var decls = require('./decls.json'); function template(string, data) { return string.replace(/\$\{([\w\-\.]*)\}/g, function (_str, key) { var v = data[key]; return typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null ? v : ''; }); } /* Rules legend: - combined - if rule is combined it will be rendered with template - combined and basic rules are present in basic reset - combined, basic and inherited rules are present in full reset */ function _getRulesMap(inputDecls) { return inputDecls .filter(function (decl) { return !decl.combined; }) .reduce(function (map, decl) { map[decl.prop.replace(/\-/g, '')] = decl.initial; return map; }, {}); } function _compileDecls(inputDecls) { var templateVars = _getRulesMap(inputDecls); return (decl) { if (decl.combined && decl.initial) { decl.initial = template(decl.initial.replace(/\-/g, ''), templateVars); } return decl; }); } function _getRequirements(inputDecls) { return inputDecls.reduce(function (map, decl) { if (!decl.contains) return map; return decl.contains.reduce(function (mapInner, dependency) { mapInner[dependency] = decl; return mapInner; }, map); }, {}); } function _expandContainments(inputDecls) { var requiredMap = _getRequirements(inputDecls); return inputDecls .filter(function (decl) { return !decl.contains; }).map(function (decl) { var dependency = requiredMap[decl.prop]; if (dependency) { decl.requiredBy = dependency.prop; decl.basic = decl.basic || dependency.basic; decl.inherited = decl.inherited || dependency.inherited; } return decl; }); } var compiledDecls = _expandContainments(_compileDecls(decls)); function _clearDecls(rules, value) { return (rule) { return { prop: rule.prop, value: value.replace(/\binitial\b/g, rule.initial) }; }); } function _allDecls(onlyInherited) { return compiledDecls.filter(function (decl) { var allowed = decl.combined || decl.basic; if (onlyInherited) return allowed && decl.inherited; return allowed; }); } function _concreteDecl(declName) { return compiledDecls.filter(function (decl) { return declName === decl.prop || declName === decl.requiredBy; }); } function makeFallbackFunction(onlyInherited) { return function (declName, declValue) { var result; if (declName === 'all') { result = _allDecls(onlyInherited); } else { result = _concreteDecl(declName); } return _clearDecls(result, declValue); }; } module.exports = makeFallbackFunction;