'use strict'; const { fromEvent } = require('rxjs'); const { filter, map, share, takeUntil } = require('rxjs/operators'); function normalizeKeypressEvents(value, key) { return { value, key: key || {} }; } module.exports = function (rl) { const keypress = fromEvent(rl.input, 'keypress', normalizeKeypressEvents) .pipe(takeUntil(fromEvent(rl, 'close'))) // Ignore `enter` key. On the readline, we only care about the `line` event. .pipe(filter(({ key }) => key.name !== 'enter' && key.name !== 'return')); return { line: fromEvent(rl, 'line'), keypress, normalizedUpKey: keypress.pipe( filter( ({ key }) => key.name === 'up' || key.name === 'k' || (key.name === 'p' && key.ctrl) ), share() ), normalizedDownKey: keypress.pipe( filter( ({ key }) => key.name === 'down' || key.name === 'j' || (key.name === 'n' && key.ctrl) ), share() ), numberKey: keypress.pipe( filter((e) => e.value && '123456789'.indexOf(e.value) >= 0), map((e) => Number(e.value)), share() ), spaceKey: keypress.pipe( filter(({ key }) => key && key.name === 'space'), share() ), aKey: keypress.pipe( filter(({ key }) => key && key.name === 'a'), share() ), iKey: keypress.pipe( filter(({ key }) => key && key.name === 'i'), share() ), }; };