import { Worker, MessageChannel, MessagePort, receiveMessageOnPort } from 'worker_threads'; import { once } from 'events'; import EventEmitterAsyncResource from 'eventemitter-asyncresource'; import { AsyncResource } from 'async_hooks'; import { cpus } from 'os'; import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import { inspect, types } from 'util'; import assert from 'assert'; import { Histogram, build } from 'hdr-histogram-js'; import { performance } from 'perf_hooks'; import hdrobj from 'hdr-histogram-percentiles-obj'; import { ReadyMessage, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage, StartupMessage, commonState, kResponseCountField, kRequestCountField, kFieldCount, Transferable, Task, TaskQueue, kQueueOptions, isTaskQueue, isTransferable, markMovable, isMovable, kTransferable, kValue } from './common'; import { version } from '../package.json'; const cpuCount : number = (() => { try { return cpus().length; } catch { /* istanbul ignore next */ return 1; } })(); interface AbortSignalEventTargetAddOptions { once : boolean; }; interface AbortSignalEventTarget { addEventListener : ( name : 'abort', listener : () => void, options? : AbortSignalEventTargetAddOptions) => void; removeEventListener : ( name : 'abort', listener : () => void) => void; aborted? : boolean; } interface AbortSignalEventEmitter { off : (name : 'abort', listener : () => void) => void; once : (name : 'abort', listener : () => void) => void; } type AbortSignalAny = AbortSignalEventTarget | AbortSignalEventEmitter; function onabort (abortSignal : AbortSignalAny, listener : () => void) { if ('addEventListener' in abortSignal) { abortSignal.addEventListener('abort', listener, { once: true }); } else { abortSignal.once('abort', listener); } } class AbortError extends Error { constructor () { super('The task has been aborted'); } get name () { return 'AbortError'; } } type ResourceLimits = Worker extends { resourceLimits? : infer T; } ? T : {}; type EnvSpecifier = typeof Worker extends { new (filename : never, options?: { env: infer T }) : Worker; } ? T : never; class ArrayTaskQueue implements TaskQueue { tasks : Task[] = []; get size () { return this.tasks.length; } shift () : Task | null { return this.tasks.shift() as Task; } push (task : Task) : void { this.tasks.push(task); } remove (task : Task) : void { const index = this.tasks.indexOf(task); assert.notStrictEqual(index, -1); this.tasks.splice(index, 1); } } interface Options { filename? : string | null, name?: string, minThreads? : number, maxThreads? : number, idleTimeout? : number, maxQueue? : number | 'auto', concurrentTasksPerWorker? : number, useAtomics? : boolean, resourceLimits? : ResourceLimits, argv? : string[], execArgv? : string[], env? : EnvSpecifier, workerData? : any, taskQueue? : TaskQueue, niceIncrement? : number, trackUnmanagedFds? : boolean, } interface FilledOptions extends Options { filename : string | null, name: string, minThreads : number, maxThreads : number, idleTimeout : number, maxQueue : number, concurrentTasksPerWorker : number, useAtomics: boolean, taskQueue : TaskQueue, niceIncrement : number } const kDefaultOptions : FilledOptions = { filename: null, name: 'default', minThreads: Math.max(cpuCount / 2, 1), maxThreads: cpuCount * 1.5, idleTimeout: 0, maxQueue: Infinity, concurrentTasksPerWorker: 1, useAtomics: true, taskQueue: new ArrayTaskQueue(), niceIncrement: 0, trackUnmanagedFds: true }; interface RunOptions { transferList? : TransferList, filename? : string | null, signal? : AbortSignalAny | null, name? : string | null } interface FilledRunOptions extends RunOptions { transferList : TransferList | never, filename : string | null, signal : AbortSignalAny | null, name : string | null } const kDefaultRunOptions : FilledRunOptions = { transferList: undefined, filename: null, signal: null, name: null }; class DirectlyTransferable implements Transferable { #value : object; constructor (value : object) { this.#value = value; } get [kTransferable] () : object { return this.#value; } get [kValue] () : object { return this.#value; } } class ArrayBufferViewTransferable implements Transferable { #view : ArrayBufferView; constructor (view : ArrayBufferView) { this.#view = view; } get [kTransferable] () : object { return this.#view.buffer; } get [kValue] () : object { return this.