import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { Packet } from "socket.io-parser";
import type { Client } from "./client";
import type { Namespace } from "./namespace";
import type { IncomingMessage, IncomingHttpHeaders } from "http";
import type { Room, SocketId } from "socket.io-adapter";
import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from "querystring";
export declare const RESERVED_EVENTS: ReadonlySet;
* The handshake details
export interface Handshake {
* The headers sent as part of the handshake
headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
* The date of creation (as string)
time: string;
* The ip of the client
address: string;
* Whether the connection is cross-domain
xdomain: boolean;
* Whether the connection is secure
secure: boolean;
* The date of creation (as unix timestamp)
issued: number;
* The request URL string
url: string;
* The query object
query: ParsedUrlQuery;
* The auth object
auth: {
[key: string]: any;
export declare class Socket extends EventEmitter {
readonly nsp: Namespace;
readonly client: Client;
readonly id: SocketId;
readonly handshake: Handshake;
connected: boolean;
disconnected: boolean;
private readonly server;
private readonly adapter;
private acks;
private fns;
private flags;
private _rooms;
private _anyListeners?;
* Interface to a `Client` for a given `Namespace`.
* @param {Namespace} nsp
* @param {Client} client
* @param {Object} auth
* @package
constructor(nsp: Namespace, client: Client, auth: object);
* Builds the `handshake` BC object
* @private
private buildHandshake;
* Emits to this client.
* @return Always returns `true`.
* @public
emit(ev: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
* Targets a room when broadcasting.
* @param name
* @return self
* @public
to(name: Room): this;
* Targets a room when broadcasting.
* @param name
* @return self
* @public
in(name: Room): this;
* Sends a `message` event.
* @return self
* @public
send(...args: readonly any[]): this;
* Sends a `message` event.
* @return self
* @public
write(...args: readonly any[]): this;
* Writes a packet.
* @param {Object} packet - packet object
* @param {Object} opts - options
* @private
private packet;
* Joins a room.
* @param {String|Array} rooms - room or array of rooms
* @return a Promise or nothing, depending on the adapter
* @public
join(rooms: Room | Array): Promise | void;
* Leaves a room.
* @param {String} room
* @return a Promise or nothing, depending on the adapter
* @public
leave(room: string): Promise | void;
* Leave all rooms.
* @private
private leaveAll;
* Called by `Namespace` upon successful
* middleware execution (ie: authorization).
* Socket is added to namespace array before
* call to join, so adapters can access it.
* @private
_onconnect(): void;
* Called with each packet. Called by `Client`.
* @param {Object} packet
* @private
_onpacket(packet: Packet): void;
* Called upon event packet.
* @param {Packet} packet - packet object
* @private
private onevent;
* Produces an ack callback to emit with an event.
* @param {Number} id - packet id
* @private
private ack;
* Called upon ack packet.
* @private
private onack;
* Called upon client disconnect packet.
* @private
private ondisconnect;
* Handles a client error.
* @private
_onerror(err: any): void;
* Called upon closing. Called by `Client`.
* @param {String} reason
* @throw {Error} optional error object
* @private
_onclose(reason: string): this | undefined;
* Produces an `error` packet.
* @param {Object} err - error object
* @private
_error(err: any): void;
* Disconnects this client.
* @param {Boolean} close - if `true`, closes the underlying connection
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
disconnect(close?: boolean): this;
* Sets the compress flag.
* @param {Boolean} compress - if `true`, compresses the sending data
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
compress(compress: boolean): this;
* Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event data may be lost if the client is not ready to
* receive messages (because of network slowness or other issues, or because they’re connected through long polling
* and is in the middle of a request-response cycle).
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
get volatile(): this;
* Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event data will only be broadcast to every sockets but the
* sender.
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
get broadcast(): this;
* Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event data will only be broadcast to the current node.
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
get local(): this;
* Dispatch incoming event to socket listeners.
* @param {Array} event - event that will get emitted
* @private
private dispatch;
* Sets up socket middleware.
* @param {Function} fn - middleware function (event, next)
* @return {Socket} self
* @public
use(fn: (event: Array, next: (err: Error) => void) => void): this;
* Executes the middleware for an incoming event.
* @param {Array} event - event that will get emitted
* @param {Function} fn - last fn call in the middleware
* @private
private run;
* A reference to the request that originated the underlying Engine.IO Socket.
* @public
get request(): IncomingMessage;
* A reference to the underlying Client transport connection (Engine.IO Socket object).
* @public
get conn(): any;
* @public
get rooms(): Set;
* Adds a listener that will be fired when any event is emitted. The event name is passed as the first argument to the
* callback.
* @param listener
* @public
onAny(listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
* Adds a listener that will be fired when any event is emitted. The event name is passed as the first argument to the
* callback. The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param listener
* @public
prependAny(listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
* Removes the listener that will be fired when any event is emitted.
* @param listener
* @public
offAny(listener?: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
* Returns an array of listeners that are listening for any event that is specified. This array can be manipulated,
* e.g. to remove listeners.
* @public
listenersAny(): ((...args: any[]) => void)[];