/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ export interface Inject { token: any; } export declare const createInject: MetadataFactory; export declare const createInjectionToken: MetadataFactory; export interface Attribute { attributeName: string; } export declare const createAttribute: MetadataFactory; export declare const emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue = true; export interface Query { descendants: boolean; first: boolean; read: any; isViewQuery: boolean; selector: any; static?: boolean; emitDistinctChangesOnly: boolean; } export declare const createContentChildren: MetadataFactory; export declare const createContentChild: MetadataFactory; export declare const createViewChildren: MetadataFactory; export declare const createViewChild: MetadataFactory; export interface Directive { selector?: string; inputs?: string[]; outputs?: string[]; host?: { [key: string]: string; }; providers?: Provider[]; exportAs?: string; queries?: { [key: string]: any; }; guards?: { [key: string]: any; }; } export declare const createDirective: MetadataFactory; export interface Component extends Directive { changeDetection?: ChangeDetectionStrategy; viewProviders?: Provider[]; moduleId?: string; templateUrl?: string; template?: string; styleUrls?: string[]; styles?: string[]; animations?: any[]; encapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation; interpolation?: [string, string]; entryComponents?: Array; preserveWhitespaces?: boolean; } export declare enum ViewEncapsulation { Emulated = 0, None = 2, ShadowDom = 3 } export declare enum ChangeDetectionStrategy { OnPush = 0, Default = 1 } export declare const createComponent: MetadataFactory; export interface Pipe { name: string; pure?: boolean; } export declare const createPipe: MetadataFactory; export interface Input { bindingPropertyName?: string; } export declare const createInput: MetadataFactory; export interface Output { bindingPropertyName?: string; } export declare const createOutput: MetadataFactory; export interface HostBinding { hostPropertyName?: string; } export declare const createHostBinding: MetadataFactory; export interface HostListener { eventName?: string; args?: string[]; } export declare const createHostListener: MetadataFactory; export interface NgModule { providers?: Provider[]; declarations?: Array; imports?: Array; exports?: Array; entryComponents?: Array; bootstrap?: Array; schemas?: Array; id?: string; } export declare const createNgModule: MetadataFactory; export interface ModuleWithProviders { ngModule: Type; providers?: Provider[]; } export interface Injectable { providedIn?: Type | 'root' | any; useClass?: Type | any; useExisting?: Type | any; useValue?: any; useFactory?: Type | any; deps?: Array; } export declare const createInjectable: MetadataFactory; export interface SchemaMetadata { name: string; } export declare const CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA: SchemaMetadata; export declare const NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA: SchemaMetadata; export declare const createOptional: MetadataFactory; export declare const createSelf: MetadataFactory; export declare const createSkipSelf: MetadataFactory; export declare const createHost: MetadataFactory; export interface Type extends Function { new (...args: any[]): any; } export declare const Type: FunctionConstructor; export declare enum SecurityContext { NONE = 0, HTML = 1, STYLE = 2, SCRIPT = 3, URL = 4, RESOURCE_URL = 5 } export declare type Provider = any; export declare const enum NodeFlags { None = 0, TypeElement = 1, TypeText = 2, ProjectedTemplate = 4, CatRenderNode = 3, TypeNgContent = 8, TypePipe = 16, TypePureArray = 32, TypePureObject = 64, TypePurePipe = 128, CatPureExpression = 224, TypeValueProvider = 256, TypeClassProvider = 512, TypeFactoryProvider = 1024, TypeUseExistingProvider = 2048, LazyProvider = 4096, PrivateProvider = 8192, TypeDirective = 16384, Component = 32768, CatProviderNoDirective = 3840, CatProvider = 20224, OnInit = 65536, OnDestroy = 131072, DoCheck = 262144, OnChanges = 524288, AfterContentInit = 1048576, AfterContentChecked = 2097152, AfterViewInit = 4194304, AfterViewChecked = 8388608, EmbeddedViews = 16777216, ComponentView = 33554432, TypeContentQuery = 67108864, TypeViewQuery = 134217728, StaticQuery = 268435456, DynamicQuery = 536870912, TypeModuleProvider = 1073741824, EmitDistinctChangesOnly = -2147483648, CatQuery = 201326592, Types = 201347067 } export declare const enum DepFlags { None = 0, SkipSelf = 1, Optional = 2, Self = 4, Value = 8 } /** * Injection flags for DI. */ export declare const enum InjectFlags { Default = 0, /** * Specifies that an injector should retrieve a dependency