/* * This is a AssemblyScript port of the original Java version, which was written by * Gil Tene as described in * https://github.com/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram * and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ import { AbstractHistogramBase } from "./AbstractHistogramBase"; import RecordedValuesIterator from "./RecordedValuesIterator"; import PercentileIterator from "./PercentileIterator"; import ulp from "./ulp"; import { FloatFormatter, IntegerFormatter } from "./formatters"; import ByteBuffer from "./ByteBuffer"; import { encodeIntoByteBuffer } from "./encoding"; import { PackedArray } from "./packedarray/PackedArray"; export default class Histogram extends AbstractHistogramBase { // "Hot" accessed fields (used in the the value recording code path) are bunched here, such // that they will have a good chance of ending up in the same cache line as the totalCounts and // counts array reference fields that subclass implementations will typically add. /** * Number of leading zeros in the largest value that can fit in bucket 0. */ leadingZeroCountBase: i32; subBucketHalfCountMagnitude: i32; /** * Largest k such that 2^k <= lowestDiscernibleValue */ unitMagnitude: i32; subBucketHalfCount: i32; lowestDiscernibleValueRounded: u64; /** * Biggest value that can fit in bucket 0 */ subBucketMask: u64; /** * Lowest unitMagnitude bits are set */ unitMagnitudeMask: u64; maxValue: u64 = 0; minNonZeroValue: u64 = U64.MAX_VALUE; counts: T; totalCount: u64 = 0; constructor( lowestDiscernibleValue: u64, highestTrackableValue: u64, numberOfSignificantValueDigits: u8 ) { super(); // Verify argument validity if (lowestDiscernibleValue < 1) { throw new Error("lowestDiscernibleValue must be >= 1"); } if (highestTrackableValue < 2 * lowestDiscernibleValue) { throw new Error( `highestTrackableValue must be >= 2 * lowestDiscernibleValue ( 2 * ${lowestDiscernibleValue} )` ); } if ( numberOfSignificantValueDigits < 0 || numberOfSignificantValueDigits > 5 ) { throw new Error("numberOfSignificantValueDigits must be between 0 and 5"); } this.identity = AbstractHistogramBase.identityBuilder++; this.init( lowestDiscernibleValue, highestTrackableValue, numberOfSignificantValueDigits, 1.0 ); } init( lowestDiscernibleValue: u64, highestTrackableValue: u64, numberOfSignificantValueDigits: u8, integerToDoubleValueConversionRatio: f64 ): void { this.lowestDiscernibleValue = lowestDiscernibleValue; this.highestTrackableValue = highestTrackableValue; this.numberOfSignificantValueDigits = numberOfSignificantValueDigits; this.integerToDoubleValueConversionRatio = integerToDoubleValueConversionRatio; /* * Given a 3 decimal point accuracy, the expectation is obviously for "+/- 1 unit at 1000". It also means that * it's "ok to be +/- 2 units at 2000". The "tricky" thing is that it is NOT ok to be +/- 2 units at 1999. Only * starting at 2000. So internally, we need to maintain single unit resolution to 2x 10^decimalPoints. */ const largestValueWithSingleUnitResolution = 2 * Math.pow(10, numberOfSignificantValueDigits); this.unitMagnitude = floor(Math.log2(lowestDiscernibleValue)); //this.lowestDiscernibleValueRounded = pow(2, this.unitMagnitude); this.unitMagnitudeMask = (1 << this.unitMagnitude) - 1; // We need to maintain power-of-two subBucketCount (for clean direct indexing) that is large enough to // provide unit resolution to at least largestValueWithSingleUnitResolution. So figure out // largestValueWithSingleUnitResolution's nearest power-of-two (rounded up), and use that: const subBucketCountMagnitude = ( ceil(Math.log2(largestValueWithSingleUnitResolution)) ); this.subBucketHalfCountMagnitude = subBucketCountMagnitude - 1; this.subBucketCount = 1 << subBucketCountMagnitude; this.subBucketHalfCount = this.subBucketCount >> 1; this.subBucketMask = (this.subBucketCount - 1) << this.unitMagnitude; this.establishSize(highestTrackableValue); // @ts-ignore this.counts = instantiate(this.countsArrayLength); this.leadingZeroCountBase = 64 - this.unitMagnitude - this.subBucketHalfCountMagnitude - 1; this.percentileIterator = new PercentileIterator(this, 1); this.recordedValuesIterator = new RecordedValuesIterator(this); } /** * The buckets (each of which has subBucketCount sub-buckets, here assumed to be 2048 as an example) overlap: * *
   * The 0'th bucket covers from 0...2047 in multiples of 1, using all 2048 sub-buckets
   * The 1'th bucket covers from 2048..4097 in multiples of 2, using only the top 1024 sub-buckets
   * The 2'th bucket covers from 4096..8191 in multiple of 4, using only the top 1024 sub-buckets
   * ...