#view; } } let taskIdCounter = 0; type TaskCallback = (err : Error, result: any) => void; // Grab the type of `transferList` off `MessagePort`. At the time of writing, // only ArrayBuffer and MessagePort are valid, but let's avoid having to update // our types here every time Node.js adds support for more objects. type TransferList = MessagePort extends { postMessage(value : any, transferList : infer T) : any; } ? T : never; type TransferListItem = TransferList extends (infer T)[] ? T : never; function maybeFileURLToPath (filename : string) : string { return filename.startsWith('file:') ? fileURLToPath(new URL(filename)) : filename; } // Extend AsyncResource so that async relations between posting a task and // receiving its result are visible to diagnostic tools. class TaskInfo extends AsyncResource implements Task { callback : TaskCallback; task : any; transferList : TransferList; filename : string; name : string; taskId : number; abortSignal : AbortSignalAny | null; abortListener : (() => void) | null = null; workerInfo : WorkerInfo | null = null; created : number; started : number; constructor ( task : any, transferList : TransferList, filename : string, name : string, callback : TaskCallback, abortSignal : AbortSignalAny | null, triggerAsyncId : number) { super('Piscina.Task', { requireManualDestroy: true, triggerAsyncId }); this.callback = callback; this.task = task; this.transferList = transferList; // If the task is a Transferable returned by // Piscina.move(), then add it to the transferList // automatically if (isMovable(task)) { // This condition should never be hit but typescript // complains if we dont do the check. /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.transferList == null) { this.transferList = []; } this.transferList = this.transferList.concat(task[kTransferable]); this.task = task[kValue]; } this.filename = filename; = name; this.taskId = taskIdCounter++; this.abortSignal = abortSignal; this.created =; this.started = 0; } releaseTask () : any { const ret = this.task; this.task = null; return ret; } done (err : Error | null, result? : any) : void { this.runInAsyncScope(this.callback, null, err, result); this.emitDestroy(); // `TaskInfo`s are used only once. // If an abort signal was used, remove the listener from it when // done to make sure we do not accidentally leak. if (this.abortSignal && this.abortListener) { if ('removeEventListener' in this.abortSignal && this.abortListener) { this.abortSignal.removeEventListener('abort', this.abortListener); } else { (this.abortSignal as AbortSignalEventEmitter).off( 'abort', this.abortListener); } } } get [kQueueOptions] () : object | null { return kQueueOptions in this.task ? this.task[kQueueOptions] : null; } } abstract class AsynchronouslyCreatedResource { onreadyListeners : (() => void)[] | null = []; markAsReady () : void { const listeners = this.onreadyListeners; assert(listeners !== null); this.onreadyListeners = null; for (const listener of listeners) { listener(); } } isReady () : boolean { return this.onreadyListeners === null; } onReady (fn : () => void) { if (this.onreadyListeners === null) { fn(); // Zalgo is okay here. return; } this.onreadyListeners.push(fn); } abstract currentUsage() : number; } class AsynchronouslyCreatedResourcePool< T extends AsynchronouslyCreatedResource> { pendingItems = new Set(); readyItems = new Set(); maximumUsage : number; onAvailableListeners : ((item : T) => void)[]; constructor (maximumUsage : number) { this.maximumUsage = maximumUsage; this.onAvailableListeners = []; } add (item : T) { this.pendingItems.add(item); item.onReady(() => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (this.pendingItems.has(item)) { this.pendingItems.delete(item); this.readyItems.add(item); this.maybeAvailable(item); } }); } delete (item : T) { this.pendingItems.delete(item); this.readyItems.delete(item); } findAvailable () : T | null { let minUsage = this.maximumUsage; let candidate = null; for (const item of this.readyItems) { const usage = item.currentUsage(); if (usage === 0) return item; if (usage < minUsage) { candidate = item; minUsage = usage; } } return candidate; } * [Symbol.iterator] () { yield * this.pendingItems; yield * this.readyItems; } get size () { return this.pendingItems.size + this.readyItems.size; } maybeAvailable (item : T) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (item.currentUsage() < this.maximumUsage) { for (const listener of