import Histogram, { BitBucketSize } from "./Histogram"; export interface BuildRequest { /** * The size in bit of each count bucket * Default value is 32 */ bitBucketSize?: BitBucketSize; /** * Control whether or not the histogram can auto-resize and auto-adjust it's * highestTrackableValue * Default value is true */ autoResize?: boolean; /** * The lowest value that can be discerned (distinguished from 0) by the histogram. * Must be a positive integer that is {@literal >=} 1. May be internally rounded * down to nearest power of 2. * Default value is 1 */ lowestDiscernibleValue?: number; /** * The highest value to be tracked by the histogram. Must be a positive * integer that is {@literal >=} (2 * lowestDiscernibleValue). * Default value is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ highestTrackableValue?: number; /** * The number of significant decimal digits to which the histogram will * maintain value resolution and separation. Must be a non-negative * integer between 0 and 5. * Default value is 3 */ numberOfSignificantValueDigits?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5; /** * Is WebAssembly used to speed up computations. * Default value is false */ useWebAssembly?: boolean; } export declare const defaultRequest: BuildRequest; export declare const build: (request?: BuildRequest) => Histogram;