* * Bucket 0 is "special" here. It is the only one that has 2048 entries. All the rest have 1024 entries (because * their bottom half overlaps with and is already covered by the all of the previous buckets put together). In other * words, the k'th bucket could represent 0 * 2^k to 2048 * 2^k in 2048 buckets with 2^k precision, but the midpoint * of 1024 * 2^k = 2048 * 2^(k-1) = the k-1'th bucket's end, so we would use the previous bucket for those lower * values as it has better precision. */ establishSize(newHighestTrackableValue: u64): void { // establish counts array length: this.countsArrayLength = this.determineArrayLengthNeeded( newHighestTrackableValue ); // establish exponent range needed to support the trackable value with no overflow: this.bucketCount = this.getBucketsNeededToCoverValue( newHighestTrackableValue ); // establish the new highest trackable value: this.highestTrackableValue = newHighestTrackableValue; } determineArrayLengthNeeded(highestTrackableValue: u64): i32 { if (highestTrackableValue < 2 * this.lowestDiscernibleValue) { throw new Error( "highestTrackableValue cannot be < (2 * lowestDiscernibleValue)" ); } //determine counts array length needed: const countsArrayLength = this.getLengthForNumberOfBuckets( this.getBucketsNeededToCoverValue(highestTrackableValue) ); return countsArrayLength; } /** * If we have N such that subBucketCount * 2^N > max value, we need storage for N+1 buckets, each with enough * slots to hold the top half of the subBucketCount (the lower half is covered by previous buckets), and the +1 * being used for the lower half of the 0'th bucket. Or, equivalently, we need 1 more bucket to capture the max * value if we consider the sub-bucket length to be halved. */ getLengthForNumberOfBuckets(numberOfBuckets: i32): i32 { const lengthNeeded: i32 = (numberOfBuckets + 1) * (this.subBucketCount >> 1); return lengthNeeded; } getBucketsNeededToCoverValue(value: u64): i32 { // the k'th bucket can express from 0 * 2^k to subBucketCount * 2^k in units of 2^k let smallestUntrackableValue = (this.subBucketCount) << this.unitMagnitude; // always have at least 1 bucket let bucketsNeeded = 1; while (smallestUntrackableValue <= value) { if (smallestUntrackableValue > u64.MAX_VALUE >> 1) { // next shift will overflow, meaning that bucket could represent values up to ones greater than // Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, so it's the last bucket return bucketsNeeded + 1; } smallestUntrackableValue = smallestUntrackableValue << 1; bucketsNeeded++; } return bucketsNeeded; } /** * Record a value in the histogram * * @param value The value to be recorded * @throws may throw Error if value is exceeds highestTrackableValue */ recordValue(value: u64): void { this.recordSingleValue(value); } recordSingleValue(value: u64): void { const countsIndex = this.countsArrayIndex(value); if (countsIndex >= this.countsArrayLength) { // @ts-ignore this.handleRecordException(1, value); } else { this.incrementCountAtIndex(countsIndex); } this.updateMinAndMax(value); this.incrementTotalCount(); } handleRecordException(count: u64, value: u64): void { if (!this.autoResize) { throw new Error( "Value " + value.toString() + " is outside of histogram covered range" ); } this.resize(value); const countsIndex: i32 = this.countsArrayIndex(value); this.addToCountAtIndex(countsIndex, count); this.highestTrackableValue = this.highestEquivalentValue( this.valueFromIndex(this.countsArrayLength - 1) ); } countsArrayIndex(value: u64): i32 { if (value < 0) { throw new Error("Histogram recorded value cannot be negative."); } const bucketIndex = this.getBucketIndex(value); const subBucketIndex = this.getSubBucketIndex(value, bucketIndex); return this.computeCountsArrayIndex(bucketIndex, subBucketIndex); } private computeCountsArrayIndex(bucketIndex: i32, subBucketIndex: i32): i32 { assert(subBucketIndex < this.subBucketCount); assert(bucketIndex == 0 || subBucketIndex >= this.subBucketHalfCount); // Calculate the index for the first entry that will be used in the bucket (halfway through subBucketCount). // For bucketIndex 0, all subBucketCount entries may be used, but bucketBaseIndex is still set in the middle. const bucketBaseIndex = (bucketIndex + 1) * (1 << this.subBucketHalfCountMagnitude); // Calculate the offset in the bucket. This subtraction will result in a positive value in all buckets except // the 0th bucket (since a value in that bucket may be less than half the bucket's 0 to