = this.workspace.extensions['defaultProject']; if (maybeDefaultProject && allProjectsForTargetName.includes(maybeDefaultProject)) { return [maybeDefaultProject]; } if (allProjectsForTargetName.length === 1) { return allProjectsForTargetName; } throw new Error(`Could not determine a single project for the '${targetName}' target.`); } } _makeTargetSpecifier(commandOptions) { var _a, _b, _c; let project, target, configuration; if (commandOptions.target) { [project, target, configuration] = commandOptions.target.split(':'); if (commandOptions.configuration) { configuration = commandOptions.configuration; } } else { project = commandOptions.project; target = this.target; if (commandOptions.prod) { const defaultConfig = project && target && ((_c = (_b = (_a = this.workspace) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.projects.get(project)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.targets.get(target)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.defaultConfiguration); this.logger.warn(defaultConfig === 'production' ? 'Option "--prod" is deprecated: No need to use this option as this builder defaults to configuration "production".' : 'Option "--prod" is deprecated: Use "--configuration production" instead.'); // The --prod flag will always be the first configuration, available to be overwritten // by following configurations. configuration = 'production'; } if (commandOptions.configuration) { configuration = `${configuration ? `${configuration},` : ''}${commandOptions.configuration}`; } } if (!project) { project = ''; } if (!target) { target = ''; } return { project, configuration: configuration || '', target, }; } } exports.ArchitectCommand = ArchitectCommand;