import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer'; import browserslist from 'browserslist'; import cssdb from 'cssdb'; import postcss$1 from 'postcss'; import postcssAttributeCaseInsensitive from 'postcss-attribute-case-insensitive'; import postcssBlankPseudo from 'css-blank-pseudo/postcss'; import postcssColorFunctionalNotation from 'postcss-color-functional-notation'; import postcssColorGray from 'postcss-color-gray'; import postcssColorHexAlpha from 'postcss-color-hex-alpha'; import postcssColorModFunction from 'postcss-color-mod-function'; import postcssColorRebeccapurple from 'postcss-color-rebeccapurple'; import postcssCustomMedia from 'postcss-custom-media'; import postcssCustomProperties from 'postcss-custom-properties'; import postcssCustomSelectors from 'postcss-custom-selectors'; import postcssDirPseudoClass from 'postcss-dir-pseudo-class'; import postcssDoublePositionGradients from 'postcss-double-position-gradients'; import postcssEnvFunction from 'postcss-env-function'; import postcssFocusVisible from 'postcss-focus-visible'; import postcssFocusWithin from 'postcss-focus-within'; import postcssFontVariant from 'postcss-font-variant'; import postcssGapProperties from 'postcss-gap-properties'; import postcssHasPseudo from 'css-has-pseudo/postcss'; import postcssImageSetPolyfill from 'postcss-image-set-function'; import postcssInitial from 'postcss-initial'; import postcssLabFunction from 'postcss-lab-function'; import postcssLogical from 'postcss-logical'; import postcssMediaMinmax from 'postcss-media-minmax'; import postcssNesting from 'postcss-nesting'; import postcssOverflowShorthand from 'postcss-overflow-shorthand'; import postcssPageBreak from 'postcss-page-break'; import postcssPlace from 'postcss-place'; import postcssPrefersColorScheme from 'css-prefers-color-scheme/postcss'; import postcssPseudoClassAnyLink from 'postcss-pseudo-class-any-link'; import postcssReplaceOverflowWrap from 'postcss-replace-overflow-wrap'; import postcssSelectorMatches from 'postcss-selector-matches'; import postcssSelectorNot from 'postcss-selector-not'; import { features, feature } from 'caniuse-lite'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; var postcssFontFamilySystemUi = postcss$1.plugin('postcss-system-ui-font', () => root => { root.walkDecls(propertyRegExp, decl => { decl.value = decl.value.replace(systemUiMatch, systemUiReplace); }); }); const propertyRegExp = /(?:^(?:-|\\002d){2})|(?:^font(?:-family)?$)/i; const whitespace = '[\\f\\n\\r\\x09\\x20]'; const systemUiFamily = ['system-ui', /* macOS 10.11-10.12 */ '-apple-system', /* Windows 6+ */ 'Segoe UI', /* Android 4+ */ 'Roboto', /* Ubuntu 10.10+ */ 'Ubuntu', /* Gnome 3+ */ 'Cantarell', /* KDE Plasma 5+ */ 'Noto Sans', /* fallback */ 'sans-serif']; const systemUiMatch = new RegExp(`(^|,|${whitespace}+)(?:system-ui${whitespace}*)(?:,${whitespace}*(?:${systemUiFamily.join('|')})${whitespace}*)?(,|$)`, 'i'); const systemUiReplace = `$1${systemUiFamily.join(', ')}$2`; var plugins = { 'all-property': postcssInitial, 'any-link-pseudo-class': postcssPseudoClassAnyLink, 'blank-pseudo-class': postcssBlankPseudo, 'break-properties': postcssPageBreak, 'case-insensitive-attributes': postcssAttributeCaseInsensitive, 'color-functional-notation': postcssColorFunctionalNotation, 'color-mod-function': postcssColorModFunction, 'custom-media-queries': postcssCustomMedia, 'custom-properties': postcssCustomProperties, 'custom-selectors': postcssCustomSelectors, 'dir-pseudo-class': postcssDirPseudoClass, 'double-position-gradients': postcssDoublePositionGradients, 'environment-variables': postcssEnvFunction, 'focus-visible-pseudo-class': postcssFocusVisible, 'focus-within-pseudo-class': postcssFocusWithin, 'font-variant-property': postcssFontVariant, 'gap-properties': postcssGapProperties, 'gray-function': postcssColorGray, 'has-pseudo-class': postcssHasPseudo, 'hexadecimal-alpha-notation': postcssColorHexAlpha, 'image-set-function': postcssImageSetPolyfill, 'lab-function': postcssLabFunction, 'logical-properties-and-values': postcssLogical, 'matches-pseudo-class': postcssSelectorMatches, 'media-query-ranges': postcssMediaMinmax, 'nesting-rules': postcssNesting, 'not-pseudo-class': postcssSelectorNot, 'overflow-property': postcssOverflowShorthand, 'overflow-wrap-property': postcssReplaceOverflowWrap, 'place-properties': postcssPlace, 'prefers-color-scheme-query': postcssPrefersColorScheme, 'rebeccapurple-color': postcssColorRebeccapurple, 'system-ui-font-family': postcssFontFamilySystemUi }; // return a list of features to be