/** * @license Angular v12.2.13 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import { AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core'; import { Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { OnChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Renderer2 } from '@angular/core'; import { SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { StaticProvider } from '@angular/core'; import { Type } from '@angular/core'; import { Version } from '@angular/core'; /** * This is the base class for `FormControl`, `FormGroup`, and `FormArray`. * * It provides some of the shared behavior that all controls and groups of controls have, like * running validators, calculating status, and resetting state. It also defines the properties * that are shared between all sub-classes, like `value`, `valid`, and `dirty`. It shouldn't be * instantiated directly. * * @see [Forms Guide](/guide/forms) * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](/guide/reactive-forms) * @see [Dynamic Forms Guide](/guide/dynamic-form) * * @publicApi */ import * as ɵngcc0 from '@angular/core'; export declare abstract class AbstractControl { private _parent; private _asyncValidationSubscription; /** * The current value of the control. * * * For a `FormControl`, the current value. * * For an enabled `FormGroup`, the values of enabled controls as an object * with a key-value pair for each member of the group. * * For a disabled `FormGroup`, the values of all controls as an object * with a key-value pair for each member of the group. * * For a `FormArray`, the values of enabled controls as an array. * */ readonly value: any; /** * Initialize the AbstractControl instance. * * @param validators The function or array of functions that is used to determine the validity of * this control synchronously. * @param asyncValidators The function or array of functions that is used to determine validity of * this control asynchronously. */ constructor(validators: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | null, asyncValidators: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null); /** * Returns the function that is used to determine the validity of this control synchronously. * If multiple validators have been added, this will be a single composed function. * See `Validators.compose()` for additional information. */ get validator(): ValidatorFn | null; set validator(validatorFn: ValidatorFn | null); /** * Returns the function that is used to determine the validity of this control asynchronously. * If multiple validators have been added, this will be a single composed function. * See `Validators.compose()` for additional information. */ get asyncValidator(): AsyncValidatorFn | null; set asyncValidator(asyncValidatorFn: AsyncValidatorFn | null); /** * The parent control. */ get parent(): FormGroup | FormArray | null; /** * The validation status of the control. There are four possible * validation status values: * * * **VALID**: This control has passed all validation checks. * * **INVALID**: This control has failed at least one validation check. * * **PENDING**: This control is in the midst of conducting a validation check. * * **DISABLED**: This control is exempt from validation checks. * * These status values are mutually exclusive, so a control cannot be * both valid AND invalid or invalid AND disabled. */ readonly status: string; /** * A control is `valid` when its `status` is `VALID`. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @returns True if the control has passed all of its validation tests, * false otherwise. */ get valid(): boolean; /** * A control is `invalid` when its `status` is `INVALID`. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @returns True if this control has failed one or more of its validation checks, * false otherwise. */ get invalid(): boolean; /** * A control is `pending` when its `status` is `PENDING`. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @returns True if this control is in the process of conducting a validation check, * false otherwise. */ get pending(): boolean; /** * A control is `disabled` when its `status` is `DISABLED`. * * Disabled controls are exempt from validation checks and * are not included in the aggregate value of their ancestor * controls. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @returns True if the control is disabled, false otherwise. */ get disabled(): boolean; /** * A control is `enabled` as long as its `status` is not `DISABLED`. * * @returns True if the control has any status other than 'DISABLED', * false if the status is 'DISABLED'. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * */ get enabled(): boolean; /** * An object containing any errors generated by failing validation, * or null if there are no errors. */ readonly errors: ValidationErrors | null; /** * A control is `pristine` if the user has not yet changed * the value in the UI. * * @returns True if the user has not yet changed the value in the UI; compare `dirty`. * Programmatic changes to a control's value do not mark it dirty. */ readonly pristine: boolean; /** * A control is `dirty` if the user has changed the value * in the UI. * * @returns True if the user has changed the value of this control in the UI; compare `pristine`. * Programmatic changes to a control's value do not mark it dirty. */ get dirty(): boolean; /** * True if the control is marked as `touched`. * * A control is marked `touched` once the user has triggered * a `blur` event on it. */ readonly touched: boolean; /** * True if the control has not been marked as touched * * A control is `untouched` if the user has not yet triggered * a `blur` event on it. */ get untouched(): boolean; /** * A multicasting observable that emits an event every time the value of the control changes, in * the UI or programmatically. It also emits an event each time you call enable() or disable() * without passing along {emitEvent: false} as a function argument. */ readonly valueChanges: Observable; /** * A multicasting observable that emits an event every time the validation `status` of the control * recalculates. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * */ readonly statusChanges: Observable; /** * Reports the update strategy of the `AbstractControl` (meaning * the event on which the control updates itself). * Possible values: `'change'` | `'blur'` | `'submit'` * Default value: `'change'` */ get updateOn(): FormHooks; /** * Sets the synchronous validators that are active on this control. Calling * this overwrites any existing synchronous validators. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * If you want to add a new validator without affecting existing ones, consider * using `addValidators()` method instead. */ setValidators(validators: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | null): void; /** * Sets the asynchronous validators that are active on this control. Calling this * overwrites any existing asynchronous validators. