/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import { ComponentType, Portal } from '@angular/cdk/portal'; import { AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, ChangeDetectorRef, EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { DateAdapter, MatDateFormats } from '@angular/material/core'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { MatCalendarUserEvent, MatCalendarCellClassFunction } from './calendar-body'; import { MatDatepickerIntl } from './datepicker-intl'; import { MatMonthView } from './month-view'; import { MatMultiYearView } from './multi-year-view'; import { MatYearView } from './year-view'; import { DateRange } from './date-selection-model'; /** * Possible views for the calendar. * @docs-private */ export declare type MatCalendarView = 'month' | 'year' | 'multi-year'; /** Default header for MatCalendar */ export declare class MatCalendarHeader { private _intl; calendar: MatCalendar; private _dateAdapter; private _dateFormats; _buttonDescriptionId: string; constructor(_intl: MatDatepickerIntl, calendar: MatCalendar, _dateAdapter: DateAdapter, _dateFormats: MatDateFormats, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef); /** The label for the current calendar view. */ get periodButtonText(): string; get periodButtonLabel(): string; /** The label for the previous button. */ get prevButtonLabel(): string; /** The label for the next button. */ get nextButtonLabel(): string; /** Handles user clicks on the period label. */ currentPeriodClicked(): void; /** Handles user clicks on the previous button. */ previousClicked(): void; /** Handles user clicks on the next button. */ nextClicked(): void; /** Whether the previous period button is enabled. */ previousEnabled(): boolean; /** Whether the next period button is enabled. */ nextEnabled(): boolean; /** Whether the two dates represent the same view in the current view mode (month or year). */ private _isSameView; } /** A calendar that is used as part of the datepicker. */ export declare class MatCalendar implements AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, OnDestroy, OnChanges { private _dateAdapter; private _dateFormats; private _changeDetectorRef; /** An input indicating the type of the header component, if set. */ headerComponent: ComponentType; /** A portal containing the header component type for this calendar. */ _calendarHeaderPortal: Portal; private _intlChanges; /** * Used for scheduling that focus should be moved to the active cell on the next tick. * We need to schedule it, rather than do it immediately, because we have to wait * for Angular to re-evaluate the view children. */ private _moveFocusOnNextTick; /** A date representing the period (month or year) to start the calendar in. */ get startAt(): D | null; set startAt(value: D | null); private _startAt; /** Whether the calendar should be started in month or year view. */ startView: MatCalendarView; /** The currently selected date. */ get selected(): DateRange | D | null; set selected(value: DateRange | D | null); private _selected; /** The minimum selectable date. */ get minDate(): D | null; set minDate(value: D | null); private _minDate; /** The maximum selectable date. */ get maxDate(): D | null; set maxDate(value: D | null); private _maxDate; /** Function used to filter which dates are selectable. */ dateFilter: (date: D) => boolean; /** Function that can be used to add custom CSS classes to dates. */ dateClass: MatCalendarCellClassFunction; /** Start of the comparison range. */ comparisonStart: D | null; /** End of the comparison range. */ comparisonEnd: D | null; /** Emits when the currently selected date changes. */ readonly selectedChange: EventEmitter; /** * Emits the year chosen in multiyear view. * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. */ readonly yearSelected: EventEmitter; /** * Emits the month chosen in year view. * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date. */ readonly monthSelected: EventEmitter; /** * Emits when the current view changes. */ readonly viewChanged: EventEmitter; /** Emits when any date is selected. */ readonly _userSelection: EventEmitter>; /** Reference to the current month view component. */ monthView: MatMonthView; /** Reference to the current year view component. */ yearView: MatYearView; /** Reference to the current multi-year view component. */ multiYearView: MatMultiYearView; /** * The current active date. This determines which time period is shown and which date is * highlighted when using keyboard navigation. */ get activeDate(): D; set activeDate(value: D); private _clampedActiveDate; /** Whether the calendar is in month view. */ get currentView(): MatCalendarView; set currentView(value: MatCalendarView); private _currentView; /** * Emits whenever there is a state change that the header may need to respond to. */ readonly stateChanges: Subject; constructor(_intl: MatDatepickerIntl, _dateAdapter: DateAdapter, _dateFormats: MatDateFormats, _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef); ngAfterContentInit(): void; ngAfterViewChecked(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void; /** Focuses the active date. */ focusActiveCell(): void; /** Updates today's date after an update of the active date */ updateTodaysDate(): void; /** Handles date selection in the month view. */ _dateSelected(event: MatCalendarUserEvent): void; /** Handles year selection in the multiyear view. */ _yearSelectedInMultiYearView(normalizedYear: D): void; /** Handles month selection in the year view. */ _monthSelectedInYearView(normalizedMonth: D): void; /** Handles year/month selection in the multi-year/year views. */ _goToDateInView(date: D, view: 'month' | 'year' | 'multi-year'): void; /** Returns the component instance that corresponds to the current calendar view. */ private _getCurrentViewComponent; }