"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); var _helperModuleTransforms = require("@babel/helper-module-transforms"); var _helperSimpleAccess = require("@babel/helper-simple-access"); var _core = require("@babel/core"); var _utils = require("babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node/utils"); var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, options) => { var _api$assumption, _api$assumption2, _api$assumption3; api.assertVersion(7); const transformImportCall = (0, _utils.createDynamicImportTransform)(api); const { strictNamespace = false, mjsStrictNamespace = true, allowTopLevelThis, strict, strictMode, noInterop, importInterop, lazy = false, allowCommonJSExports = true } = options; const constantReexports = (_api$assumption = api.assumption("constantReexports")) != null ? _api$assumption : options.loose; const enumerableModuleMeta = (_api$assumption2 = api.assumption("enumerableModuleMeta")) != null ? _api$assumption2 : options.loose; const noIncompleteNsImportDetection = (_api$assumption3 = api.assumption("noIncompleteNsImportDetection")) != null ? _api$assumption3 : false; if (typeof lazy !== "boolean" && typeof lazy !== "function" && (!Array.isArray(lazy) || !lazy.every(item => typeof item === "string"))) { throw new Error(`.lazy must be a boolean, array of strings, or a function`); } if (typeof strictNamespace !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`.strictNamespace must be a boolean, or undefined`); } if (typeof mjsStrictNamespace !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`.mjsStrictNamespace must be a boolean, or undefined`); } const getAssertion = localName => _core.template.expression.ast` (function(){ throw new Error( "The CommonJS '" + "${localName}" + "' variable is not available in ES6 modules." + "Consider setting setting sourceType:script or sourceType:unambiguous in your " + "Babel config for this file."); })() `; const moduleExportsVisitor = { ReferencedIdentifier(path) { const localName = path.node.name; if (localName !== "module" && localName !== "exports") return; const localBinding = path.scope.getBinding(localName); const rootBinding = this.scope.getBinding(localName); if (rootBinding !== localBinding || path.parentPath.isObjectProperty({ value: path.node }) && path.parentPath.parentPath.isObjectPattern() || path.parentPath.isAssignmentExpression({ left: path.node }) || path.isAssignmentExpression({ left: path.node })) { return; } path.replaceWith(getAssertion(localName)); }, AssignmentExpression(path) { const left = path.get("left"); if (left.isIdentifier()) { const localName = path.node.name; if (localName !== "module" && localName !== "exports") return; const localBinding = path.scope.getBinding(localName); const rootBinding = this.scope.getBinding(localName); if (rootBinding !== localBinding) return; const right = path.get("right"); right.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([right.node, getAssertion(localName)])); } else if (left.isPattern()) { const ids = left.getOuterBindingIdentifiers(); const localName = Object.keys(ids).filter(localName => { if (localName !== "module" && localName !== "exports") return false; return this.scope.getBinding(localName) === path.scope.getBinding(localName); })[0]; if (localName) { const right = path.get("right"); right.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([right.node, getAssertion(localName)])); } } } }; return { name: "transform-modules-commonjs", pre() { this.file.set("@babel/plugin-transform-modules-*", "commonjs"); }, visitor: { CallExpression(path) { if (!this.file.has("@babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import")) return; if (!path.get("callee").isImport()) return; let { scope } = path; do { scope.rename("require"); } while (scope = scope.parent); transformImportCall(this, path.get("callee")); }, Program: { exit(path, state) { if (!(0, _helperModuleTransforms.isModule)(path)) return; path.scope.rename("exports"); path.scope.rename("module"); path.scope.rename("require"); path.scope.rename("__filename"); path.scope.rename("__dirname"); if (!allowCommonJSExports) { (0, _helperSimpleAccess.default)(path, new Set(["module", "exports"])); path.traverse(moduleExportsVisitor, { scope: path.scope }); } let moduleName = (0, _helperModuleTransforms.getModuleName)(this.file.opts, options); if (moduleName) moduleName = _core.types.stringLiteral(moduleName); const { meta, headers } = (0, _helperModuleTransforms.rewriteModuleStatementsAndPrepareHeader)(path, { exportName: "exports", constantReexports, enumerableModuleMeta, strict, strictMode, allowTopLevelThis, noInterop, importInterop, lazy, esNamespaceOnly: typeof state.filename === "string" && /\.mjs$/.test(state.filename) ? mjsStrictNamespace : strictNamespace, noIncompleteNsImportDetection }); for (const [source, metadata] of meta.source) { const loadExpr = _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.identifier("require"), [_core.types.stringLiteral(source)]); let header; if ((0, _helperModuleTransforms.isSideEffectImport)(metadata)) { if (metadata.lazy) throw new Error("Assertion failure"); header = _core.types.expressionStatement(loadExpr); } else { const init = (0, _helperModuleTransforms.wrapInterop)(path, loadExpr, metadata.interop) || loadExpr; if (metadata.lazy) { header = _core.template.ast` function ${metadata.name}() { const data = ${init}; ${metadata.name} = function(){ return data; }; return data; } `; } else { header = _core.template.ast` var ${metadata.name} = ${init}; `; } } header.loc = metadata.loc; headers.push(header); headers.push(...(0, _helperModuleTransforms.buildNamespaceInitStatements)(meta, metadata, constantReexports)); } (0, _helperModuleTransforms.ensureStatementsHoisted)(headers); path.unshiftContainer("body", headers); } } } }; }); exports.default = _default;