from any injector until reaching the * host element of the current component. (Only used with Element Injector) */ Host = 1, /** Don't descend into ancestors of the node requesting injection. */ Self = 2, /** Skip the node that is requesting injection. */ SkipSelf = 4, /** Inject `defaultValue` instead if token not found. */ Optional = 8 } export declare const enum ArgumentType { Inline = 0, Dynamic = 1 } export declare const enum BindingFlags { TypeElementAttribute = 1, TypeElementClass = 2, TypeElementStyle = 4, TypeProperty = 8, SyntheticProperty = 16, SyntheticHostProperty = 32, CatSyntheticProperty = 48, Types = 15 } export declare const enum QueryBindingType { First = 0, All = 1 } export declare const enum QueryValueType { ElementRef = 0, RenderElement = 1, TemplateRef = 2, ViewContainerRef = 3, Provider = 4 } export declare const enum ViewFlags { None = 0, OnPush = 2 } export declare enum MissingTranslationStrategy { Error = 0, Warning = 1, Ignore = 2 } export interface MetadataFactory { (...args: any[]): T; isTypeOf(obj: any): obj is T; ngMetadataName: string; } export interface Route { children?: Route[]; loadChildren?: string | Type | any; } /** * Flags used to generate R3-style CSS Selectors. They are pasted from * core/src/render3/projection.ts because they cannot be referenced directly. */ export declare const enum SelectorFlags { /** Indicates this is the beginning of a new negative selector */ NOT = 1, /** Mode for matching attributes */ ATTRIBUTE = 2, /** Mode for matching tag names */ ELEMENT = 4, /** Mode for matching class names */ CLASS = 8 } export declare type R3CssSelector = (string | SelectorFlags)[]; export declare type R3CssSelectorList = R3CssSelector[]; export declare function parseSelectorToR3Selector(selector: string | null): R3CssSelectorList; /** * Flags passed into template functions to determine which blocks (i.e. creation, update) * should be executed. * * Typically, a template runs both the creation block and the update block on initialization and * subsequent runs only execute the update block. However, dynamically created views require that * the creation block be executed separately from the update block (for backwards compat). */ export declare const enum RenderFlags { Create = 1, Update = 2 } /** * A set of marker values to be used in the attributes arrays. These markers indicate that some * items are not regular attributes and the processing should be adapted accordingly. */ export declare const enum AttributeMarker { /** * Marker indicates that the following 3 values in the attributes array are: * namespaceUri, attributeName, attributeValue * in that order. */ NamespaceURI = 0, /** * Signals class declaration. * * Each value following `Classes` designates a class name to include on the element. * ## Example: * * Given: * ``` *
... * ``` * * the generated code is: * ``` * var _c1 = [AttributeMarker.Classes, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']; * ``` */ Classes = 1, /** * Signals style declaration. * * Each pair of values following `Styles` designates a style name and value to include on the * element. * ## Example: * * Given: * ``` *
* ``` * * the generated code is: * ``` * var _c1 = [AttributeMarker.Styles, 'width', '100px', 'height'. '200px', 'color', 'red']; * ``` */ Styles = 2, /** * Signals that the following attribute names were extracted from input or output bindings. * * For example, given the following HTML: * * ``` *
* ``` * * the generated code is: * * ``` * var _c1 = ['moo', 'car', AttributeMarker.Bindings, 'foo', 'bar']; * ``` */ Bindings = 3, /** * Signals that the following attribute names were hoisted from an inline-template declaration. * * For example, given the following HTML: * * ``` *
* ``` * * the generated code for the `template()` instruction would include: * * ``` * ['dirA', '', AttributeMarker.Bindings, 'dirB', AttributeMarker.Template, 'ngFor', 'ngForOf', * 'ngForTrackBy', 'let-value'] * ``` * * while the generated code for the `element()` instruction inside the template function would * include: * * ``` * ['dirA', '', AttributeMarker.Bindings, 'dirB'] * ``` */ Template = 4, /** * Signals that the following attribute is `ngProjectAs` and its value is a parsed `CssSelector`. * * For example, given the following HTML: * * ``` *

* ``` * * the generated code for the `element()` instruction would include: * * ``` * ['attr', 'value', AttributeMarker.ProjectAs, ['', 'title', '']] * ``` */ ProjectAs = 5, /** * Signals that the following attribute will be translated by runtime i18n * * For example, given the following HTML: * * ``` *
* ``` * * the generated code is: * * ``` * var _c1 = ['moo', 'car', AttributeMarker.I18n, 'foo', 'bar']; */ I18n = 6 }