"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; var _a; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.SchematicEngineHost = void 0; const schematics_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics"); const tools_1 = require("@angular-devkit/schematics/tools"); const fs_1 = require("fs"); const jsonc_parser_1 = require("jsonc-parser"); const module_1 = __importDefault(require("module")); const path_1 = require("path"); const vm_1 = require("vm"); /** * Environment variable to control schematic package redirection * Default: Angular schematics only */ const schematicRedirectVariable = (_a = process.env['NG_SCHEMATIC_REDIRECT']) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase(); function shouldWrapSchematic(schematicFile) { // Check environment variable if present if (schematicRedirectVariable !== undefined) { switch (schematicRedirectVariable) { case '0': case 'false': case 'off': case 'none': return false; case 'all': return true; } } const normalizedSchematicFile = schematicFile.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // Never wrap the internal update schematic when executed directly // It communicates with the update command via `global` // But we still want to redirect schematics located in `@angular/cli/node_modules`. if (normalizedSchematicFile.includes('node_modules/@angular/cli/') && !normalizedSchematicFile.includes('node_modules/@angular/cli/node_modules/')) { return false; } // Default is only first-party Angular schematic packages // Angular schematics are safe to use in the wrapped VM context return /\/node_modules\/@(?:angular|schematics|nguniversal)\//.test(normalizedSchematicFile); } class SchematicEngineHost extends tools_1.NodeModulesEngineHost { _resolveReferenceString(refString, parentPath) { const [path, name] = refString.split('#', 2); // Mimic behavior of ExportStringRef class used in default behavior const fullPath = path[0] === '.' ? path_1.resolve(parentPath !== null && parentPath !== void 0 ? parentPath : process.cwd(), path) : path; const schematicFile = require.resolve(fullPath, { paths: [parentPath] }); if (shouldWrapSchematic(schematicFile)) { const schematicPath = path_1.dirname(schematicFile); const moduleCache = new Map(); const factoryInitializer = wrap(schematicFile, schematicPath, moduleCache, name || 'default'); const factory = factoryInitializer(); if (!factory || typeof factory !== 'function') { return null; } return { ref: factory, path: schematicPath }; } // All other schematics use default behavior return super._resolveReferenceString(refString, parentPath); } } exports.SchematicEngineHost = SchematicEngineHost; /** * Minimal shim modules for legacy deep imports of `@schematics/angular` */ const legacyModules = { '@schematics/angular/utility/config': { getWorkspace(host) { const path = '/.angular.json'; const data = host.read(path); if (!data) { throw new schematics_1.SchematicsException(`Could not find (${path})`); } return jsonc_parser_1.parse(data.toString(), [], { allowTrailingComma: true }); }, }, '@schematics/angular/utility/project': { buildDefaultPath(project) { const root = project.sourceRoot ? `/${project.sourceRoot}/` : `/${project.root}/src/`; return `${root}${project.projectType === 'application' ? 'app' : 'lib'}`; }, }, }; /** * Wrap a JavaScript file in a VM context to allow specific Angular dependencies to be redirected. * This VM setup is ONLY intended to redirect dependencies. * * @param schematicFile A JavaScript schematic file path that should be wrapped. * @param schematicDirectory A directory that will be used as the location of the JavaScript file. * @param moduleCache A map to use for caching repeat module usage and proper `instanceof` support. * @param exportName An optional name of a specific export to return. Otherwise, return all exports. */ function wrap(schematicFile, schematicDirectory, moduleCache, exportName) { const scopedRequire = module_1.default.createRequire(schematicFile); const customRequire = function (id) { if (legacyModules[id]) { // Provide compatibility modules for older versions of @angular/cdk return legacyModules[id]; } else if (id.startsWith('@angular-devkit/') || id.startsWith('@schematics/')) { // Resolve from inside the `@angular/cli` project const packagePath = require.resolve(id); return require(packagePath); } else if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('@angular/cdk')) { // Wrap relative files inside the schematic collection // Also wrap `@angular/cdk`, it contains helper utilities that import core schematic packages // Resolve from the original file const modulePath = scopedRequire.resolve(id); // Use cached module if available const cachedModule = moduleCache.get(modulePath); if (cachedModule) { return cachedModule; } // Do not wrap vendored third-party packages or JSON files if (!/[\/\\]node_modules[\/\\]@schematics[\/\\]angular[\/\\]third_party[\/\\]/.test(modulePath) && !modulePath.endsWith('.json')) { // Wrap module and save in cache const wrappedModule = wrap(modulePath, path_1.dirname(modulePath), moduleCache)(); moduleCache.set(modulePath, wrappedModule); return wrappedModule; } } // All others are required directly from the original file return scopedRequire(id); }; // Setup a wrapper function to capture the module's exports const schematicCode = fs_1.readFileSync(schematicFile, 'utf8'); // `module` is required due to @angular/localize ng-add being in UMD format const headerCode = '(function() {\nvar exports = {};\nvar module = { exports };\n'; const footerCode = exportName ? `\nreturn exports['${exportName}'];});` : '\nreturn exports;});'; const script = new vm_1.Script(headerCode + schematicCode + footerCode, { filename: schematicFile, lineOffset: 3, }); const context = { __dirname: schematicDirectory, __filename: schematicFile, Buffer, console, process, get global() { return this; }, require: customRequire, }; const exportsFactory = script.runInNewContext(context); return exportsFactory; }