import { MessageChannel } from 'worker_threads'; import Piscina from '..'; import { test } from 'tap'; import { resolve } from 'path'; test('postTask() can transfer ArrayBuffer instances', async ({ equal }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts') }); const ab = new ArrayBuffer(40); await pool.runTask({ ab }, [ab]); equal(pool.completed, 1); equal(ab.byteLength, 0); }); test('postTask() can transfer ArrayBuffer instances', async ({ equal }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts') }); const ab = new ArrayBuffer(40); await{ ab }, { transferList: [ab] }); equal(pool.completed, 1); equal(ab.byteLength, 0); }); test('postTask() cannot clone build-in objects', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts') }); const obj = new MessageChannel().port1; rejects(pool.runTask({ obj })); }); test('postTask() resolves with a rejection when the handler rejects', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(pool.runTask('Promise.reject(new Error("foo"))'), /foo/); }); test('postTask() resolves with a rejection when the handler throws', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(pool.runTask('throw new Error("foo")'), /foo/); }); test('postTask() validates transferList', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(pool.runTask('0', 42 as any), /transferList argument must be an Array/); rejects('0', { transferList: 42 as any }), /transferList argument must be an Array/); }); test('postTask() validates filename', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(pool.runTask('0', [], 42 as any), /filename argument must be a string/); rejects('0', { filename: 42 as any }), /filename argument must be a string/); }); test('postTask() validates name', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects('0', { name: 42 as any }), /name argument must be a string/); }); test('postTask() validates abortSignal', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(pool.runTask('0', [], undefined, 42 as any), /signal argument must be an object/); rejects('0', { signal: 42 as any }), /signal argument must be an object/); }); test('Piscina emits drain', async ({ ok }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); let drained = false; pool.on('drain', () => { drained = true; }); await Promise.all([pool.runTask('123'), pool.runTask('123')]); ok(drained); }); test('Piscina can use async loaded workers', async ({ equal }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval-async.js') }); equal(await pool.runTask('1'), 1); }); test('Piscina can use async loaded esm workers', {}, async ({ equal }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/esm-async.mjs') }); equal(await pool.runTask('1'), 1); }); test(' options is correct type', async ({ rejects }) => { const pool = new Piscina({ filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js') }); rejects(, 1 as any), /options must be an object/); });