this.onAvailableListeners) { listener(item); } } } onAvailable (fn : (item : T) => void) { this.onAvailableListeners.push(fn); } } type ResponseCallback = (response : ResponseMessage) => void; const Errors = { ThreadTermination: () => new Error('Terminating worker thread'), FilenameNotProvided: () => new Error('filename must be provided to run() or in options object'), TaskQueueAtLimit: () => new Error('Task queue is at limit'), NoTaskQueueAvailable: () => new Error('No task queue available and all Workers are busy') }; class WorkerInfo extends AsynchronouslyCreatedResource { worker : Worker; taskInfos : Map; idleTimeout : NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; // eslint-disable-line no-undef port : MessagePort; sharedBuffer : Int32Array; lastSeenResponseCount : number = 0; onMessage : ResponseCallback; constructor ( worker : Worker, port : MessagePort, onMessage : ResponseCallback) { super(); this.worker = worker; this.port = port; this.port.on('message', (message : ResponseMessage) => this._handleResponse(message)); this.onMessage = onMessage; this.taskInfos = new Map(); this.sharedBuffer = new Int32Array( new SharedArrayBuffer(kFieldCount * Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)); } destroy () : void { this.worker.terminate(); this.port.close(); this.clearIdleTimeout(); for (const taskInfo of this.taskInfos.values()) { taskInfo.done(Errors.ThreadTermination()); } this.taskInfos.clear(); } clearIdleTimeout () : void { if (this.idleTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.idleTimeout); this.idleTimeout = null; } } ref () : WorkerInfo { this.port.ref(); return this; } unref () : WorkerInfo { // Note: Do not call ref()/unref() on the Worker itself since that may cause // a hard crash, see this.port.unref(); return this; } _handleResponse (message : ResponseMessage) : void { this.onMessage(message); if (this.taskInfos.size === 0) { // No more tasks running on this Worker means it should not keep the // process running. this.unref(); } } postTask (taskInfo : TaskInfo) { assert(!this.taskInfos.has(taskInfo.taskId)); const message : RequestMessage = { task: taskInfo.releaseTask(), taskId: taskInfo.taskId, filename: taskInfo.filename, name: }; try { this.port.postMessage(message, taskInfo.transferList); } catch (err) { // This would mostly happen if e.g. message contains unserializable data // or transferList is invalid. taskInfo.done(err); return; } taskInfo.workerInfo = this; this.taskInfos.set(taskInfo.taskId, taskInfo); this.ref(); this.clearIdleTimeout(); // Inform the worker that there are new messages posted, and wake it up // if it is waiting for one. Atomics.add(this.sharedBuffer, kRequestCountField, 1); Atomics.notify(this.sharedBuffer, kRequestCountField, 1); } processPendingMessages () { // If we *know* that there are more messages than we have received using // 'message' events yet, then try to load and handle them synchronously, // without the need to wait for more expensive events on the event loop. // This would usually break async tracking, but in our case, we already have // the extra TaskInfo/AsyncResource layer that rectifies that situation. const actualResponseCount = Atomics.load(this.sharedBuffer, kResponseCountField); if (actualResponseCount !== this.lastSeenResponseCount) { this.lastSeenResponseCount = actualResponseCount; let entry; while ((entry = receiveMessageOnPort(this.port)) !== undefined) { this._handleResponse(entry.message); } } } isRunningAbortableTask () : boolean { // If there are abortable tasks, we are running one at most per Worker. if (this.taskInfos.size !== 1) return false; const [[, task]] = this.taskInfos; return task.abortSignal !== null; } currentUsage () : number { if (this.isRunningAbortableTask()) return Infinity; return this.taskInfos.size; } } class ThreadPool { publicInterface : Piscina; workers : AsynchronouslyCreatedResourcePool; options : FilledOptions; taskQueue : TaskQueue; skipQueue : TaskInfo[] = []; completed : number = 0; runTime : Histogram; waitTime : Histogram; start : number =; inProcessPendingMessages : boolean = false; startingUp : boolean = false; workerFailsDuringBootstrap : boolean = false; constructor (publicInterface : Piscina, options : Options) { this.publicInterface = publicInterface; this.taskQueue = options.taskQueue || new ArrayTaskQueue(); this.runTime = build({ lowestDiscernibleValue: 1 }); this.waitTime = build({ lowestDiscernibleValue: 1 }); const filename = options.filename ? maybeFileURLToPath(options.filename) : null; this.options = { ...kDefaultOptions, ...options, filename, maxQueue: 0 }; // The >= and <= could be > and < but this way we get 100 % coverage 🙃 if (options.maxThreads !