subBucketCount range). // However, this works out since we give bucket 0 twice as much space. const offsetInBucket = subBucketIndex - this.subBucketHalfCount; // The following is the equivalent of ((subBucketIndex - subBucketHalfCount) + bucketBaseIndex; return bucketBaseIndex + offsetInBucket; } /** * @return the lowest (and therefore highest precision) bucket index that can represent the value */ getBucketIndex(value: u64): i32 { // Calculates the number of powers of two by which the value is greater than the biggest value that fits in // bucket 0. This is the bucket index since each successive bucket can hold a value 2x greater. // The mask maps small values to bucket 0. // return this.leadingZeroCountBase - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value | subBucketMask); return this.leadingZeroCountBase - clz(value | this.subBucketMask); /*return ( max( floor(Math.log2(value)) - this.subBucketHalfCountMagnitude - this.unitMagnitude, 0 ) );*/ } getSubBucketIndex(value: u64, bucketIndex: i32): i32 { // For bucketIndex 0, this is just value, so it may be anywhere in 0 to subBucketCount. // For other bucketIndex, this will always end up in the top half of subBucketCount: assume that for some bucket // k > 0, this calculation will yield a value in the bottom half of 0 to subBucketCount. Then, because of how // buckets overlap, it would have also been in the top half of bucket k-1, and therefore would have // returned k-1 in getBucketIndex(). Since we would then shift it one fewer bits here, it would be twice as big, // and therefore in the top half of subBucketCount. return (value >> (bucketIndex + this.unitMagnitude)); } /** * Get the size (in value units) of the range of values that are equivalent to the given value within the * histogram's resolution. Where "equivalent" means that value samples recorded for any two * equivalent values are counted in a common total count. * * @param value The given value * @return The size of the range of values equivalent to the given value. */ sizeOfEquivalentValueRange(value: u64): u64 { const bucketIndex = this.getBucketIndex(value); const distanceToNextValue = (1) << (this.unitMagnitude + bucketIndex); return distanceToNextValue; } /** * Get the lowest value that is equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. * Where "equivalent" means that value samples recorded for any two * equivalent values are counted in a common total count. * * @param value The given value * @return The lowest value that is equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. */ lowestEquivalentValue(value: u64): u64 { const bucketIndex = this.getBucketIndex(value); const subBucketIndex = this.getSubBucketIndex(value, bucketIndex); const thisValueBaseLevel = this.valueFromIndexes( bucketIndex, subBucketIndex ); return thisValueBaseLevel; } /** * Get the highest value that is equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. * Where "equivalent" means that value samples recorded for any two * equivalent values are counted in a common total count. * * @param value The given value * @return The highest value that is equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. */ highestEquivalentValue(value: u64): u64 { return this.nextNonEquivalentValue(value) - 1; } /** * Get the next value that is not equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. * Where "equivalent" means that value samples recorded for any two * equivalent values are counted in a common total count. * * @param value The given value * @return The next value that is not equivalent to the given value within the histogram's resolution. */ nextNonEquivalentValue(value: u64): u64 { return ( this.lowestEquivalentValue(value) + this.sizeOfEquivalentValueRange(value) ); } /** * Get a value that lies in the middle (rounded up) of the range of values equivalent the given value. * Where "equivalent" means that value samples recorded for any two * equivalent values are counted in a common total count. * * @param value The given value * @return The value lies in the middle (rounded up) of the range of values equivalent the given value. */ medianEquivalentValue(value: u64): u64 { return ( this.lowestEquivalentValue(value) + (this.sizeOfEquivalentValueRange(value) >> 1) ); } /** * Get the computed mean value of all recorded values in the histogram * * @return the mean value (in value units) of the histogram data */ getMean(): f64 { if (this.totalCount === 0) { return 