"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Command = void 0; const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core"); const color_1 = require("../utilities/color"); const interface_1 = require("./interface"); class Command { constructor(context, description, logger) { this.context = context; this.description = description; this.logger = logger; this.allowMissingWorkspace = false; this.useReportAnalytics = true; this.workspace = context.workspace; this.analytics = context.analytics || new core_1.analytics.NoopAnalytics(); } static setCommandMap(map) { this.commandMap = map; } async initialize(options) { } async printHelp() { await this.printHelpUsage(); await this.printHelpOptions(); return 0; } async printJsonHelp() { const replacer = (key, value) => key === 'name' ? core_1.strings.dasherize(value) : value; this.logger.info(JSON.stringify(this.description, replacer, 2)); return 0; } async printHelpUsage() { this.logger.info(this.description.description); const name = this.description.name; const args = this.description.options.filter((x) => x.positional !== undefined); const opts = this.description.options.filter((x) => x.positional === undefined); const argDisplay = args && args.length > 0 ? ' ' + args.map((a) => `<${a.name}>`).join(' ') : ''; const optionsDisplay = opts && opts.length > 0 ? ` [options]` : ``; this.logger.info(`usage: ng ${name}${argDisplay}${optionsDisplay}`); this.logger.info(''); } async printHelpOptions(options = this.description.options) { const args = options.filter((opt) => opt.positional !== undefined); const opts = options.filter((opt) => opt.positional === undefined); const formatDescription = (description) => ` ${description.replace(/\n/g, '\n ')}`; if (args.length > 0) { this.logger.info(`arguments:`); args.forEach((o) => { this.logger.info(` ${color_1.colors.cyan(o.name)}`); if (o.description) { this.logger.info(formatDescription(o.description)); } }); } if (options.length > 0) { if (args.length > 0) { this.logger.info(''); } this.logger.info(`options:`); opts .filter((o) => !o.hidden) .sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)) .forEach((o) => { const aliases = o.aliases && o.aliases.length > 0 ? '(' + o.aliases.map((a) => `-${a}`).join(' ') + ')' : ''; this.logger.info(` ${color_1.colors.cyan('--' + core_1.strings.dasherize(o.name))} ${aliases}`); if (o.description) { this.logger.info(formatDescription(o.description)); } }); } } async validateScope(scope) { switch (scope === undefined ? this.description.scope : scope) { case interface_1.CommandScope.OutProject: if (this.workspace) { this.logger.fatal(core_1.tags.oneLine ` The ${this.description.name} command requires to be run outside of a project, but a project definition was found at "${this.workspace.filePath}". `); // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw 1; } break; case interface_1.CommandScope.InProject: if (!this.workspace) { this.logger.fatal(core_1.tags.oneLine ` The ${this.description.name} command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found. `); // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw 1; } break; case interface_1.CommandScope.Everywhere: // Can't miss this. break; } } async reportAnalytics(paths, options, dimensions = [], metrics = []) { for (const option of this.description.options) { const ua = option.userAnalytics; const v = options[option.name]; if (v !== undefined && !Array.isArray(v) && ua) { dimensions[ua] = v; } } this.analytics.pageview('/command/' + paths.join('/'), { dimensions, metrics }); } async validateAndRun(options) { if (!(options.help === true || options.help === 'json' || options.help === 'JSON')) { await this.validateScope(); } let result = await this.initialize(options); if (typeof result === 'number' && result !== 0) { return result; } if (options.help === true) { return this.printHelp(); } else if (options.help === 'json' || options.help === 'JSON') { return this.printJsonHelp(); } else { const startTime = +new Date(); if (this.useReportAnalytics) { await this.reportAnalytics([this.description.name], options); } result = await this.run(options); const endTime = +new Date(); this.analytics.timing(this.description.name, 'duration', endTime - startTime); return result; } } } exports.Command = Command;