== undefined && this.options.minThreads >= options.maxThreads) { this.options.minThreads = options.maxThreads; } if (options.minThreads !== undefined && this.options.maxThreads <= options.minThreads) { this.options.maxThreads = options.minThreads; } if (options.maxQueue === 'auto') { this.options.maxQueue = this.options.maxThreads ** 2; } else { this.options.maxQueue = options.maxQueue ?? kDefaultOptions.maxQueue; } this.workers = new AsynchronouslyCreatedResourcePool( this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker); this.workers.onAvailable((w : WorkerInfo) => this._onWorkerAvailable(w)); this.startingUp = true; this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); this.startingUp = false; } _ensureMinimumWorkers () : void { while (this.workers.size < this.options.minThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } } _addNewWorker () : void { const pool = this; const worker = new Worker(resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js'), { env: this.options.env, argv: this.options.argv, execArgv: this.options.execArgv, resourceLimits: this.options.resourceLimits, workerData: this.options.workerData, trackUnmanagedFds: this.options.trackUnmanagedFds }); const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); const workerInfo = new WorkerInfo(worker, port1, onMessage); if (this.startingUp) { // There is no point in waiting for the initial set of Workers to indicate // that they are ready, we just mark them as such from the start. workerInfo.markAsReady(); } const message : StartupMessage = { filename: this.options.filename, name:, port: port2, sharedBuffer: workerInfo.sharedBuffer, useAtomics: this.options.useAtomics, niceIncrement: this.options.niceIncrement }; worker.postMessage(message, [port2]); function onMessage (message : ResponseMessage) { const { taskId, result } = message; // In case of success: Call the callback that was passed to `runTask`, // remove the `TaskInfo` associated with the Worker, which marks it as // free again. const taskInfo = workerInfo.taskInfos.get(taskId); workerInfo.taskInfos.delete(taskId); pool.workers.maybeAvailable(workerInfo); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (taskInfo === undefined) { const err = new Error( `Unexpected message from Worker: ${inspect(message)}`); pool.publicInterface.emit('error', err); } else { taskInfo.done(message.error, result); } pool._processPendingMessages(); } worker.on('message', (message : ReadyMessage) => { if (message.ready === true) { if (workerInfo.currentUsage() === 0) { workerInfo.unref(); } if (!workerInfo.isReady()) { workerInfo.markAsReady(); } return; } worker.emit('error', new Error( `Unexpected message on Worker: ${inspect(message)}`)); }); worker.on('error', (err : Error) => { // Work around the bug in worker.ref = () => {}; // In case of an uncaught exception: Call the callback that was passed to // `postTask` with the error, or emit an 'error' event if there is none. const taskInfos = [...workerInfo.taskInfos.values()]; workerInfo.taskInfos.clear(); // Remove the worker from the list and potentially start a new Worker to // replace the current one. this._removeWorker(workerInfo); if (workerInfo.isReady() && !this.workerFailsDuringBootstrap) { this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); } else { // Do not start new workers over and over if they already fail during // bootstrap, there's no point. this.workerFailsDuringBootstrap = true; } if (taskInfos.length > 0) { for (const taskInfo of taskInfos) { taskInfo.done(err, null); } } else { this.publicInterface.emit('error', err); } }); worker.unref(); port1.on('close', () => { // The port is only closed if the Worker stops for some reason, but we // always .unref() the Worker itself. We want to receive e.g. 