var crypto = require("crypto"); var path = require("path"); /** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Waysact Pty Ltd * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ function addIfNotExist(set, item) { if (set.has(item)) return true; set.add(item); return false; } function findChunksWebpack4(chunk) { var allChunks = new Set(); var groupsVisited = new Set(); (function recurseChunk(childChunk) { function recurseGroup(group) { if (addIfNotExist(groupsVisited, return; group.chunks.forEach(recurseChunk); group.childrenIterable.forEach(recurseGroup); } if (addIfNotExist(allChunks, childChunk)) return; childChunk.groupsIterable.forEach(recurseGroup); })(chunk); return allChunks; } function findChunksLegacy(chunk) { var allChunks = new Set(); (function recurseChunk(childChunk) { if (addIfNotExist(allChunks, childChunk)) return; childChunk.chunks.forEach(recurseChunk); })(chunk); return allChunks; } function findChunks(chunk) { if (chunk.groupsIterable) { return findChunksWebpack4(chunk); } return findChunksLegacy(chunk); } function computeIntegrity(hashFuncNames, source) { return hashFuncNames .map(function mapHashFuncName(hashFuncName) { var hash = crypto .createHash(hashFuncName) .update(source, "utf8") .digest("base64"); return hashFuncName + "-" + hash; }) .join(" "); } function getTagSrc(tag) { // Get asset path - src from scripts and href from links return tag.attributes.href || tag.attributes.src; } function filterTag(tag) { // Process only script and link tags with a url return ( (tag.tagName === "script" || tag.tagName === "link") && tag.attributes && getTagSrc(tag) ); } function normalizePath(p) { return p .replace(/\?.*$/, "") .split(path.sep) .join("/"); } function getIntegrityChecksumForAsset(assets, src) { var normalizedSrc; var normalizedKey; var asset = assets[src]; if (asset) { return asset.integrity; } normalizedSrc = normalizePath(src); normalizedKey = Object.keys(assets).find(function test(assetKey) { return normalizePath(assetKey) === normalizedSrc; }); if (normalizedKey) { return assets[normalizedKey].integrity; } return null; } function isRuntimeChunk(chunk) { return "hasRuntime" in chunk ? chunk.hasRuntime() : chunk.entry; } function makePlaceholder(hashFuncNames, id) { var placeholder = "*-*-*-CHUNK-SRI-HASH-" + id + "-*-*-*"; return computeIntegrity(hashFuncNames, placeholder); } module.exports.computeIntegrity = computeIntegrity; module.exports.findChunks = findChunks; module.exports.filterTag = filterTag; module.exports.getTagSrc = getTagSrc; module.exports.normalizePath = normalizePath; module.exports.getIntegrityChecksumForAsset = getIntegrityChecksumForAsset; module.exports.isRuntimeChunk = isRuntimeChunk; module.exports.makePlaceholder = makePlaceholder;