inserted before or after cssdb features function getTransformedInsertions(insertions, placement) { return Object.keys(insertions).map(id => [].concat(insertions[id]).map(plugin => ({ [placement]: true, plugin, id }))).reduce((array, feature) => array.concat(feature), []); } function getUnsupportedBrowsersByFeature(feature$1) { const caniuseFeature = features[feature$1]; // if feature support can be determined if (caniuseFeature) { const stats = feature(caniuseFeature).stats; // return an array of browsers and versions that do not support the feature const results = Object.keys(stats).reduce((browsers, browser) => browsers.concat(Object.keys(stats[browser]).filter(version => stats[browser][version].indexOf('y') !== 0).map(version => `${browser} ${version}`)), []); return results; } else { // otherwise, return that the feature does not work in any browser return ['> 0%']; } } // ids ordered by required execution, then alphabetically var idsByExecutionOrder = ['custom-media-queries', 'custom-properties', 'environment-variables', // run environment-variables here to access transpiled custom media params and properties 'image-set-function', // run images-set-function before nesting-rules so that it may fix nested media 'media-query-ranges', // run media-query-range and 'prefers-color-scheme-query', // run prefers-color-scheme-query here to prevent duplicate transpilation after nesting-rules 'nesting-rules', 'custom-selectors', // run custom-selectors after nesting-rules to correctly transpile &:--custom-selector 'any-link-pseudo-class', 'case-insensitive-attributes', 'focus-visible-pseudo-class', 'focus-within-pseudo-class', 'matches-pseudo-class', // run matches-pseudo-class and 'not-pseudo-class', // run not-pseudo-class after other selectors have been transpiled 'logical-properties-and-values', // run logical-properties-and-values before dir-pseudo-class 'dir-pseudo-class', 'all-property', // run all-property before other property polyfills 'color-functional-notation', 'double-position-gradients', 'gray-function', 'hexadecimal-alpha-notation', 'lab-function', 'rebeccapurple-color', 'color-mod-function', // run color-mod after other color modifications have finished 'blank-pseudo-class', 'break-properties', 'font-variant-property', 'has-pseudo-class', 'gap-properties', 'overflow-property', 'overflow-wrap-property', 'place-properties', 'system-ui-font-family']; function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } } function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; } /* Write Exports to CSS File /* ========================================================================== */ function getCustomMediaAsCss(customMedia) { const cssContent = Object.keys(customMedia).reduce((cssLines, name) => { cssLines.push(`@custom-media ${name} ${customMedia[name]};`); return cssLines; }, []).join('\n'); const css = `${cssContent}\n`; return css; } function getCustomPropertiesAsCss(customProperties) { const cssContent = Object.keys(customProperties).reduce((cssLines, name) => { cssLines.push(`\t${name}: ${customProperties[name]};`); return cssLines; }, []).join('\n'); const css = `:root {\n${cssContent}\n}\n`; return css; } function getCustomSelectorsAsCss(customSelectors) { const cssContent = Object.keys(customSelectors).reduce((cssLines, name) => { cssLines.push(`@custom-selector ${name} ${customSelectors[name]};`); return cssLines; }, []).join('\n'); const css = `${cssContent}\n`; return css; } function writeExportsToCssFile(_x, _x2, _x3, _x4) { return _writeExportsToCssFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Exports to JSON file /* ========================================================================== */ function _writeExportsToCssFile() { _writeExportsToCssFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors) { const customPropertiesAsCss = getCustomPropertiesAsCss(customProperties); const customMediaAsCss = getCustomMediaAsCss(customMedia); const customSelectorsAsCss = getCustomSelectorsAsCss(customSelectors); const css = `${customMediaAsCss}\n${customSelectorsAsCss}\n${customPropertiesAsCss}`; yield writeFile(to, css); }); return _writeExportsToCssFile.apply(this, arguments); } function writeExportsToJsonFile(_x5, _x6, _x7, _x8) { return _writeExportsToJsonFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Exports to Common JS file /* ========================================================================== */ function _writeExportsToJsonFile() { _writeExportsToJsonFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors) { const jsonContent = JSON.stringify({ 