0; } this.recordedValuesIterator.reset(); let totalValue = 0; while (this.recordedValuesIterator.hasNext()) { const iterationValue = this.recordedValuesIterator.next(); totalValue += this.medianEquivalentValue(iterationValue.valueIteratedTo) * iterationValue.countAtValueIteratedTo; } return (totalValue * 1) / this.totalCount; } computeStdDeviation(mean: f64): f64 { if (this.totalCount === 0) { return 0; } let geometric_deviation_total: f64 = 0.0; this.recordedValuesIterator.reset(); while (this.recordedValuesIterator.hasNext()) { const iterationValue = this.recordedValuesIterator.next(); const deviation = this.medianEquivalentValue(iterationValue.valueIteratedTo) - mean; geometric_deviation_total += deviation * deviation * iterationValue.countAddedInThisIterationStep; } const std_deviation = Math.sqrt( geometric_deviation_total / this.totalCount ); return std_deviation; } /** * Get the computed standard deviation of all recorded values in the histogram * * @return the standard deviation (in value units) of the histogram data */ getStdDeviation(): f64 { if (this.totalCount === 0) { return 0; } const mean = this.getMean(); return this.computeStdDeviation(mean); } private updatedMaxValue(value: u64): void { const internalValue: u64 = value + this.unitMagnitudeMask; this.maxValue = internalValue; } private updateMinNonZeroValue(value: u64): void { if (value <= this.unitMagnitudeMask) { return; } const internalValue = value & ~this.unitMagnitudeMask; // Min unit-equivalent value; this.minNonZeroValue = internalValue; } updateMinAndMax(value: u64): void { if (value > this.maxValue) { this.updatedMaxValue(value); } if (value < this.minNonZeroValue && value !== 0) { this.updateMinNonZeroValue(value); } } recordCountAtValue(count: u64, value: u64): void { const countsIndex = this.countsArrayIndex(value); if (countsIndex >= this.countsArrayLength) { this.handleRecordException(count, value); } else { this.addToCountAtIndex(countsIndex, count); } this.updateMinAndMax(value); this.totalCount += count; } recordSingleValueWithExpectedInterval( value: u64, expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples: u64 ): void { this.recordSingleValue(value); if ( value < expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples || expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples === 0 ) { return; } for ( let missingValue = value - expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples; missingValue >= expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples; missingValue -= expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples ) { this.recordSingleValue(missingValue); } } private recordValueWithCountAndExpectedInterval( value: u64, count: u64, expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples: u64 ): void { this.recordCountAtValue(count, value); if ( expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples <= 0 || value <= expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples ) { return; } for ( let missingValue = value - expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples; missingValue >= expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples; missingValue -= expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples ) { this.recordCountAtValue(count, missingValue); } } addWhileCorrectingForCoordinatedOmission( otherHistogram: Histogram, expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples: u64 ): void { const toHistogram = this; const otherValues = new RecordedValuesIterator(otherHistogram); while (otherValues.hasNext()) { const v = otherValues.next(); toHistogram.recordValueWithCountAndExpectedInterval( v.valueIteratedTo, v.countAtValueIteratedTo, expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples ); } } copyCorrectedForCoordinatedOmission( expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples: u64 ): Histogram { const copy = new Histogram( this.lowestDiscernibleValue, this.highestTrackableValue, this.numberOfSignificantValueDigits ); copy.addWhileCorrectingForCoordinatedOmission( this, expectedIntervalBetweenValueSamples ); return copy; } /** * Get the value at a given percentile. * When the given percentile is > 0.0, the value returned is the value that the given * percentage of the overall recorded value entries in the histogram are either smaller than * or equivalent to. When the given percentile is 0.0, the value returned is the value that all value * entries in the histogram are either larger than or equivalent to. *

