require("should"); const fs = require("fs-extra"), path = require("path"), util = require("util"), zlib = require("zlib"), streams = require("stream"), RollingFileStream = require("../lib").RollingFileStream; const gunzip = util.promisify(zlib.gunzip); const fullPath = f => path.join(__dirname, f); const remove = filename => fs.unlink(fullPath(filename)).catch(() => {}); const create = filename => fs.writeFile(fullPath(filename), "test file"); const write = (stream, data) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.write(data, "utf8", e => { if (e) { reject(e); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; const writeInSequence = async (stream, messages) => { for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i += 1) { await write(stream, messages[i] + "\n"); } return new Promise(resolve => { stream.end(resolve); }); }; const close = async (stream) => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => stream.end(e => e ? reject(e) : resolve()) ); describe("RollingFileStream", function() { describe("arguments", function() { let stream; before(async function() { await remove("test-rolling-file-stream"); stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream"), 1024, 5 ); }); after(async function() { await close(stream); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream"); }); it("should take a filename, file size (bytes), no. backups, return Writable", function() {; stream.filename.should.eql( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream") ); stream.size.should.eql(1024); stream.backups.should.eql(5); }); it("should apply default settings to the underlying stream", function() { stream.theStream.mode.should.eql(420); stream.theStream.flags.should.eql("a"); }); }); describe("with stream arguments", function() { let stream; it("should pass them to the underlying stream", function() { stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream"), 1024, 5, { mode: parseInt("0666", 8) } ); stream.theStream.mode.should.eql(parseInt("0666", 8)); }); after(async function() { await close(stream); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream"); }); }); describe("without size", function() { let stream; it("should default to max int size", function() { stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream") ); stream.size.should.eql(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); }); after(async function() { await close(stream); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream"); }); }); describe("without number of backups", function() { let stream; it("should default to 1 backup", function() { stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream"), 1024 ); stream.backups.should.eql(1); }); after(async function() { await close(stream); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream"); }); }); describe("writing less than the file size", function() { before(async function() { await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-less"); const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream-write-less"), 100 ); await writeInSequence(stream, ["cheese"]); }); after(async function() { await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-less"); }); it("should write to the file", async function() { const contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream-write-less"), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("cheese\n"); }); it("should write one file", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); files .filter( file => file.indexOf("test-rolling-file-stream-write-less") > -1 ) .should.have.length(1); }); }); describe("writing more than the file size", function() { before(async function() { await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-more"); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1"); const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream-write-more"), 45 ); await writeInSequence( stream, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(i => i + ".cheese") ); }); after(async function() { await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-more"); await remove("test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1"); }); it("should write two files", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); files .filter( file => file.indexOf("test-rolling-file-stream-write-more") > -1 ) .should.have.length(2); }); it("should write the last two log messages to the first file", async function() { const contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream-write-more"), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("5.cheese\n6.cheese\n"); }); it("should write the first five log messages to the second file", async function() { const contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1"), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("0.cheese\n1.cheese\n2.cheese\n3.cheese\n4.cheese\n"); }); }); describe("with options.compress = true", function() { before(async function() { const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "compressed-backups.log"), 30, //30 bytes max size 2, //two backup files to keep { compress: true } ); const messages = [ "This is the first log message.", "This is the second log message.", "This is the third log message.", "This is the fourth log message." ]; await writeInSequence(stream, messages); }); it("should produce three files, with the backups compressed", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); const testFiles = files .filter(f => f.indexOf("compressed-backups.log") > -1) .sort(); testFiles.length.should.eql(3); testFiles.should.eql([ "compressed-backups.log", "compressed-backups.log.1.gz", "compressed-backups.log.2.gz" ]); let contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, testFiles[0]), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("This is the fourth log message.\n"); let gzipped = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[1])); contents = await gunzip(gzipped); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the third log message.\n"); gzipped = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[2])); contents = await gunzip(gzipped); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the second log message.