'error' // events on it, so we ref it once we know it's going to exit anyway. worker.ref(); }); this.workers.add(workerInfo); } _processPendingMessages () { if (this.inProcessPendingMessages || !this.options.useAtomics) { return; } this.inProcessPendingMessages = true; try { for (const workerInfo of this.workers) { workerInfo.processPendingMessages(); } } finally { this.inProcessPendingMessages = false; } } _removeWorker (workerInfo : WorkerInfo) : void { workerInfo.destroy(); this.workers.delete(workerInfo); } _onWorkerAvailable (workerInfo : WorkerInfo) : void { while ((this.taskQueue.size > 0 || this.skipQueue.length > 0) && workerInfo.currentUsage() < this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker) { // The skipQueue will have tasks that we previously shifted off // the task queue but had to skip over... we have to make sure // we drain that before we drain the taskQueue. const taskInfo = this.skipQueue.shift() || this.taskQueue.shift() as TaskInfo; // If the task has an abortSignal and the worker has any other // tasks, we cannot distribute the task to it. Skip for now. if (taskInfo.abortSignal && workerInfo.taskInfos.size > 0) { this.skipQueue.push(taskInfo); break; } const now =; this.waitTime.recordValue(now - taskInfo.created); taskInfo.started = now; workerInfo.postTask(taskInfo); this._maybeDrain(); return; } if (workerInfo.taskInfos.size === 0 && this.workers.size > this.options.minThreads) { workerInfo.idleTimeout = setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(workerInfo.taskInfos.size, 0); if (this.workers.size > this.options.minThreads) { this._removeWorker(workerInfo); } }, this.options.idleTimeout).unref(); } } runTask ( task : any, options : RunOptions) : Promise { let { filename, name } = options; const { transferList = [], signal = null } = options; if (filename == null) { filename = this.options.filename; } if (name == null) { name =; } if (typeof filename !== 'string') { return Promise.reject(Errors.FilenameNotProvided()); } filename = maybeFileURLToPath(filename); let resolve : (result : any) => void; let reject : (err : Error) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line const ret = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); const taskInfo = new TaskInfo( task, transferList, filename, name, (err : Error | null, result : any) => { this.completed++; if (taskInfo.started) { this.runTime.recordValue( - taskInfo.started); } if (err !== null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(result); } }, signal, this.publicInterface.asyncResource.asyncId()); if (signal !== null) { // If the AbortSignal has an aborted property and it's truthy, // reject immediately. if ((signal as AbortSignalEventTarget).aborted) { return Promise.reject(new AbortError()); } taskInfo.abortListener = () => { // Call reject() first to make sure we always reject with the AbortError // if the task is aborted, not with an Error from the possible // thread termination below. reject(new AbortError()); if (taskInfo.workerInfo !== null) { // Already running: We cancel the Worker this is running on. this._removeWorker(taskInfo.workerInfo); this._ensureMinimumWorkers(); } else { // Not yet running: Remove it from the queue. this.taskQueue.remove(taskInfo); } }; onabort(signal, taskInfo.abortListener); } // If there is a task queue, there's no point in looking for an available // Worker thread. Add this task to the queue, if possible. if (this.taskQueue.size > 0) { const totalCapacity = this.options.maxQueue + this.pendingCapacity(); if (this.taskQueue.size >= totalCapacity) { if (this.options.maxQueue === 0) { return Promise.reject(Errors.NoTaskQueueAvailable()); } else { return Promise.reject(Errors.TaskQueueAtLimit()); } } else { if (this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); } this.taskQueue.push(taskInfo); } return ret; } // Look for a Worker with a minimum number of tasks it is currently running. let workerInfo : WorkerInfo | null = this.workers.findAvailable(); // If we want the ability to abort this task, use only workers that have // no running tasks. if (workerInfo !