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * If you want to add a new validator without affecting existing ones, consider * using `addAsyncValidators()` method instead. */ setAsyncValidators(validators: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null): void; /** * Add a synchronous validator or validators to this control, without affecting other validators. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * Adding a validator that already exists will have no effect. If duplicate validator functions * are present in the `validators` array, only the first instance would be added to a form * control. * * @param validators The new validator function or functions to add to this control. */ addValidators(validators: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[]): void; /** * Add an asynchronous validator or validators to this control, without affecting other * validators. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * Adding a validator that already exists will have no effect. * * @param validators The new asynchronous validator function or functions to add to this control. */ addAsyncValidators(validators: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[]): void; /** * Remove a synchronous validator from this control, without affecting other validators. * Validators are compared by function reference; you must pass a reference to the exact same * validator function as the one that was originally set. If a provided validator is not found, * it is ignored. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * @param validators The validator or validators to remove. */ removeValidators(validators: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[]): void; /** * Remove an asynchronous validator from this control, without affecting other validators. * Validators are compared by function reference; you must pass a reference to the exact same * validator function as the one that was originally set. If a provided validator is not found, it * is ignored. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * * @param validators The asynchronous validator or validators to remove. */ removeAsyncValidators(validators: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[]): void; /** * Check whether a synchronous validator function is present on this control. The provided * validator must be a reference to the exact same function that was provided. * * @param validator The validator to check for presence. Compared by function reference. * @returns Whether the provided validator was found on this control. */ hasValidator(validator: ValidatorFn): boolean; /** * Check whether an asynchronous validator function is present on this control. The provided * validator must be a reference to the exact same function that was provided. * * @param validator The asynchronous validator to check for presence. Compared by function * reference. * @returns Whether the provided asynchronous validator was found on this control. */ hasAsyncValidator(validator: AsyncValidatorFn): boolean; /** * Empties out the synchronous validator list. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * */ clearValidators(): void; /** * Empties out the async validator list. * * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect. * */ clearAsyncValidators(): void; /** * Marks the control as `touched`. A control is touched by focus and * blur events that do not change the value. * * @see `markAsUntouched()` * @see `markAsDirty()` * @see `markAsPristine()` * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes * and emits events after marking is applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. */ markAsTouched(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; }): void; /** * Marks the control and all its descendant controls as `touched`. * @see `markAsTouched()` */ markAllAsTouched(): void; /** * Marks the control as `untouched`. * * If the control has any children, also marks all children as `untouched` * and recalculates the `touched` status of all parent controls. * * @see `markAsTouched()` * @see `markAsDirty()` * @see `markAsPristine()` * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes * and emits events after the marking is applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. */ markAsUntouched(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; }): void; /** * Marks the control as `dirty`. A control becomes dirty when * the control's value is changed through the UI; compare `markAsTouched`. * * @see `markAsTouched()` * @see `markAsUntouched()` * @see `markAsPristine()` * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes * and emits events after marking is applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. */ markAsDirty(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; }): void; /** * Marks the control as `pristine`. * * If the control has any children, marks all children as `pristine`, * and recalculates the `pristine` status of all parent * controls. * * @see `markAsTouched()` * @see `markAsUntouched()` * @see `markAsDirty()` * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control emits events after * marking is applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. */ markAsPristine(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; }): void; /** * Marks the control as `pending`. * * A control is pending while the control performs async validation. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes and * emits events after marking is applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), the `statusChanges` * observable emits an event with the latest status the control is marked pending. * When false, no events are emitted. * */ markAsPending(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean; }): void; /** * Disables the control. This means the control is exempt from validation checks and * excluded from the aggregate value of any parent. Its status is `DISABLED`. * * If the control has children, all children are also disabled. