/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import { FocusMonitor, FocusOrigin } from '@angular/cdk/a11y'; import { BooleanInput, NumberInput } from '@angular/cdk/coercion'; import { UniqueSelectionDispatcher } from '@angular/cdk/collections'; import { AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, EventEmitter, InjectionToken, OnDestroy, OnInit, QueryList } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms'; import { CanDisableRipple, HasTabIndex, ThemePalette } from '@angular/material/core'; export interface MatRadioDefaultOptions { color: ThemePalette; } export declare const MAT_RADIO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS: InjectionToken; export declare function MAT_RADIO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_FACTORY(): MatRadioDefaultOptions; /** * Provider Expression that allows mat-radio-group to register as a ControlValueAccessor. This * allows it to support [(ngModel)] and ngControl. * @docs-private */ export declare const MAT_RADIO_GROUP_CONTROL_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any; /** Change event object emitted by MatRadio and MatRadioGroup. */ export declare class MatRadioChange { /** The MatRadioButton that emits the change event. */ source: _MatRadioButtonBase; /** The value of the MatRadioButton. */ value: any; constructor( /** The MatRadioButton that emits the change event. */ source: _MatRadioButtonBase, /** The value of the MatRadioButton. */ value: any); } /** * Injection token that can be used to inject instances of `MatRadioGroup`. It serves as * alternative token to the actual `MatRadioGroup` class which could cause unnecessary * retention of the class and its component metadata. */ export declare const MAT_RADIO_GROUP: InjectionToken<_MatRadioGroupBase<_MatRadioButtonBase>>; /** * Base class with all of the `MatRadioGroup` functionality. * @docs-private */ export declare abstract class _MatRadioGroupBase implements AfterContentInit, ControlValueAccessor { private _changeDetector; /** Selected value for the radio group. */ private _value; /** The HTML name attribute applied to radio buttons in this group. */ private _name; /** The currently selected radio button. Should match value. */ private _selected; /** Whether the `value` has been set to its initial value. */ private _isInitialized; /** Whether the labels should appear after or before the radio-buttons. Defaults to 'after' */ private _labelPosition; /** Whether the radio group is disabled. */ private _disabled; /** Whether the radio group is required. */ private _required; /** The method to be called in order to update ngModel */ _controlValueAccessorChangeFn: (value: any) => void; /** * onTouch function registered via registerOnTouch (ControlValueAccessor). * @docs-private */ onTouched: () => any; /** * Event emitted when the group value changes. * Change events are only emitted when the value changes due to user interaction with * a radio button (the same behavior as ``). */ readonly change: EventEmitter; /** Child radio buttons. */ abstract _radios: QueryList; /** Theme color for all of the radio buttons in the group. */ color: ThemePalette; /** Name of the radio button group. All radio buttons inside this group will use this name. */ get name(): string; set name(value: string); /** Whether the labels should appear after or before the radio-buttons. Defaults to 'after' */ get labelPosition(): 'before' | 'after'; set labelPosition(v: 'before' | 'after'); /** * Value for the radio-group. Should equal the value of the selected radio button if there is * a corresponding radio button with a matching value. If there is not such a corresponding * radio button, this value persists to be applied in case a new radio button is added with a * matching value. */ get value(): any; set value(newValue: any); _checkSelectedRadioButton(): void; /** * The currently selected radio button. If set to a new radio button, the radio group value * will be updated to match the new selected button. */ get selected(): T | null; set selected(selected: T | null); /** Whether the radio group is disabled */ get disabled(): boolean; set disabled(value: boolean); /** Whether the radio group is required */ get required(): boolean; set required(value: boolean); constructor(_changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef); /** * Initialize properties once content children are available. * This allows us to propagate relevant attributes to associated buttons. */ ngAfterContentInit(): void; /** * Mark this group as being "touched" (for ngModel). Meant to be called by the contained * radio buttons upon their blur. */ _touch(): void; private _updateRadioButtonNames; /** Updates the `selected` radio button from the internal _value state. */ private _updateSelectedRadioFromValue; /** Dispatch change event with current selection and group value. */ _emitChangeEvent(): void; _markRadiosForCheck(): void; /** * Sets the model value. Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. * @param value */ writeValue(value: any): void; /** * Registers a callback to be triggered when the model value changes. * Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. * @param fn Callback to be registered. */ registerOnChange(fn: (value: any) => void): void; /** * Registers a callback to be triggered when the control is touched. * Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. * @param fn Callback to be registered. */ registerOnTouched(fn: any): void; /** * Sets the disabled state of the control. Implemented as a part of ControlValueAccessor. * @param isDisabled Whether the control should be disabled. */ setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void; static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_required: BooleanInput; } /** * A group of radio buttons. May contain one or more `` elements. */ export declare class MatRadioGroup extends _MatRadioGroupBase { _radios: QueryList; } /** @docs-private */ declare abstract class MatRadioButtonBase { _elementRef: ElementRef; abstract disabled: boolean; constructor(_elementRef: ElementRef); } declare const _MatRadioButtonMixinBase: import("@angular/material/core/common-behaviors/constructor").Constructor & import("@angular/material/core/common-behaviors/constructor").AbstractConstructor & import("@angular/material/core/common-behaviors/constructor").Constructor & import("@angular/material/core/common-behaviors/constructor").AbstractConstructor & typeof MatRadioButtonBase; /** * Base class with all of the `MatRadioButton` functionality. * @docs-private */ export declare abstract class _MatRadioButtonBase extends _MatRadioButtonMixinBase implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, CanDisableRipple, HasTabIndex { protected _changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef; private _focusMonitor; private _radioDispatcher; private _providerOverride?; private _uniqueId; /** The unique ID for the radio button. */ id: string; /** Analog to HTML 'name' attribute used to group radios for unique selection. */ name: string; /** Used to set the 'aria-label' attribute on the underlying input element. */ ariaLabel: string; /** The 'aria-labelledby' attribute takes precedence as the element's text alternative. */ ariaLabelledby: string; /** The 'aria-describedby' attribute is read after the element's label and field type. */ ariaDescribedby: string; /** Whether this radio button is checked. */ get checked(): boolean; set checked(value: boolean); /** The value of this radio button. */ get value(): any; set value(value: any); /** Whether the label should appear after or before the radio button. Defaults to 'after' */ get labelPosition(): 'before' | 'after'; set labelPosition(value: 'before' | 'after'); private _labelPosition; /** Whether the radio button is disabled. */ get disabled(): boolean; set disabled(value: boolean); /** Whether the radio button is required. */ get required(): boolean; set required(value: boolean); /** Theme color of the radio button. */ get color(): ThemePalette; set color(newValue: ThemePalette); private _color; /** * Event emitted when the checked state of this radio button changes. * Change events are only emitted when the value changes due to user interaction with * the radio button (the same behavior as ``). */ readonly change: EventEmitter; /** The parent radio group. May or may not be present. */ radioGroup: _MatRadioGroupBase<_MatRadioButtonBase>; /** ID of the native input element inside `` */ get inputId(): string; /** Whether this radio is checked. */ private _checked; /** Whether this radio is disabled. */ private _disabled; /** Whether this radio is required. */ private _required; /** Value assigned to this radio. */ private _value; /** Unregister function for _radioDispatcher */ private _removeUniqueSelectionListener; /** The native `` element */ _inputElement: ElementRef; /** Whether animations are disabled. */ _noopAnimations: boolean; constructor(radioGroup: _MatRadioGroupBase<_MatRadioButtonBase>, elementRef: ElementRef, _changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, _focusMonitor: FocusMonitor, _radioDispatcher: UniqueSelectionDispatcher, animationMode?: string, _providerOverride?: MatRadioDefaultOptions | undefined, tabIndex?: string); /** Focuses the radio button. */ focus(options?: FocusOptions, origin?: FocusOrigin): void; /** * Marks the radio button as needing checking for change detection. * This method is exposed because the parent radio group will directly * update bound properties of the radio button. */ _markForCheck(): void; ngOnInit(): void; ngAfterViewInit(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; /** Dispatch change event with current value. */ private _emitChangeEvent; _isRippleDisabled(): boolean; _onInputClick(event: Event): void; /** Triggered when the radio button receives an interaction from the user. */ _onInputInteraction(event: Event): void; /** Sets the disabled state and marks for check if a change occurred. */ protected _setDisabled(value: boolean): void; static ngAcceptInputType_checked: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_required: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_disableRipple: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_tabIndex: NumberInput; } /** * A Material design radio-button. Typically placed inside of `` elements. */ export declare class MatRadioButton extends _MatRadioButtonBase { constructor(radioGroup: MatRadioGroup, elementRef: ElementRef, changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, focusMonitor: FocusMonitor, radioDispatcher: UniqueSelectionDispatcher, animationMode?: string, providerOverride?: MatRadioDefaultOptions, tabIndex?: string); } export {};