const path = require('path') const log = require('../logger').create('launcher') const env = process.env function ProcessLauncher (spawn, tempDir, timer, processKillTimeout) { const self = this let onExitCallback const killTimeout = processKillTimeout || 2000 // Will hold output from the spawned child process const streamedOutputs = { stdout: '', stderr: '' } this._tempDir = tempDir.getPath(`/karma-${}`) this.on('start', function (url) { tempDir.create(self._tempDir) self._start(url) }) this.on('kill', function (done) { if (!self._process) { return process.nextTick(done) } onExitCallback = done self._process.kill() self._killTimer = timer.setTimeout(self._onKillTimeout, killTimeout) }) this._start = function (url) { self._execCommand(self._getCommand(), self._getOptions(url)) } this._getCommand = function () { return env[self.ENV_CMD] || self.DEFAULT_CMD[process.platform] } this._getOptions = function (url) { return [url] } // Normalize the command, remove quotes (spawn does not like them). this._normalizeCommand = function (cmd) { if (cmd.charAt(0) === cmd.charAt(cmd.length - 1) && '\'`"'.includes(cmd.charAt(0))) { cmd = cmd.substring(1, cmd.length - 1) log.warn(`The path should not be quoted.\n Normalized the path to ${cmd}`) } return path.normalize(cmd) } this._onStdout = function (data) { streamedOutputs.stdout += data } this._onStderr = function (data) { streamedOutputs.stderr += data } this._execCommand = function (cmd, args) { if (!cmd) { log.error(`No binary for ${} browser on your platform.\n Please, set "${self.ENV_CMD}" env variable.`) // disable restarting self._retryLimit = -1 return self._clearTempDirAndReportDone('no binary') } cmd = this._normalizeCommand(cmd) log.debug(cmd + ' ' + args.join(' ')) self._process = spawn(cmd, args) let errorOutput = '' self._process.stdout.on('data', self._onStdout) self._process.stderr.on('data', self._onStderr) self._process.on('exit', function (code, signal) { self._onProcessExit(code, signal, errorOutput) }) self._process.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { self._retryLimit = -1 errorOutput = `Can not find the binary ${cmd}\n\tPlease set env variable ${self.ENV_CMD}` } else if (err.code === 'EACCES') { self._retryLimit = -1 errorOutput = `Permission denied accessing the binary ${cmd}\n\tMaybe it's a directory?` } else { errorOutput += err.toString() } self._onProcessExit(-1, null, errorOutput) }) self._process.stderr.on('data', function (errBuff) { errorOutput += errBuff.toString() }) } this._onProcessExit = function (code, signal, errorOutput) { if (!self._process) { // Both exit and error events trigger _onProcessExit(), but we only need one cleanup. return } log.debug(`Process ${} exited with code ${code} and signal ${signal}`) let error = null if (self.state === self.STATE_BEING_CAPTURED) { log.error(`Cannot start ${}\n\t${errorOutput}`) error = 'cannot start' } if (self.state === self.STATE_CAPTURED) { log.error(`${} crashed.\n\t${errorOutput}`) error = 'crashed' } if (error) { log.error(`${} stdout: ${streamedOutputs.stdout}`) log.error(`${} stderr: ${streamedOutputs.stderr}`) } self._process = null streamedOutputs.stdout = '' streamedOutputs.stderr = '' if (self._killTimer) { timer.clearTimeout(self._killTimer) self._killTimer = null } self._clearTempDirAndReportDone(error) } this._clearTempDirAndReportDone = function (error) { tempDir.remove(self._tempDir, function () { self._done(error) if (onExitCallback) { onExitCallback() onExitCallback = null } }) } this._onKillTimeout = function () { if (self.state !== self.STATE_BEING_KILLED && self.state !== self.STATE_BEING_FORCE_KILLED) { return } log.warn(`${} was not killed in ${killTimeout} ms, sending SIGKILL.`) self._process.kill('SIGKILL') // NOTE: // NOTE: SIGKILL is just a signal. Processes should never ignore it, but they can. // If a process gets into a state where it doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time // Karma should warn, and continue as though the kill succeeded. // This a certainly suboptimal, but it is better than having the test harness hang waiting // for a zombie child process to exit. self._killTimer = timer.setTimeout(function () { log.warn(`${} was not killed by SIGKILL in ${killTimeout} ms, continuing.`) self._onProcessExit(-1, null, '') }, killTimeout) } } ProcessLauncher.decoratorFactory = function (timer) { return function (launcher, processKillTimeout) { const spawn = require('child_process').spawn function spawnWithoutOutput () { const proc = spawn.apply(null, arguments) proc.stdout.resume() proc.stderr.resume() return proc }, spawnWithoutOutput, require('../temp_dir'), timer, processKillTimeout) } } module.exports = ProcessLauncher