var helpers = require('./helpers'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), needle = require('./../'); var ports = { http : 8888, https : 9999 } var protocols = { http : require('http'), https : require('https') } var code = 301; var location; // var to set the response location function response_code() { return code; } function response_headers() { return { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Location': location } } describe('redirects', function() { var spies = {}, servers = {}; var current_protocol; var hostname = require('os').hostname(); // open two servers, one that responds to a redirect before(function(done) { var conf = { port : ports.http, code : response_code, headers : response_headers } servers.http = helpers.server(conf, function() { conf.port = ports.https; conf.protocol = 'https'; servers.https = helpers.server(conf, done); }); }) after(function(done) { servers.http.close(function() { servers.https.close(done); }); }) var prots = {'http': 'https'}; Object.keys(prots).forEach(function(protocol) { current_protocol = protocol; var other_protocol = protocol == 'http' ? 'https' : 'http'; var opts, // each test will modify this host = '', url = protocol + '://' + host + ':' + ports[protocol] + '/hello'; function send_request(opts, cb) { opts.rejectUnauthorized = false; // console.log(' -- sending request ' + url + ' -- redirect to ' + location);, { foo: 'bar' }, opts, cb); } function not_followed(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { resp.statusCode.should.eql(301); if (current_protocol == 'http') { spies.http.callCount.should.eql(1); // only original request spies.https.callCount.should.eql(0); } else { spies.http.callCount.should.eql(0); spies.https.callCount.should.eql(1); // only original request } done(); }) } function followed_same_protocol(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { // the original request plus the redirect one spies[current_protocol].callCount.should.eql(2); done(); }) } function followed_other_protocol(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { // on new-ish node versions, https.request calls http.request internally, // so we need to amount for that additional call. // update: this doesn't happen on node > 10.x var node_major_ver = process.version.split('.')[0].replace('v', ''); var http_calls = protocols.http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets == Infinity && parseInt(node_major_ver) < 10 ? 2 : 1; spies.http.callCount.should.eql(http_calls); // the one(s) from http.request spies.https.callCount.should.eql(1); // the one from https.request (redirect) done(); }) } // set a spy on [protocol].request // so we can see how many times a request was made before(function() { spies.http = sinon.spy(protocols.http, 'request'); spies.https = sinon.spy(protocols.https, 'request'); }) // and make sure it is restored after each test afterEach(function() { spies.http.reset(); spies.https.reset(); }) after(function() { spies.http.restore(); spies.https.restore(); }) describe('when overriding defaults', function() { before(function() { needle.defaults({ follow_max: 10 }); opts = {}; }) after(function() { // reset values to previous needle.defaults({ follow_max: 0 }); }) describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url; }) it('does not follow redirect', not_followed); }) describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(protocol, other_protocol).replace(ports[protocol], ports[other_protocol]); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); }) describe('and redirected to a different path on same host, same protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace('/hello', '/goodbye'); }) it('follows redirect', followed_same_protocol); }) describe('and redirected to a different path on same host, different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace('/hello', '/goodbye').replace(protocol, other_protocol).replace(ports[protocol], ports[other_protocol]); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); }) describe('and redirected to same path on another host, same protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname); }) it('follows redirect', followed_same_protocol); }) describe('and redirected to same path on another host, different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname).replace(protocol, other_protocol).replace(ports[protocol], ports[other_protocol]); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); }) }) // false and null have the same result var values = [false, null]; values.forEach(function(value) { describe('when follow is ' + value, function() { before(function() { opts = { follow: value }; }) describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url; }) it('throws an error', function() { (function() { send_request(opts, function() { }); }).should.throw; }) }) }) }) describe('when follow is true', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow: true }; }) describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url }) it('throws an error', function() { (function() { send_request(opts, function() { }); }).should.throw; }) }) }) describe('when follow is > 0', function() { before(function() { needle.defaults({ follow: 10 }); }) after(function() { needle.defaults({ follow: 0 }); }) describe('when keep_method is false', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_keep_method: false }; }) // defaults to follow host and protocol describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(protocol, other_protocol); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); it('sends a GET request with no data', function(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { spies.http.args[0][0].method.should.eql('GET'); // spy.args[0][3].should.eql(null); done(); }) }) }) }) describe('and set_referer is true', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_set_referer: true }; }) // defaults to follow host and protocol describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(protocol, other_protocol); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); it('sets Referer header when following redirect', function(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { spies.http.args[0][0].headers['referer'].should.eql("http://" + host + ":8888/hello"); // spies.http.args[0][3].should.eql({ foo: 'bar'}); done(); }) }) }) }) describe('and keep_method is true', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_keep_method: true }; }) // defaults to follow host and protocol describe('and redirected to the same path on same host and different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(protocol, other_protocol); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); it('sends a POST request with the original data', function(done) { send_request(opts, function(err, resp) { spies.http.args[0][0].method.should.eql('post'); // spies.http.args[0][3].should.eql({ foo: 'bar'}); done(); }) }) }) }) describe('and if_same_host is false', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_if_same_host: false }; }) // by default it will follow other protocols describe('and redirected to same path on another domain, same protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname); }) it('follows redirect', followed_same_protocol); }) }) describe('and if_same_host is true', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_if_same_host: true }; }) // by default it will follow other protocols describe('and redirected to same path on another domain, same protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname); }) it('does not follow redirect', not_followed); }) }) describe('and if_same_protocol is false', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_if_same_protocol: false }; }) // by default it will follow other hosts describe('and redirected to same path on another domain, different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname).replace(protocol, other_protocol).replace(ports[protocol], ports[other_protocol]); }) it('follows redirect', followed_other_protocol); }) }) describe('and if_same_protocol is true', function() { before(function() { opts = { follow_if_same_protocol: true }; }) // by default it will follow other hosts describe('and redirected to same path on another domain, different protocol', function() { before(function() { location = url.replace(host, hostname).replace(protocol, other_protocol).replace(ports[protocol], ports[other_protocol]); }) it('does not follow redirect', not_followed); }) }) }) }) });