module.exports = (config) -> config.set frameworks: ['mocha', 'requirejs'] files: [ # We do not want any files to execute automatically {pattern: '', included: false} {pattern: '', included: false} # Except for this one. This one shall execute. '' ] browsers: ['Firefox'] coffeePreprocessor: options: sourceMap: true preprocessors: # source files, that you wanna generate coverage for # do not include tests or libraries # (these files will be instrumented by Istanbul via Ibrik unless # specified otherwise in coverageReporter.instrumenter) '': 'coverage' # note: project files will already be converted to # JavaScript via coverage preprocessor. # Thus, you'll have to limit the CoffeeScript preprocessor # to uncovered files. '': 'coffee' '': 'coffee' coverageReporter: type: 'text-summary' useJSExtensionForCoffeeScript: true instrumenters: ibrik : require('ibrik') instrumenter: '**/*.coffee': 'ibrik' # coverage reporter generates the coverage reporters: ['dots', 'coverage'] plugins: [ require('../../lib/index') 'karma-mocha' 'karma-requirejs' 'karma-coffee-preprocessor' 'karma-firefox-launcher' ] singleRun: true