* Karma middleware is responsible for serving:
* - client.html (the entrypoint for capturing a browser)
* - debug.html
* - context.html (the execution context, loaded within an iframe)
* - karma.js
* The main part is generating context.html, as it contains:
* - generating mappings
* - including `)
} else {
const scriptUrls = []
// For client_with_context, html elements are not added directly through an iframe.
// Instead, scriptTags is stored to window.__karma__.scriptUrls first. Later, the
// client will read window.__karma__.scriptUrls and dynamically add them to the DOM
// using DOMParser.
if (requestUrl === '/client_with_context.html') {
for (const script of scriptTags) {
// Escape characters with special roles (tags) in HTML. Open angle brackets are parsed as tags
// immediately, even if it is within double quotations in browsers
script.replace(//g, '\\x3E'))
const mappings = data.includes('%MAPPINGS%') ? files.served.map((file) => {
const filePath = filePathToUrlPath(file.path, basePath, urlRoot, proxyPath)
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') // Windows paths contain backslashes and generate bad IDs if not escaped
.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') // Escape single quotes - double quotes should not be allowed!
return ` '${filePath}': '${file.sha}'`
}) : []
return data
.replace('%SCRIPTS%', () => scriptTags.join('\n'))
.replace('%CLIENT_CONFIG%', 'window.__karma__.config = ' + JSON.stringify(client) + ';\n')
.replace('%SCRIPT_URL_ARRAY%', () => 'window.__karma__.scriptUrls = ' + JSON.stringify(scriptUrls) + ';\n')
.replace('%MAPPINGS%', () => 'window.__karma__.files = {\n' + mappings.join(',\n') + '\n};\n')
.replace('\n%X_UA_COMPATIBLE%', getXUACompatibleMetaElement(request.url))
} else if (requestUrl === '/context.json') {
return filesPromise.then((files) => {
files: files.included.map((file) => filePathToUrlPath(file.path + '?' + file.sha, basePath, urlRoot, proxyPath))
return next()
createKarmaMiddleware.$inject = [
exports.create = createKarmaMiddleware