* Note that two values are "equivalent" in this statement if * {@link org.HdrHistogram.AbstractHistogram#valuesAreEquivalent} would return true. * * @param percentile The percentile for which to return the associated value * @return The value that the given percentage of the overall recorded value entries in the * histogram are either smaller than or equivalent to. When the percentile is 0.0, returns the * value that all value entries in the histogram are either larger than or equivalent to. */ getValueAtPercentile(percentile: f64): u64 { const requestedPercentile = min(percentile, 100); // Truncate down to 100% // round count up to nearest integer, to ensure that the largest value that the requested percentile // of overall recorded values is actually included. However, this must be done with care: // // First, Compute fp value for count at the requested percentile. Note that fp result end up // being 1 ulp larger than the correct integer count for this percentile: const fpCountAtPercentile = (requestedPercentile / 100.0) * this.totalCount; // Next, round up, but make sure to prevent <= 1 ulp inaccurancies in the above fp math from // making us skip a count: const countAtPercentile = max( ceil(fpCountAtPercentile - ulp(fpCountAtPercentile)), // round up 1 // Make sure we at least reach the first recorded entry ); let totalToCurrentIndex: u64 = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.countsArrayLength; i++) { totalToCurrentIndex += this.getCountAtIndex(i); if (totalToCurrentIndex >= countAtPercentile) { var valueAtIndex: u64 = this.valueFromIndex(i); return percentile === 0.0 ? this.lowestEquivalentValue(valueAtIndex) : this.highestEquivalentValue(valueAtIndex); } } return 0; } valueFromIndexes(bucketIndex: i32, subBucketIndex: i32): u64 { return (subBucketIndex) << (bucketIndex + this.unitMagnitude); } valueFromIndex(index: i32): u64 { let bucketIndex = (index >> this.subBucketHalfCountMagnitude) - 1; let subBucketIndex = (index & (this.subBucketHalfCount - 1)) + this.subBucketHalfCount; if (bucketIndex < 0) { subBucketIndex -= this.subBucketHalfCount; bucketIndex = 0; } return this.valueFromIndexes(bucketIndex, subBucketIndex); } incrementCountAtIndex(index: i32): void { // @ts-ignore const currentCount = unchecked(this.counts[index]); const newCount = currentCount + 1; if (newCount < 0) { throw new Error( newCount.toString() + " would overflow short integer count" ); } // @ts-ignore unchecked((this.counts[index] = newCount)); } setCountAtIndex(index: i32, value: u64): void { // @ts-ignore unchecked((this.counts[index] = value)); } addToCountAtIndex(index: i32, value: u64): void { // @ts-ignore const currentCount = unchecked(this.counts[index]); const newCount = currentCount + value; if (newCount < 0) { throw newCount + " would overflow short integer count"; } // @ts-ignore unchecked((this.counts[index] = newCount)); } incrementTotalCount(): void { this.totalCount++; } getCountAtIndex(index: i32): u64 { // @ts-ignore return unchecked(this.counts[index]); } resize(newHighestTrackableValue: u64): void { this.establishSize(newHighestTrackableValue); // @ts-ignore this.counts = this.counts.resize(this.countsArrayLength); } add(otherHistogram: Histogram): void { const highestRecordableValue = this.highestEquivalentValue( this.valueFromIndex(this.countsArrayLength - 1) ); if (highestRecordableValue < otherHistogram.maxValue) { if (!this.autoResize) { throw new Error( "The other histogram includes values that do not fit in this histogram's range." ); } this.resize(otherHistogram.maxValue); } if ( this.bucketCount === otherHistogram.bucketCount && this.subBucketCount === otherHistogram.subBucketCount && this.unitMagnitude === otherHistogram.unitMagnitude ) { // Counts arrays are of the same length and meaning, so we can just iterate and add directly: let observedOtherTotalCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < otherHistogram.countsArrayLength; i++) { const otherCount = otherHistogram.getCountAtIndex(i); if (otherCount > 0) { this.addToCountAtIndex(i, otherCount); observedOtherTotalCount += otherCount; } } this.totalCount += observedOtherTotalCount; this.updatedMaxValue(max(this.maxValue, otherHistogram.maxValue)); this.updateMinNonZeroValue( min(this.minNonZeroValue, otherHistogram.minNonZeroValue) ); } else { // Arrays are not a direct match (or the other could change on the fly in some valid way), // so we can't just stream through and add them. Instead, go through