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates * changes and emits events after the control is disabled. * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and * `valueChanges` * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is disabled. * When false, no events are emitted. */ disable(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean; }): void; /** * Enables the control. This means the control is included in validation checks and * the aggregate value of its parent. Its status recalculates based on its value and * its validators. * * By default, if the control has children, all children are enabled. * * @see {@link AbstractControl.status} * * @param opts Configure options that control how the control propagates changes and * emits events when marked as untouched * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied, * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false. * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and * `valueChanges` * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is enabled. * When false, no events are emitted. */ enable(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean; }): void; private _updateAncestors; /** * @param parent Sets the parent of the control */ setParent(parent: FormGroup | FormArray): void; /** * Sets the value of the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes). */ abstract setValue(value: any, options?: Object): void; /** * Patches the value of the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes). */ abstract patchValue(value: any, options?: Object): void; /** * Resets the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes). */ abstract reset(value?: any, options?: Object): void; /** * Recalculates the value and validation status of the control. * * By default, it also updates the value and validity of its ancestors. * * @param opts Configuration options determine how the control propagates changes and emits events * after updates and validity checks are applied. * * `onlySelf`: When true, only update this control. When false or not supplied, * update all direct ancestors. Default is false. * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and * `valueChanges` * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is updated. * When false, no events are emitted. */ updateValueAndValidity(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean; }): void; private _setInitialStatus; private _runValidator; private _runAsyncValidator; private _cancelExistingSubscription; /** * Sets errors on a form control when running validations manually, rather than automatically. * * Calling `setErrors` also updates the validity of the parent control. * * @usageNotes * * ### Manually set the errors for a control * * ``` * const login = new FormControl('someLogin'); * login.setErrors({ * notUnique: true * }); * * expect(login.valid).toEqual(false); * expect(login.errors).toEqual({ notUnique: true }); * * login.setValue('someOtherLogin'); * * expect(login.valid).toEqual(true); * ``` */ setErrors(errors: ValidationErrors | null, opts?: { emitEvent?: boolean; }): void; /** * Retrieves a child control given the control's name or path. * * @param path A dot-delimited string or array of string/number values that define the path to the * control. * * @usageNotes * ### Retrieve a nested control * * For example, to get a `name` control nested within a `person` sub-group: * * * `this.form.get('person.name');` * * -OR- * * * `this.form.get(['person', 'name']);` * * ### Retrieve a control in a FormArray * * When accessing an element inside a FormArray, you can use an element index. * For example, to get a `price` control from the first element in an `items` array you can use: * * * `this.form.get('items.0.price');` * * -OR- * * * `this.form.get(['items', 0, 'price']);` */ get(path: Array | string): AbstractControl | null; /** * @description * Reports error data for the control with the given path. * * @param errorCode The code of the error to check * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control * to the control that should be queried for errors. * * @usageNotes * For example, for the following `FormGroup`: * * ``` * form = new FormGroup({ * address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() }) * }); * ``` * * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'. * * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats: * * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']` * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'` * * @returns error data for that particular error. If the control or error is not present, * null is returned. */ getError(errorCode: string, path?: Array | string): any; /** * @description * Reports whether the control with the given path has the error specified. * * @param errorCode The code of the error to check * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control * to the control that should be queried for errors. * * @usageNotes * For example, for the following `FormGroup`: * * ``` * form = new FormGroup({ * address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() }) * }); * ``` * * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'. * * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats: * * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']` * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'` * * If no path is given, this method checks for the error on the current control. * * @returns whether the given error is present in the control at the given path. * * If the control is not present, false is returned. */ hasError(errorCode: string, path?: Array | string): boolean; /** * Retrieves the top-level ancestor of this control. */ get root(): AbstractControl; private _calculateStatus; } /** * @description * Base class for control directives. * * This class is only used internally in the `ReactiveFormsModule` and the `FormsModule`. * * @publicApi */ export declare abstract class AbstractControlDirective { /** * @description * A reference to the underlying control. * * @returns the control that backs this directive. Most properties fall through to that instance. */ abstract get control(): AbstractControl | null; /** * @description * Reports the value of the control if it is present, otherwise null. */ get value(): any; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is valid. A control is considered valid if no * validation errors exist with the current value. * If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get valid(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is invalid, meaning that an error exists in the input value. * If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get invalid(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether a control is pending, meaning that that async validation is occurring and * errors are not yet available for the input value. If the control is not present, null is * returned. */ get pending(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is disabled, meaning that the control is disabled * in the UI and is exempt from validation checks and excluded from aggregate * values of ancestor controls. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get disabled(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is enabled, meaning that the control is included in ancestor * calculations of validity or value. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get enabled(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports the control's validation errors. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get errors(): ValidationErrors | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is pristine, meaning that the user has not yet changed * the value in the UI. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get pristine(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is dirty, meaning that the user has changed * the value in the UI. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get dirty(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is touched, meaning that the user has triggered * a `blur` event on it. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get touched(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Reports the validation status of the control. Possible values include: * 'VALID', 'INVALID', 'DISABLED', and 'PENDING'. * If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get status(): string | null; /** * @description * Reports whether the control is untouched, meaning that the user has not yet triggered * a `blur` event on it. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get untouched(): boolean | null; /** * @description * Returns a multicasting observable that emits a validation status whenever it is * calculated for the control. If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get statusChanges(): Observable | null; /** * @description * Returns a multicasting observable of value changes for the control that emits every time the * value of the control changes in the UI or programmatically. * If the control is not present, null is returned. */ get valueChanges(): Observable | null; /** * @description * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control. * Each index is the string name of the control on that level. */ get path(): string[] | null; /** * Contains the result of merging synchronous validators into a single validator function * (combined using `Validators.compose`). */ private _composedValidatorFn; /** * Contains the result of merging asynchronous validators into a single validator function * (combined using `Validators.composeAsync`). */ private _composedAsyncValidatorFn; /** * @description * Synchronous validator function composed of all the synchronous validators registered with this * directive. */ get validator(): ValidatorFn | null; /** * @description * Asynchronous validator function composed of all the asynchronous validators registered with * this directive. */ get asyncValidator(): AsyncValidatorFn | null; private _onDestroyCallbacks; /** * @description * Resets the control with the provided value if the control is present. */ reset(value?: any): void; /** * @description * Reports whether the control with the given path has the error specified. * * @param errorCode The code of the error to check * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control * to the control that should be queried for errors. * * @usageNotes * For example, for the following `FormGroup`: * * ``` * form = new FormGroup({ * address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() }) * }); * ``` * * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'. * * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats: * * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']` * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'` * * If no path is given, this method checks for the error on the current control. * * @returns whether the given error is present in the control at the given path. * * If the control is not present, false is returned. */ hasError(errorCode: string, path?: Array | string): boolean; /** * @description * Reports error data for the control with the given path. * * @param errorCode The code of the error to check * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control * to the control that should be queried for errors. * * @usageNotes * For example, for the following `FormGroup`: * * ``` * form = new FormGroup({ * address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() }) * }); * ``` * * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'. * * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats: * * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']` * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'` * * @returns error data for that particular error. If the control or error is not present, * null is returned. */ getError(errorCode: string, path?: Array | string): any; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; } /** * Interface for options provided to an `AbstractControl`. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface AbstractControlOptions { /** * @description * The list of validators applied to a control. */ validators?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | null; /** * @description * The list of async validators applied to control. */ asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null; /** * @description * The event name for control to update upon. */ updateOn?: 'change' | 'blur' | 'submit'; } /** * @description * A base class for code shared between the `NgModelGroup` and `FormGroupName` directives. * * @publicApi */ export declare class AbstractFormGroupDirective extends ControlContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy { /** @nodoc */ ngOnInit(): void; /** @nodoc */ ngOnDestroy(): void; /** * @description * The `FormGroup` bound to this directive. */ get control(): FormGroup; /** * @description * The path to this group from the top-level directive. */ get path(): string[]; /** * @description * The top-level directive for this group if present, otherwise null. */ get formDirective(): Form | null; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; } /** * A base class for Validator-based Directives. The class contains common logic shared across such * Directives. * * For internal use only, this class is not intended for use outside of the Forms package. */ declare abstract class AbstractValidatorDirective implements Validator { private _validator; private _onChange; /** * Helper function invoked from child classes to process changes (from `ngOnChanges` hook). * @nodoc */ handleChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void; /** @nodoc */ validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null; /** @nodoc */ registerOnValidatorChange(fn: () => void): void; } declare type AnyControlStatus = 'untouched' | 'touched' | 'pristine' | 'dirty' | 'valid' | 'invalid' | 'pending' | 'submitted'; /** * @description * An interface implemented by classes that perform asynchronous validation. * * @usageNotes * * ### Provide a custom async validator directive * * The following example implements the `AsyncValidator` interface to create an * async validator directive with a custom error key. * * ```typescript * import { of } from 'rxjs'; * * @Directive({ * selector: '[customAsyncValidator]', * providers: [{provide: NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, useExisting: CustomAsyncValidatorDirective, multi: * true}] * }) * class CustomAsyncValidatorDirective implements AsyncValidator { * validate(control: AbstractControl): Observable { * return of({'custom': true}); * } * } * ``` * * @publicApi */ export declare interface AsyncValidator extends Validator { /** * @description * Method that performs async validation against the provided control. * * @param control The control to validate against. * * @returns A promise or observable that resolves a map of validation errors * if validation fails, otherwise null. */ validate(control: AbstractControl): Promise | Observable; } /** * @description * A function that receives a control and returns a Promise or observable * that emits validation errors if present, otherwise null. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface AsyncValidatorFn { (control: AbstractControl): Promise | Observable; } /** * @description * A `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a value and listening to changes on a checkbox input * element. * * @usageNotes * * ### Using a checkbox with a reactive form. * * The following example shows how to use a checkbox with a reactive form. * * ```ts * const rememberLoginControl = new FormControl(); * ``` * * ``` * * ``` * * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule * @ngModule FormsModule * @publicApi */ export declare class CheckboxControlValueAccessor extends ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_g implements ControlValueAccessor { /** * Sets the "checked" property on the input element. * @nodoc */ writeValue(value: any): void; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; } /** * A Directive that adds the `required` validator to checkbox controls marked with the * `required` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list. * * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation) * * @usageNotes * * ### Adding a required checkbox validator using template-driven forms * * The following example shows how to add a checkbox required validator to an input attached to an * ngModel binding. * * ``` * * ``` * * @publicApi * @ngModule FormsModule * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule */ export declare class CheckboxRequiredValidator extends RequiredValidator { /** * Method that validates whether or not the checkbox has been checked. * Returns the validation result if enabled, otherwise null. * @nodoc */ validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; } /** * @description * Provide this token to control if form directives buffer IME input until * the "compositionend" event occurs. * @publicApi */ export declare const COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE: InjectionToken; /** * @description * A base class for directives that contain multiple registered instances of `NgControl`. * Only used by the forms module. * * @publicApi */ export declare abstract class ControlContainer extends AbstractControlDirective { /** * @description * The name for the control */ name: string | number | null; /** * @description * The top-level form directive for the control. */ get formDirective(): Form | null; /** * @description * The path to this group. */ get path(): string[] | null; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; } /** * @description * Defines an interface that acts as a bridge between the Angular forms API and a * native element in the DOM. * * Implement this interface to create a custom form control directive * that integrates with Angular forms. * * @see DefaultValueAccessor * * @publicApi */ export declare interface ControlValueAccessor { /** * @description * Writes a new value to the element. * * This method is called by the forms API to write to the view when programmatic * changes from model to view are requested. * * @usageNotes * ### Write a value to the element * * The following example writes a value to the native DOM element. * * ```ts * writeValue(value: any): void { * this._renderer.setProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'value', value); * } * ``` * * @param obj The new value for the element */ writeValue(obj: any): void; /** * @description * Registers a callback function that is called when the control's value * changes in the UI. * * This method is called by the forms API on initialization to update the form * model when values propagate from the view to the model. * * When implementing the `registerOnChange` method in your own value accessor, * save the given function so your class calls it at the appropriate time. * * @usageNotes * ### Store the change function * * The following example stores the provided function as an internal method. * * ```ts * registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void { * this._onChange = fn; * } * ``` * * When the value changes in the UI, call the registered * function to allow the forms API to update itself: * * ```ts * host: { * '(change)': '_onChange($event.target.value)' * } * ``` * * @param fn The callback function to register */ registerOnChange(fn: any): void; /** * @description * Registers a callback function that is called by the forms API on initialization * to update the form model on blur. * * When implementing `registerOnTouched` in your own value accessor, save the given * function so your class calls it when the control should be considered * blurred or "touched". * * @usageNotes * ### Store the callback function * * The following example stores the provided function as an internal method. * * ```ts * registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { * this._onTouched = fn; * } * ``` * * On blur (or equivalent), your class should call the registered function to allow * the forms API to update itself: * * ```ts * host: { * '(blur)': '_onTouched()' * } * ``` * * @param fn The callback function to register */ registerOnTouched(fn: any): void; /** * @description * Function that is called by the forms API when the control status changes to * or from 'DISABLED'. Depending on the status, it enables or disables the * appropriate DOM element. * * @usageNotes * The following is an example of writing the disabled property to a native DOM element: * * ```ts * setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void { * this._renderer.setProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'disabled', isDisabled); * } * ``` * * @param isDisabled The disabled status to set on the element */ setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void; } /** * The default `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a value and listening to changes on input * elements. The accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and * `NgModel` directives. * * {@searchKeywords ngDefaultControl} * * @usageNotes * * ### Using the default value accessor * * The following example shows how to use an input element that activates the default value accessor * (in this case, a text field). * * ```ts * const firstNameControl = new FormControl(); * ``` * * ``` * * ``` * * This value accessor is used by default for `` and `