== null && workerInfo.currentUsage() > 0 && signal) { workerInfo = null; } // If no Worker was found, or that Worker was handling another task in some // way, and we still have the ability to spawn new threads, do so. let waitingForNewWorker = false; if ((workerInfo === null || workerInfo.currentUsage() > 0) && this.workers.size < this.options.maxThreads) { this._addNewWorker(); waitingForNewWorker = true; } // If no Worker is found, try to put the task into the queue. if (workerInfo === null) { if (this.options.maxQueue <= 0 && !waitingForNewWorker) { return Promise.reject(Errors.NoTaskQueueAvailable()); } else { this.taskQueue.push(taskInfo); } return ret; } // TODO(addaleax): Clean up the waitTime/runTime recording. const now =; this.waitTime.recordValue(now - taskInfo.created); taskInfo.started = now; workerInfo.postTask(taskInfo); this._maybeDrain(); return ret; } pendingCapacity () : number { return this.workers.pendingItems.size * this.options.concurrentTasksPerWorker; } _maybeDrain () { if (this.taskQueue.size === 0 && this.skipQueue.length === 0) { this.publicInterface.emit('drain'); } } async destroy () { while (this.skipQueue.length > 0) { const taskInfo : TaskInfo = this.skipQueue.shift() as TaskInfo; taskInfo.done(new Error('Terminating worker thread')); } while (this.taskQueue.size > 0) { const taskInfo : TaskInfo = this.taskQueue.shift() as TaskInfo; taskInfo.done(new Error('Terminating worker thread')); } const exitEvents : Promise[] = []; while (this.workers.size > 0) { const [workerInfo] = this.workers; exitEvents.push(once(workerInfo.worker, 'exit')); this._removeWorker(workerInfo); } await Promise.all(exitEvents); } } class Piscina extends EventEmitterAsyncResource { #pool : ThreadPool; constructor (options : Options = {}) { super({ ...options, name: 'Piscina' }); if (typeof options.filename !== 'string' && options.filename != null) { throw new TypeError('options.filename must be a string or null'); } if (typeof !== 'string' && != null) { throw new TypeError(' must be a string or null'); } if (options.minThreads !== undefined && (typeof options.minThreads !== 'number' || options.minThreads < 0)) { throw new TypeError('options.minThreads must be a non-negative integer'); } if (options.maxThreads !== undefined && (typeof options.maxThreads !== 'number' || options.maxThreads < 1)) { throw new TypeError('options.maxThreads must be a positive integer'); } if (options.minThreads !== undefined && options.maxThreads !== undefined && options.minThreads > options.maxThreads) { throw new RangeError('options.minThreads and options.maxThreads must not conflict'); } if (options.idleTimeout !== undefined && (typeof options.idleTimeout !== 'number' || options.idleTimeout < 0)) { throw new TypeError('options.idleTimeout must be a non-negative integer'); } if (options.maxQueue !== undefined && options.maxQueue !== 'auto' && (typeof options.maxQueue !== 'number' || options.maxQueue < 0)) { throw new TypeError('options.maxQueue must be a non-negative integer'); } if (options.concurrentTasksPerWorker !== undefined && (typeof options.concurrentTasksPerWorker !== 'number' || options.concurrentTasksPerWorker < 1)) { throw new TypeError( 'options.concurrentTasksPerWorker must be a positive integer'); } if (options.useAtomics !== undefined && typeof options.useAtomics !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('options.useAtomics must be a boolean value'); } if (options.resourceLimits !== undefined && (typeof options.resourceLimits !== 'object' || options.resourceLimits === null)) { throw new TypeError('options.resourceLimits must be an object'); } if (options.taskQueue !== undefined && !isTaskQueue(options.taskQueue)) { throw new TypeError('options.taskQueue must be a TaskQueue object'); } if (options.niceIncrement !== undefined && (typeof options.niceIncrement !== 'number' || options.niceIncrement < 0)) { throw new TypeError('options.niceIncrement must be a non-negative integer'); } if (options.trackUnmanagedFds !== undefined && typeof options.trackUnmanagedFds !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('options.trackUnmanagedFds must be a boolean value'); } this.#pool = new ThreadPool(this, options); } /** @deprecated Use run(task, options) instead **/ runTask (task : any, transferList? : TransferList, filename? : string, abortSignal? : AbortSignalAny) : Promise; /** @deprecated Use run(task, options) instead **/ runTask (task : any, transferList? : TransferList, filename? : AbortSignalAny, abortSignal? : undefined) : Promise; /** @deprecated Use run(task, options) instead **/ runTask (task : any, transferList? : string, filename? : AbortSignalAny, abortSignal? : undefined) : Promise; /** @deprecated Use run(task, options) instead **/ runTask (task : any, transferList? : AbortSignalAny, filename? : undefined, abortSignal? : undefined) : Promise; /** @deprecated Use run(task, options) instead **/ runTask (task : any, transferList? : any, filename? : any, signal? : any) { // If transferList is a string or AbortSignal, shift it. if ((typeof transferList === 'object' && !Array.isArray(transferList)) || typeof transferList === 'string') { signal = filename as (AbortSignalAny | undefined); filename = transferList; transferList = undefined; } // If filename is an AbortSignal, shift it. if (typeof filename === 'object' && !Array.isArray(filename)) { signal = filename; filename = undefined; } if (transferList !