/* eslint-disable no-plusplus */ const levels = require("./levels"); const DEFAULT_FORMAT = ":remote-addr - -" + ' ":method :url HTTP/:http-version"' + ' :status :content-length ":referrer"' + ' ":user-agent"'; /** * Return request url path, * adding this function prevents the Cyclomatic Complexity, * for the assemble_tokens function at low, to pass the tests. * * @param {IncomingMessage} req * @return {string} * @api private */ function getUrl(req) { return req.originalUrl || req.url; } /** * Adds custom {token, replacement} objects to defaults, * overwriting the defaults if any tokens clash * * @param {IncomingMessage} req * @param {ServerResponse} res * @param {Array} customTokens * [{ token: string-or-regexp, replacement: string-or-replace-function }] * @return {Array} */ function assembleTokens(req, res, customTokens) { const arrayUniqueTokens = array => { const a = array.concat(); for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { for (let j = i + 1; j < a.length; ++j) { // not === because token can be regexp object /* eslint eqeqeq:0 */ if (a[i].token == a[j].token) { a.splice(j--, 1); } } } return a; }; const defaultTokens = []; defaultTokens.push({ token: ":url", replacement: getUrl(req) }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":protocol", replacement: req.protocol }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":hostname", replacement: req.hostname }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":method", replacement: req.method }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":status", replacement: res.__statusCode || res.statusCode }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":response-time", replacement: res.responseTime }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":date", replacement: new Date().toUTCString() }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":referrer", replacement: req.headers.referer || req.headers.referrer || "" }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":http-version", replacement: `${req.httpVersionMajor}.${req.httpVersionMinor}` }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":remote-addr", replacement: req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || req.ip || req._remoteAddress || (req.socket && (req.socket.remoteAddress || (req.socket.socket && req.socket.socket.remoteAddress))) }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":user-agent", replacement: req.headers["user-agent"] }); defaultTokens.push({ token: ":content-length", replacement: res.getHeader("content-length") || (res.__headers && res.__headers["Content-Length"]) || "-" }); defaultTokens.push({ token: /:req\[([^\]]+)]/g, replacement(_, field) { return req.headers[field.toLowerCase()]; } }); defaultTokens.push({ token: /:res\[([^\]]+)]/g, replacement(_, field) { return ( res.getHeader(field.toLowerCase()) || (res.__headers && res.__headers[field]) ); } }); return arrayUniqueTokens(customTokens.concat(defaultTokens)); } /** * Return formatted log line. * * @param {string} str * @param {Array} tokens * @return {string} * @api private */ function format(str, tokens) { for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { str = str.replace(tokens[i].token, tokens[i].replacement); } return str; } /** * Return RegExp Object about nolog * * @param {(string|Array)} nolog * @return {RegExp} * @api private * * syntax * 1. String * 1.1 "\\.gif" * NOT LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.gif and http://example.com/hoge.gif?fuga * LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.agif * 1.2 in "\\.gif|\\.jpg$" * NOT LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.gif and * http://example.com/hoge.gif?fuga and http://example.com/hoge.jpg?fuga * LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.agif, * http://example.com/hoge.ajpg and http://example.com/hoge.jpg?hoge * 1.3 in "\\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$" * NOT LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.gif and http://example.com/hoge.jpeg * LOGGING http://example.com/hoge.gif?uid=2 and http://example.com/hoge.jpg?pid=3 * 2. RegExp * 2.1 in /\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/ * SAME AS 1.3 * 3. Array * 3.1 ["\\.jpg$", "\\.png", "\\.gif"] * SAME AS "\\.jpg|\\.png|\\.gif" */ function createNoLogCondition(nolog) { let regexp = null; if (nolog instanceof RegExp) { regexp = nolog; } if (typeof nolog === "string") { regexp = new RegExp(nolog); } if (Array.isArray(nolog)) { // convert to strings const regexpsAsStrings = nolog.map(reg => (reg.source ? reg.source : reg)); regexp = new RegExp(regexpsAsStrings.join("|")); } return regexp; } /** * Allows users to define rules around status codes to assign them to a specific * logging level. * There are two types of rules: * - RANGE: matches a code within a certain range * E.g. { 'from': 200, 'to': 299, 'level': 'info' } * - CONTAINS: matches a code to a set of expected codes * E.g. { 'codes': [200, 203], 'level': 'debug' } * Note*: Rules are respected only in order of prescendence. * * @param {Number} statusCode * @param {Level} currentLevel * @param {Object} ruleSet * @return {Level} * @api private */ function matchRules(statusCode, currentLevel, ruleSet) { let level = currentLevel; if (ruleSet) { const matchedRule = ruleSet.find(rule => { let ruleMatched = false; if (rule.from && rule.to) { ruleMatched = statusCode >= rule.from && statusCode <= rule.to; } else { ruleMatched = rule.codes.indexOf(statusCode) !== -1; } return ruleMatched; }); if (matchedRule) { level = levels.getLevel(matchedRule.level, level); } } return level; } /** * Log requests with the given `options` or a `format` string. * * Options: * * - `format` Format string, see below for tokens * - `level` A log4js levels instance. Supports also 'auto' * - `nolog` A string or RegExp to exclude target logs * - `statusRules` A array of rules for setting specific logging levels base on status codes * - `context` Whether to add a response of express to the context * * Tokens: * * - `:req[header]` ex: `:req[Accept]` * - `:res[header]` ex: `:res[Content-Length]` * - `:http-version` * - `:response-time` * - `:remote-addr` * - `:date` * - `:method` * - `:url` * - `:referrer` * - `:user-agent` * - `:status` * * @return {Function} * @param logger4js * @param options * @api public */ module.exports = function getLogger(logger4js, options) { /* eslint no-underscore-dangle:0 */ if (typeof options === "string" || typeof options === "function") { options = { format: options }; } else { options = options || {}; } const thisLogger = logger4js; let level = levels.getLevel(options.level, levels.INFO); const fmt = options.format || DEFAULT_FORMAT; const nolog = createNoLogCondition(options.nolog); return (req, res, next) => { // mount safety if (req._logging) return next(); // nologs if (nolog && nolog.test(req.originalUrl)) return next(); if (thisLogger.isLevelEnabled(level) || options.level === "auto") { const start = new Date(); const { writeHead } = res; // flag as logging req._logging = true; // proxy for statusCode. res.writeHead = (code, headers) => { res.writeHead = writeHead; res.writeHead(code, headers); res.__statusCode = code; res.__headers = headers || {}; }; // hook on end request to emit the log entry of the HTTP request. res.on("finish", () => { res.responseTime = new Date() - start; // status code response level handling if (res.statusCode && options.level === "auto") { level = levels.INFO; if (res.statusCode >= 300) level = levels.WARN; if (res.statusCode >= 400) level = levels.ERROR; } level = matchRules(res.statusCode, level, options.statusRules); const combinedTokens = assembleTokens(req, res, options.tokens || []); if (options.context) thisLogger.addContext("res", res); if (typeof fmt === "function") { const line = fmt(req, res, str => format(str, combinedTokens)); if (line) thisLogger.log(level, line); } else { thisLogger.log(level, format(fmt, combinedTokens)); } if (options.context) thisLogger.removeContext("res"); }); } // ensure next gets always called return next(); }; };