import { __awaiter } from 'tslib'; import { ContentContainerComponentHarness, HarnessPredicate, ComponentHarness } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ /** Harness for interacting with a standard Angular Material step in tests. */ class MatStepHarness extends ContentContainerComponentHarness { /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatStepHarness` that meets * certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which steps are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatStepHarness, options) .addOption('label', options.label, (harness, label) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getLabel(), label)) .addOption('selected', options.selected, (harness, selected) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield harness.isSelected()) === selected; })) .addOption('completed', options.completed, (harness, completed) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield harness.isCompleted()) === completed; })) .addOption('invalid', options.invalid, (harness, invalid) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield harness.hasErrors()) === invalid; })); } /** Gets the label of the step. */ getLabel() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this.locatorFor('.mat-step-text-label')()).text(); }); } /** Gets the `aria-label` of the step. */ getAriaLabel() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield'aria-label'); }); } /** Gets the value of the `aria-labelledby` attribute. */ getAriaLabelledby() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield'aria-labelledby'); }); } /** Whether the step is selected. */ isSelected() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const host = yield; return (yield host.getAttribute('aria-selected')) === 'true'; }); } /** Whether the step has been filled out. */ isCompleted() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const state = yield this._getIconState(); return state === 'done' || (state === 'edit' && !(yield this.isSelected())); }); } /** * Whether the step is currently showing its error state. Note that this doesn't mean that there * are or aren't any invalid form controls inside the step, but that the step is showing its * error-specific styling which depends on there being invalid controls, as well as the * `ErrorStateMatcher` determining that an error should be shown and that the `showErrors` * option was enabled through the `STEPPER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS` injection token. */ hasErrors() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this._getIconState()) === 'error'; }); } /** Whether the step is optional. */ isOptional() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // If the node with the optional text is present, it means that the step is optional. const optionalNode = yield this.locatorForOptional('.mat-step-optional')(); return !!optionalNode; }); } /** * Selects the given step by clicking on the label. The step may not be selected * if the stepper doesn't allow it (e.g. if there are validation errors). */ select() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield (yield; }); } getRootHarnessLoader() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const contentId = yield (yield'aria-controls'); return this.documentRootLocatorFactory().harnessLoaderFor(`#${contentId}`); }); } /** * Gets the state of the step. Note that we have a `StepState` which we could use to type the * return value, but it's basically the same as `string`, because the type has `| string`. */ _getIconState() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // The state is exposed on the icon with a class that looks like `mat-step-icon-state-{{state}}` const icon = yield this.locatorFor('.mat-step-icon')(); const classes = (yield icon.getAttribute('class')); const match = classes.match(/mat-step-icon-state-([a-z]+)/); if (!match) { throw Error(`Could not determine step state from "${classes}".`); } return match[1]; }); } } /** The selector for the host element of a `MatStep` instance. */ MatStepHarness.hostSelector = '.mat-step-header'; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ /** Harness for interacting with a standard Material stepper in tests. */ class MatStepperHarness extends ComponentHarness { /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatStepperHarness` that meets * certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which stepper instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatStepperHarness, options) .addOption('orientation', options.orientation, (harness, orientation) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield harness.getOrientation()) === orientation; })); } /** * Gets the list of steps in the stepper. * @param filter Optionally filters which steps are included. */ getSteps(filter = {}) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.locatorForAll(MatStepHarness.with(filter))(); }); } /** Gets the orientation of the stepper. */ getOrientation() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const host = yield; return (yield host.hasClass('mat-stepper-horizontal')) ? 0 /* HORIZONTAL */ : 1 /* VERTICAL */; }); } /** * Selects a step in this stepper. * @param filter An optional filter to apply to the child steps. The first step matching the * filter will be selected. */ selectStep(filter = {}) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const steps = yield this.getSteps(filter); if (!steps.length) { throw Error(`Cannot find mat-step matching filter ${JSON.stringify(filter)}`); } yield steps[0].select(); }); } } /** The selector for the host element of a `MatStepper` instance. */ MatStepperHarness.hostSelector = '.mat-stepper-horizontal, .mat-stepper-vertical'; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ /** Base class for stepper button harnesses. */ class StepperButtonHarness extends ComponentHarness { /** Gets the text of the button. */ getText() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield; }); } /** Clicks the button. */ click() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield; }); } } /** Harness for interacting with a standard Angular Material stepper next button in tests. */ class MatStepperNextHarness extends StepperButtonHarness { /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatStepperNextHarness` that meets * certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which steps are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatStepperNextHarness, options) .addOption('text', options.text, (harness, text) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getText(), text)); } } /** The selector for the host element of a `MatStep` instance. */ MatStepperNextHarness.hostSelector = '.mat-stepper-next'; /** Harness for interacting with a standard Angular Material stepper previous button in tests. */ class MatStepperPreviousHarness extends StepperButtonHarness { /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatStepperPreviousHarness` * that meets certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which steps are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatStepperPreviousHarness, options) .addOption('text', options.text, (harness, text) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getText(), text)); } } /** The selector for the host element of a `MatStep` instance. */ MatStepperPreviousHarness.hostSelector = '.mat-stepper-previous'; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at */ export { MatStepHarness, MatStepperHarness, MatStepperNextHarness, MatStepperPreviousHarness }; //#