the array and add each // non-zero value found at it's proper value: // Do max value first, to avoid max value updates on each iteration: const otherMaxIndex = otherHistogram.countsArrayIndex( otherHistogram.maxValue ); let otherCount = otherHistogram.getCountAtIndex(otherMaxIndex); this.recordCountAtValue( otherCount, otherHistogram.valueFromIndex(otherMaxIndex) ); // Record the remaining values, up to but not including the max value: for (let i = 0; i < otherMaxIndex; i++) { otherCount = otherHistogram.getCountAtIndex(i); if (otherCount > 0) { this.recordCountAtValue(otherCount, otherHistogram.valueFromIndex(i)); } } } this.startTimeStampMsec = min( this.startTimeStampMsec, otherHistogram.startTimeStampMsec ); this.endTimeStampMsec = max( this.endTimeStampMsec, otherHistogram.endTimeStampMsec ); } /** * Get the count of recorded values at a specific value (to within the histogram resolution at the value level). * * @param value The value for which to provide the recorded count * @return The total count of values recorded in the histogram within the value range that is * {@literal >=} lowestEquivalentValue(value) and {@literal <=} highestEquivalentValue(value) */ private getCountAtValue(value: u64): u64 { const index = min( max(0, this.countsArrayIndex(value)), this.countsArrayLength - 1 ); return this.getCountAtIndex(index); } establishInternalTackingValues( lengthToCover: i32 = this.countsArrayLength ): void { this.maxValue = 0; this.minNonZeroValue = u64.MAX_VALUE; let maxIndex: i32 = -1; let minNonZeroIndex = -1; let observedTotalCount: u64 = 0; for (let index: i32 = 0; index < lengthToCover; index++) { const countAtIndex: u64 = this.getCountAtIndex(index); if (countAtIndex > 0) { observedTotalCount += countAtIndex; maxIndex = index; if (minNonZeroIndex == -1 && index != 0) { minNonZeroIndex = index; } } } if (maxIndex >= 0) { this.updatedMaxValue( this.highestEquivalentValue(this.valueFromIndex(maxIndex)) ); } if (minNonZeroIndex >= 0) { this.updateMinNonZeroValue(this.valueFromIndex(minNonZeroIndex)); } this.totalCount = observedTotalCount; } subtract(otherHistogram: Histogram): void { const highestRecordableValue = this.valueFromIndex( this.countsArrayLength - 1 ); if (highestRecordableValue < otherHistogram.maxValue) { if (!this.autoResize) { throw new Error( "The other histogram includes values that do not fit in this histogram's range." ); } this.resize(otherHistogram.maxValue); } if ( this.bucketCount === otherHistogram.bucketCount && this.subBucketCount === otherHistogram.subBucketCount && this.unitMagnitude === otherHistogram.unitMagnitude ) { // optim // Counts arrays are of the same length and meaning, so we can just iterate and add directly: let observedOtherTotalCount: u64 = 0; for (let i = 0; i < otherHistogram.countsArrayLength; i++) { const otherCount = otherHistogram.getCountAtIndex(i); if (otherCount > 0) { this.addToCountAtIndex(i, -otherCount); observedOtherTotalCount += otherCount; } } this.totalCount = this.totalCount - observedOtherTotalCount; } else { for (let i = 0; i < otherHistogram.countsArrayLength; i++) { const otherCount = otherHistogram.getCountAtIndex(i); if (otherCount > 0) { const otherValue = otherHistogram.valueFromIndex(i); if (this.getCountAtValue(otherValue) < otherCount) { throw new Error( "otherHistogram count (" + otherCount.toString() + ") at value " + otherValue.toString() + " is larger than this one's (" + this.getCountAtValue(otherValue).toString() + ")" ); } this.recordCountAtValue(-otherCount, otherValue); } } } // With subtraction, the max and minNonZero values could have changed: if ( this.getCountAtValue(this.maxValue) <= 0 || this.getCountAtValue(this.minNonZeroValue) <= 0 ) { this.establishInternalTackingValues(); } } /** * Produce textual representation of the value distribution of histogram data by percentile. The distribution is * output with exponentially increasing resolution, with each exponentially decreasing half-distance containing * dumpTicksPerHalf percentile reporting tick points. * * @param printStream Stream into which the distribution will be output *

* @param percentileTicksPerHalfDistance The number of reporting points per exponentially decreasing half-distance *

