"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.extendSubschemaMode = exports.extendSubschemaData = exports.getSubschema = void 0; const codegen_1 = require("../codegen"); const util_1 = require("../util"); function getSubschema(it, { keyword, schemaProp, schema, schemaPath, errSchemaPath, topSchemaRef }) { if (keyword !== undefined && schema !== undefined) { throw new Error('both "keyword" and "schema" passed, only one allowed'); } if (keyword !== undefined) { const sch = it.schema[keyword]; return schemaProp === undefined ? { schema: sch, schemaPath: codegen_1._ `${it.schemaPath}${codegen_1.getProperty(keyword)}`, errSchemaPath: `${it.errSchemaPath}/${keyword}`, } : { schema: sch[schemaProp], schemaPath: codegen_1._ `${it.schemaPath}${codegen_1.getProperty(keyword)}${codegen_1.getProperty(schemaProp)}`, errSchemaPath: `${it.errSchemaPath}/${keyword}/${util_1.escapeFragment(schemaProp)}`, }; } if (schema !== undefined) { if (schemaPath === undefined || errSchemaPath === undefined || topSchemaRef === undefined) { throw new Error('"schemaPath", "errSchemaPath" and "topSchemaRef" are required with "schema"'); } return { schema, schemaPath, topSchemaRef, errSchemaPath, }; } throw new Error('either "keyword" or "schema" must be passed'); } exports.getSubschema = getSubschema; function extendSubschemaData(subschema, it, { dataProp, dataPropType: dpType, data, dataTypes, propertyName }) { if (data !== undefined && dataProp !== undefined) { throw new Error('both "data" and "dataProp" passed, only one allowed'); } const { gen } = it; if (dataProp !== undefined) { const { errorPath, dataPathArr, opts } = it; const nextData = gen.let("data", codegen_1._ `${it.data}${codegen_1.getProperty(dataProp)}`, true); dataContextProps(nextData); subschema.errorPath = codegen_1.str `${errorPath}${util_1.getErrorPath(dataProp, dpType, opts.jsPropertySyntax)}`; subschema.parentDataProperty = codegen_1._ `${dataProp}`; subschema.dataPathArr = [...dataPathArr, subschema.parentDataProperty]; } if (data !== undefined) { const nextData = data instanceof codegen_1.Name ? data : gen.let("data", data, true); // replaceable if used once? dataContextProps(nextData); if (propertyName !== undefined) subschema.propertyName = propertyName; // TODO something is possibly wrong here with not changing parentDataProperty and not appending dataPathArr } if (dataTypes) subschema.dataTypes = dataTypes; function dataContextProps(_nextData) { subschema.data = _nextData; subschema.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1; subschema.dataTypes = []; it.definedProperties = new Set(); subschema.parentData = it.data; subschema.dataNames = [...it.dataNames, _nextData]; } } exports.extendSubschemaData = extendSubschemaData; function extendSubschemaMode(subschema, { jtdDiscriminator, jtdMetadata, compositeRule, createErrors, allErrors }) { if (compositeRule !== undefined) subschema.compositeRule = compositeRule; if (createErrors !== undefined) subschema.createErrors = createErrors; if (allErrors !== undefined) subschema.allErrors = allErrors; subschema.jtdDiscriminator = jtdDiscriminator; // not inherited subschema.jtdMetadata = jtdMetadata; // not inherited } exports.extendSubschemaMode = extendSubschemaMode; //# sourceMappingURL=subschema.js.map