var assert = require('assert'); var CE = require('../'); describe('CustomEvent', function () { describe('new CustomEvent()', function () { it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance', function () { var e = new CE('cat'); assert.equal(e.type, 'cat'); assert.equal(e.bubbles, false); assert.equal(e.cancelable, false); assert.equal(e.detail, undefined); }); it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `details` object', function () { var e = new CE('meow', { detail: { foo: 'bar' } }); assert.equal(e.type, 'meow'); assert.equal(e.bubbles, false); assert.equal(e.cancelable, false); assert.equal(, 'bar'); }); it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `bubbles` boolean', function () { var e = new CE('purr', { bubbles: true }); assert.equal(e.type, 'purr'); assert.equal(e.bubbles, true); assert.equal(e.cancelable, false); assert.equal(e.detail, undefined); }); it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `cancelable` boolean', function () { var e = new CE('scratch', { cancelable: true }); assert.equal(e.type, 'scratch'); assert.equal(e.bubbles, false); assert.equal(e.cancelable, true); assert.equal(e.detail, undefined); }); it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance that is dispatchable', function (done) { var e = new CE('claw', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: { canhaz: 'cheeseburger' } }); function onclaw (ev) { if (!ev) ev = window.event; assert.equal(e.bubbles, true); assert.equal(e.cancelable, true); assert.equal(e.detail.canhaz, 'cheeseburger'); done(); } if (document.body.dispatchEvent) { document.body.addEventListener('claw', onclaw, false); document.body.dispatchEvent(e); } else { // IE <= 8 will only allow us to fire "known" event names, // so we need to fire "click" instead of "claw :\ document.body.attachEvent('onclick', onclaw); // need to fire event in a separate tick for some reason… setTimeout(function () { e.type = 'click'; e.eventName = 'click'; e.eventType = 'click'; document.body.fireEvent('onclick', e); }, 50); } }); }); });