import { test } from 'tap'; const importESM : (specifier : string) => Promise = // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval eval('(specifier) => import(specifier)'); test('Piscina is default export', {}, async ({ equal }) => { equal((await importESM('piscina')).default, require('../')); }); test('Exports match own property names', {}, async ({ strictSame }) => { // Check that version, workerData, etc. are re-exported. const exported = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(await importESM('piscina'))); const required = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(require('../'))); // Remove constructor properties + default export. for (const k of ['prototype', 'length', 'name']) required.delete(k); exported.delete('default'); strictSame(exported, required); });