'use strict'; const _ = { isString: require('lodash/isString'), isNumber: require('lodash/isNumber'), extend: require('lodash/extend'), isFunction: require('lodash/isFunction'), }; /** * Choice object * Normalize input as choice object * @constructor * @param {Number|String|Object} val Choice value. If an object is passed, it should contains * at least one of `value` or `name` property */ module.exports = class Choice { constructor(val, answers) { // Don't process Choice and Separator object if (val instanceof Choice || val.type === 'separator') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-constructor-return return val; } if (_.isString(val) || _.isNumber(val)) { this.name = String(val); this.value = val; this.short = String(val); } else { _.extend(this, val, { name: val.name || val.value, value: 'value' in val ? val.value : val.name, short: val.short || val.name || val.value, }); } if (_.isFunction(val.disabled)) { this.disabled = val.disabled(answers); } else { this.disabled = val.disabled; } } };