\n"); }); after(function() { return Promise.all([ remove("compressed-backups.log"), remove("compressed-backups.log.1.gz"), remove("compressed-backups.log.2.gz") ]); }); }); describe("with options.keepFileExt = true", function() { before(async function() { const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "extKept-backups.log"), 30, //30 bytes max size 2, //two backup files to keep { keepFileExt: true } ); const messages = [ "This is the first log message.", "This is the second log message.", "This is the third log message.", "This is the fourth log message." ]; await writeInSequence(stream, messages); }); it("should produce three files, with the file-extension kept", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); const testFiles = files .filter(f => f.indexOf("extKept-backups") > -1) .sort(); testFiles.length.should.eql(3); testFiles.should.eql([ "extKept-backups.1.log", "extKept-backups.2.log", "extKept-backups.log" ]); let contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, testFiles[0]), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("This is the third log message.\n"); contents = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[1]), "utf8"); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the second log message.\n"); contents = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[2]), "utf8"); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the fourth log message.\n"); }); after(function() { return Promise.all([ remove("extKept-backups.log"), remove("extKept-backups.1.log"), remove("extKept-backups.2.log") ]); }); }); describe("with options.compress = true and keepFileExt = true", function() { before(async function() { const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "compressed-backups.log"), 30, //30 bytes max size 2, //two backup files to keep { compress: true, keepFileExt: true } ); const messages = [ "This is the first log message.", "This is the second log message.", "This is the third log message.", "This is the fourth log message." ]; await writeInSequence(stream, messages); }); it("should produce three files, with the backups compressed", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); const testFiles = files .filter(f => f.indexOf("compressed-backups") > -1) .sort(); testFiles.length.should.eql(3); testFiles.should.eql([ "compressed-backups.1.log.gz", "compressed-backups.2.log.gz", "compressed-backups.log" ]); let contents = await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, testFiles[2]), "utf8" ); contents.should.eql("This is the fourth log message.\n"); let gzipped = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[1])); contents = await gunzip(gzipped); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the second log message.\n"); gzipped = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, testFiles[0])); contents = await gunzip(gzipped); contents.toString("utf8").should.eql("This is the third log message.\n"); }); after(function() { return Promise.all([ remove("compressed-backups.log"), remove("compressed-backups.1.log.gz"), remove("compressed-backups.2.log.gz") ]); }); }); describe("when many files already exist", function() { before(async function() { await Promise.all([ remove("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.11"), remove("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.20"), remove("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.-1"), remove("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1.1"), remove("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1") ]); await Promise.all([ create("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.11"), create("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.20"), create("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.-1"), create("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1.1"), create("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1") ]); const stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join(__dirname, "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files"), 18, 5 ); await writeInSequence( stream, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(i => i + ".cheese") ); }); after(function() { return Promise.all( [ "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.-1", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1.1", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.0", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.2", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.3", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.4", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.5", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.6", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.11", "test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.20" ].map(remove) ); }); it("should roll the files, removing the highest indices", async function() { const files = await fs.readdir(__dirname); files.should.containEql("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files"); files.should.containEql("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.1"); files.should.containEql("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.2"); files.should.containEql("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.3"); files.should.containEql("test-rolling-stream-with-existing-files.4"); }); }); // in windows, you can't delete a directory if there is an open file handle if (process.platform !== "win32") { describe("when the directory gets deleted", function() { var stream; before(function(done) { stream = new RollingFileStream( path.join("subdir", "test-rolling-file-stream"), 5, 5 ); stream.write("initial", "utf8", done); }); after(async () => { await fs.unlink(path.join("subdir", "test-rolling-file-stream")); await fs.rmdir("subdir"); }); it("handles directory deletion gracefully", async function() { stream.theStream.on("error", e => { throw e; }); await fs.unlink(path.join("subdir", "test-rolling-file-stream")); await fs.rmdir("subdir"); await new Promise(resolve => stream.write("rollover", "utf8", resolve)); await close(stream); (await fs.readFile( path.join("subdir", "test-rolling-file-stream"), "utf8" )).should.eql("rollover"); }); }); } });