module.exports = { // Add logging for releases until we are fully confident of the release solution. debug: true, branches: 'master', verifyConditions: [ '@semantic-release/changelog', '@semantic-release/npm', '@semantic-release/github' ], prepare: [ './tools/update-contributors', '@semantic-release/changelog', '@semantic-release/npm', '@semantic-release/git' ], publish: [ '@semantic-release/npm', '@semantic-release/github' ], success: [ '@semantic-release/github', './tools/update-docs' ], // The release rules determine what kind of release should be triggered // based on the information included in the commit message. The default // rules used by semantic-release are the same, but they are set explicitly // for better visibility. // See releaseRules: [ { breaking: true, release: 'major' }, { revert: true, release: 'patch' }, { type: 'feat', release: 'minor' }, { type: 'fix', release: 'patch' }, { type: 'perf', release: 'patch' } ], // The preset determines which commits are included in the changelog and how // the changelog is formatted. The default value used by semantic-release is // the same, but it is set explicitly for visibility. // See // See preset: 'angular' }