'custom-media': customMedia, 'custom-properties': customProperties, 'custom-selectors': customSelectors }, null, ' '); const json = `${jsonContent}\n`; yield writeFile(to, json); }); return _writeExportsToJsonFile.apply(this, arguments); } function getObjectWithKeyAsCjs(key, object) { const jsContents = Object.keys(object).reduce((jsLines, name) => { jsLines.push(`\t\t'${escapeForJS(name)}': '${escapeForJS(object[name])}'`); return jsLines; }, []).join(',\n'); const cjs = `\n\t${key}: {\n${jsContents}\n\t}`; return cjs; } function writeExportsToCjsFile(_x9, _x10, _x11, _x12) { return _writeExportsToCjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Exports to Module JS file /* ========================================================================== */ function _writeExportsToCjsFile() { _writeExportsToCjsFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors) { const customMediaAsCjs = getObjectWithKeyAsCjs('customMedia', customMedia); const customPropertiesAsCjs = getObjectWithKeyAsCjs('customProperties', customProperties); const customSelectorsAsCjs = getObjectWithKeyAsCjs('customSelectors', customSelectors); const cjs = `module.exports = {${customMediaAsCjs},${customPropertiesAsCjs},${customSelectorsAsCjs}\n};\n`; yield writeFile(to, cjs); }); return _writeExportsToCjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } function getObjectWithKeyAsMjs(key, object) { const mjsContents = Object.keys(object).reduce((mjsLines, name) => { mjsLines.push(`\t'${escapeForJS(name)}': '${escapeForJS(object[name])}'`); return mjsLines; }, []).join(',\n'); const mjs = `export const ${key} = {\n${mjsContents}\n};\n`; return mjs; } function writeExportsToMjsFile(_x13, _x14, _x15, _x16) { return _writeExportsToMjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Exports to Exports /* ========================================================================== */ function _writeExportsToMjsFile() { _writeExportsToMjsFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors) { const customMediaAsMjs = getObjectWithKeyAsMjs('customMedia', customMedia); const customPropertiesAsMjs = getObjectWithKeyAsMjs('customProperties', customProperties); const customSelectorsAsMjs = getObjectWithKeyAsMjs('customSelectors', customSelectors); const mjs = `${customMediaAsMjs}\n${customPropertiesAsMjs}\n${customSelectorsAsMjs}`; yield writeFile(to, mjs); }); return _writeExportsToMjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } function writeToExports(customExports, destinations) { return Promise.all([].concat(destinations).map( /*#__PURE__*/ function () { var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (destination) { if (destination instanceof Function) { yield destination({ customMedia: getObjectWithStringifiedKeys(customExports.customMedia), customProperties: getObjectWithStringifiedKeys(customExports.customProperties), customSelectors: getObjectWithStringifiedKeys(customExports.customSelectors) }); } else { // read the destination as an object const opts = destination === Object(destination) ? destination : { to: String(destination) }; // transformer for Exports into a JSON-compatible object const toJSON = opts.toJSON || getObjectWithStringifiedKeys; if ('customMedia' in opts || 'customProperties' in opts || 'customSelectors' in opts) { // write directly to an object as customProperties opts.customMedia = toJSON(customExports.customMedia); opts.customProperties = toJSON(customExports.customProperties); opts.customSelectors = toJSON(customExports.customSelectors); } else if ('custom-media' in opts || 'custom-properties' in opts || 'custom-selectors' in opts) { // write directly to an object as custom-properties opts['custom-media'] = toJSON(customExports.customMedia); opts['custom-properties'] = toJSON(customExports.customProperties); opts['custom-selectors'] = toJSON(customExports.customSelectors); } else { // destination pathname const to = String( || ''); // type of file being written to const type = (opts.type || path.extname(; // transformed Exports const customMediaJSON = toJSON(customExports.customMedia); const customPropertiesJSON = toJSON(customExports.customProperties); const customSelectorsJSON = toJSON(customExports.customSelectors); if (type === 'css') { yield writeExportsToCssFile(to, customMediaJSON, customPropertiesJSON, customSelectorsJSON); } if (type === 'js') { yield writeExportsToCjsFile(to, customMediaJSON, customPropertiesJSON, customSelectorsJSON); } if (type === 'json') { yield writeExportsToJsonFile(to, customMediaJSON, customPropertiesJSON, customSelectorsJSON); } if (type === 'mjs') { yield writeExportsToMjsFile(to, customMediaJSON, customPropertiesJSON, customSelectorsJSON); } } } }); return function (_x17) { return _ref.apply(this, arguments); }; }())); } /* Helper utilities /* ========================================================================== */ function getObjectWithStringifiedKeys(object) { return Object.keys(object).reduce((objectJSON, key) => { objectJSON[key] = String(object[key]); return objectJSON; }, {}); } function writeFile(to, text) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(to, text, error => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } function escapeForJS(string) { return string.