== undefined && !Array.isArray(transferList)) { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('transferList argument must be an Array')); } if (filename !== undefined && typeof filename !== 'string') { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('filename argument must be a string')); } if (signal !== undefined && typeof signal !== 'object') { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('signal argument must be an object')); } return this.#pool.runTask( task, { transferList, filename: filename || null, name: 'default', signal: signal || null }); } run (task : any, options : RunOptions = kDefaultRunOptions) { if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('options must be an object')); } const { transferList, filename, name, signal } = options; if (transferList !== undefined && !Array.isArray(transferList)) { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('transferList argument must be an Array')); } if (filename != null && typeof filename !== 'string') { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('filename argument must be a string')); } if (name != null && typeof name !== 'string') { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('name argument must be a string')); } if (signal != null && typeof signal !== 'object') { return Promise.reject( new TypeError('signal argument must be an object')); } return this.#pool.runTask(task, { transferList, filename, name, signal }); } destroy () { return this.#pool.destroy(); } get options () : FilledOptions { return this.#pool.options; } get threads () : Worker[] { const ret : Worker[] = []; for (const workerInfo of this.#pool.workers) { ret.push(workerInfo.worker); } return ret; } get queueSize () : number { const pool = this.#pool; return Math.max(pool.taskQueue.size - pool.pendingCapacity(), 0); } get completed () : number { return this.#pool.completed; } get waitTime () : any { const result = hdrobj.histAsObj(this.#pool.waitTime); return hdrobj.addPercentiles(this.#pool.waitTime, result); } get runTime () : any { const result = hdrobj.histAsObj(this.#pool.runTime); return hdrobj.addPercentiles(this.#pool.runTime, result); } get utilization () : number { // The capacity is the max compute time capacity of the // pool to this point in time as determined by the length // of time the pool has been running multiplied by the // maximum number of threads. const capacity = this.duration * this.#pool.options.maxThreads; const totalMeanRuntime = this.#pool.runTime.mean * this.#pool.runTime.totalCount; // We calculate the appoximate pool utilization by multiplying // the mean run time of all tasks by the number of runtime // samples taken and dividing that by the capacity. The // theory here is that capacity represents the absolute upper // limit of compute time this pool could ever attain (but // never will for a variety of reasons. Multiplying the // mean run time by the number of tasks sampled yields an // approximation of the realized compute time. The utilization // then becomes a point-in-time measure of how active the // pool is. return totalMeanRuntime / capacity; } get duration () : number { return - this.#pool.start; } static get isWorkerThread () : boolean { return commonState.isWorkerThread; } static get workerData () : any { return commonState.workerData; } static get version () : string { return version; } static get Piscina () { return Piscina; } static move (val : Transferable | TransferListItem | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | MessagePort) { if (val != null && typeof val === 'object' && typeof val !== 'function') { if (!isTransferable(val)) { if ((types as any).isArrayBufferView(val)) { val = new ArrayBufferViewTransferable(val as ArrayBufferView); } else { val = new DirectlyTransferable(val); } } markMovable(val); } return val; } static get transferableSymbol () { return kTransferable; } static get valueSymbol () { return kValue; } static get queueOptionsSymbol () { return kQueueOptions; } } export = Piscina;