import { Observable } from '../Observable'; import { async } from '../scheduler/async'; import { SchedulerAction, SchedulerLike } from '../types'; import { isNumeric } from '../util/isNumeric'; import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber'; /** * Creates an Observable that emits sequential numbers every specified * interval of time, on a specified {@link SchedulerLike}. * * Emits incremental numbers periodically in time. * * * ![](interval.png) * * `interval` returns an Observable that emits an infinite sequence of * ascending integers, with a constant interval of time of your choosing * between those emissions. The first emission is not sent immediately, but * only after the first period has passed. By default, this operator uses the * `async` {@link SchedulerLike} to provide a notion of time, but you may pass any * {@link SchedulerLike} to it. * * ## Example * Emits ascending numbers, one every second (1000ms) up to the number 3 * ```ts * import { interval } from 'rxjs'; * import { take } from 'rxjs/operators'; * * const numbers = interval(1000); * * const takeFourNumbers = numbers.pipe(take(4)); * * takeFourNumbers.subscribe(x => console.log('Next: ', x)); * * // Logs: * // Next: 0 * // Next: 1 * // Next: 2 * // Next: 3 * ``` * * @see {@link timer} * @see {@link delay} * * @param {number} [period=0] The interval size in milliseconds (by default) * or the time unit determined by the scheduler's clock. * @param {SchedulerLike} [scheduler=async] The {@link SchedulerLike} to use for scheduling * the emission of values, and providing a notion of "time". * @return {Observable} An Observable that emits a sequential number each time * interval. * @static true * @name interval * @owner Observable */ export function interval(period = 0, scheduler: SchedulerLike = async): Observable { if (!isNumeric(period) || period < 0) { period = 0; } if (!scheduler || typeof scheduler.schedule !== 'function') { scheduler = async; } return new Observable(subscriber => { subscriber.add( scheduler.schedule(dispatch, period, { subscriber, counter: 0, period }) ); return subscriber; }); } function dispatch(this: SchedulerAction, state: IntervalState) { const { subscriber, counter, period } = state;; this.schedule({ subscriber, counter: counter + 1, period }, period); } interface IntervalState { subscriber: Subscriber; counter: number; period: number; }