* @param outputValueUnitScalingRatio The scaling factor by which to divide histogram recorded values units in * output * @param useCsvFormat Output in CSV format if true. Otherwise use plain text form. */ outputPercentileDistribution( percentileTicksPerHalfDistance: i32 = 5, outputValueUnitScalingRatio: f64 = 1 ): string { let result = ""; result += " Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)\n\n"; const iterator = this.percentileIterator; iterator.reset(percentileTicksPerHalfDistance); const valueFormatter = new FloatFormatter( 12, this.numberOfSignificantValueDigits ); const percentileFormatter = new FloatFormatter(2, 12); const totalCountFormatter = new IntegerFormatter(10); const lastFormatter = new FloatFormatter(14, 2); while (iterator.hasNext()) { const iterationValue = iterator.next(); if (iterationValue.percentileLevelIteratedTo < 100) { result += valueFormatter.format( iterationValue.valueIteratedTo / outputValueUnitScalingRatio ) + " " + percentileFormatter.format( iterationValue.percentileLevelIteratedTo / 100 ) + " " + totalCountFormatter.format(iterationValue.totalCountToThisValue) + " " + lastFormatter.format( 1 / (1 - iterationValue.percentileLevelIteratedTo / 100) ) + "\n"; } else { result += valueFormatter.format( iterationValue.valueIteratedTo / outputValueUnitScalingRatio ) + " " + percentileFormatter.format( iterationValue.percentileLevelIteratedTo / 100 ) + " " + totalCountFormatter.format(iterationValue.totalCountToThisValue) + "\n"; } } // Calculate and output mean and std. deviation. // Note: mean/std. deviation numbers are very often completely irrelevant when // data is extremely non-normal in distribution (e.g. in cases of strong multi-modal // response time distribution associated with GC pauses). However, reporting these numbers // can be very useful for contrasting with the detailed percentile distribution // reported by outputPercentileDistribution(). It is not at all surprising to find // percentile distributions where results fall many tens or even hundreds of standard // deviations away from the mean - such results simply indicate that the data sampled // exhibits a very non-normal distribution, highlighting situations for which the std. // deviation metric is a useless indicator. // const formatter = new FloatFormatter( 12, this.numberOfSignificantValueDigits ); const _mean = this.getMean(); const mean = formatter.format(_mean / outputValueUnitScalingRatio); const std_deviation = formatter.format( this.computeStdDeviation(_mean) / outputValueUnitScalingRatio ); const max = formatter.format( this.maxValue / outputValueUnitScalingRatio ); const intFormatter = new IntegerFormatter(12); const totalCount = intFormatter.format(this.totalCount); const bucketCount = intFormatter.format(this.bucketCount); const subBucketCount = intFormatter.format(this.subBucketCount); // #[Mean = 50.0, // #[Mean = 50.000, result += `#[Mean = ` + mean.toString() + `, StdDeviation = ` + std_deviation.toString() + `] #[Max = ` + max.toString() + `, Total count = ` + totalCount.toString() + `] #[Buckets = ` + bucketCount.toString() + `, SubBuckets = ` + subBucketCount.toString() + `] `; return result; } encode(): Uint8Array { const buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); encodeIntoByteBuffer(this, buffer); return buffer.data.slice(0, buffer.position); } public get estimatedFootprintInBytes(): i32 { // @ts-ignore return offsetof>() + this.counts.estimatedFootprintInBytes; } clearCounts(): void { // @ts-ignore this.counts.clear(); } reset(): void { this.clearCounts(); this.totalCount = 0; this.startTimeStampMsec = 0; this.endTimeStampMsec = 0; //this.tag = NO_TAG; this.maxValue = 0; this.minNonZeroValue = U64.MAX_VALUE; } } export class Storage { [key: number]: number; array: T; constructor(size: i32) { this.array = instantiate(size); } public get estimatedFootprintInBytes(): i32 { // @ts-ignore return offsetof>() + this.array.byteLength; } resize(newSize: i32): Storage { const newArray = new Storage(newSize); // @ts-ignore newArray.array.set(this.array); return newArray; } clear(): void { // @ts-ignore this.array.fill(0); } @operator("[]") private __get(index: i32): U { // @ts-ignore return unchecked(this.array[index]); } @operator("[]=") private __set(index: i32, value: U): void { // @ts-ignore unchecked((this.array[index] = value)); } } export type Uint8Storage = Storage; export type Uint16Storage = Storage; export type Uint32Storage = Storage; export type Uint64Storage = Storage; export class Histogram8 extends Histogram {} export class Histogram16 extends Histogram {} export class Histogram32 extends Histogram {} export class Histogram64 extends Histogram {} export class PackedHistogram extends Histogram {}