{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "$id": "SchematicsUpdateSchema", "title": "Schematic Options Schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "packages": { "description": "The package or packages to update.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "$default": { "$source": "argv" } }, "force": { "description": "When false (the default), reports an error if installed packages are incompatible with the update.", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "next": { "description": "Update to the latest version, including beta and RCs.", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "migrateOnly": { "description": "Perform a migration, but do not update the installed version.", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "from": { "description": "When using `--migrateOnly` for a single package, the version of that package from which to migrate.", "type": "string" }, "to": { "description": "When using `--migrateOnly` for a single package, the version of that package to which to migrate.", "type": "string" }, "registry": { "description": "The npm registry to use.", "type": "string", "oneOf": [ { "format": "uri" }, { "format": "hostname" } ] }, "verbose": { "description": "Display additional details during the update process.", "type": "boolean" }, "packageManager": { "description": "The preferred package manager configuration files to use for registry settings.", "type": "string", "default": "npm", "enum": ["npm", "yarn", "cnpm", "pnpm"] } }, "required": [] }