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(')/g, '\\$1$2').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r'); } var postcss = postcss$1.plugin('postcss-preset-env', opts => { // initialize options const features = Object(Object(opts).features); const insertBefore = Object(Object(opts).insertBefore); const insertAfter = Object(Object(opts).insertAfter); const browsers = Object(opts).browsers; const stage = 'stage' in Object(opts) ? opts.stage === false ? 5 : parseInt(opts.stage) || 0 : 2; const autoprefixerOptions = Object(opts).autoprefixer; const sharedOpts = initializeSharedOpts(Object(opts)); const stagedAutoprefixer = autoprefixerOptions === false ? () => {} : autoprefixer(Object.assign({ overrideBrowserslist: browsers }, autoprefixerOptions)); // polyfillable features (those with an available postcss plugin) const polyfillableFeatures = cssdb.concat( // additional features to be inserted before cssdb features getTransformedInsertions(insertBefore, 'insertBefore'), // additional features to be inserted after cssdb features getTransformedInsertions(insertAfter, 'insertAfter')).filter( // inserted features or features with an available postcss plugin feature => feature.insertBefore || in plugins).sort( // features sorted by execution order and then insertion order (a, b) => idsByExecutionOrder.indexOf( - idsByExecutionOrder.indexOf( || (a.insertBefore ? -1 : b.insertBefore ? 1 : 0) || (a.insertAfter ? 1 : b.insertAfter ? -1 : 0)).map( // polyfillable features as an object feature => { // target browsers for the polyfill const unsupportedBrowsers = getUnsupportedBrowsersByFeature(feature.caniuse); return feature.insertBefore || feature.insertAfter ? { browsers: unsupportedBrowsers, plugin: feature.plugin, id: `${feature.insertBefore ? 'before' : 'after'}-${}`, stage: 6 } : { browsers: unsupportedBrowsers, plugin: plugins[], id:, stage: feature.stage }; }); // staged features (those at or above the selected stage) const stagedFeatures = polyfillableFeatures.filter(feature => in features ? features[] : feature.stage >= stage).map(feature => ({ browsers: feature.browsers, plugin: typeof feature.plugin.process === 'function' ? features[] === true ? sharedOpts // if the plugin is enabled and has shared options ? feature.plugin(Object.assign({}, sharedOpts)) // otherwise, if the plugin is enabled : feature.plugin() : sharedOpts // if the plugin has shared options and individual options ? feature.plugin(Object.assign({}, sharedOpts, features[])) // if the plugin has individual options : feature.plugin(Object.assign({}, features[])) // if the plugin is already initialized : feature.plugin, id: })); // browsers supported by the configuration const supportedBrowsers = browserslist(browsers, { ignoreUnknownVersions: true }); // features supported by the stage and browsers const supportedFeatures = stagedFeatures.filter(feature => supportedBrowsers.some(supportedBrowser => browserslist(feature.browsers, { ignoreUnknownVersions: true }).some(polyfillBrowser => polyfillBrowser === supportedBrowser))); return (root, result) => { // polyfills run in execution order const polyfills = supportedFeatures.reduce((promise, feature) => promise.then(() => feature.plugin(result.root, result)), Promise.resolve()).then(() => stagedAutoprefixer(result.root, result)).then(() => { if (Object(opts).exportTo) { writeToExports(sharedOpts.exportTo, opts.exportTo); } }); return polyfills; }; }); const initializeSharedOpts = opts => { if ('importFrom' in opts || 'exportTo' in opts || 'preserve' in opts) { const sharedOpts = {}; if ('importFrom' in opts) { sharedOpts.importFrom = opts.importFrom; } if ('exportTo' in opts) { sharedOpts.exportTo = { customMedia: {}, customProperties: {}, customSelectors: {} }; } if ('preserve' in opts) { sharedOpts.preserve = opts.preserve; } return sharedOpts; } return false; }; export default postcss; //#