/// import * as ts from 'typescript'; import { MetadataCache } from '../transformers/metadata_cache'; import { MetadataEntry, ModuleMetadata } from './schema'; export interface BundleEntries { [name: string]: MetadataEntry; } export interface BundlePrivateEntry { privateName: string; name: string; module: string; } export interface BundledModule { metadata: ModuleMetadata; privates: BundlePrivateEntry[]; } export interface MetadataBundlerHost { getMetadataFor(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): ModuleMetadata | undefined; } export declare class MetadataBundler { private root; private importAs; private host; private symbolMap; private metadataCache; private exports; private rootModule; private privateSymbolPrefix; private exported; constructor(root: string, importAs: string | undefined, host: MetadataBundlerHost, privateSymbolPrefix?: string); getMetadataBundle(): BundledModule; static resolveModule(importName: string, from: string): string; private getMetadata; private exportAll; /** * Fill in the canonicalSymbol which is the symbol that should be imported by factories. * The canonical symbol is the one exported by the index file for the bundle or definition * symbol for private symbols that are not exported by bundle index. */ private canonicalizeSymbols; private canonicalizeSymbol; private getEntries; private getReExports; private convertSymbol; private convertEntry; private convertClass; private convertMembers; private convertMember; private convertStatics; private convertFunction; private convertValue; private convertExpression; private convertError; private convertReference; private convertExpressionNode; private symbolOf; private canonicalSymbolOf; } export declare class CompilerHostAdapter implements MetadataBundlerHost { private host; private cache; private options; private collector; constructor(host: ts.CompilerHost, cache: MetadataCache | null, options: ts.CompilerOptions); getMetadataFor(fileName: string, containingFile: string): ModuleMetadata | undefined; }