/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ "use strict"; const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const RuntimeModule = require("../RuntimeModule"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { compareModulesByIdentifier } = require("../util/comparators"); const WebAssemblyUtils = require("./WebAssemblyUtils"); /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ // TODO webpack 6 remove the whole folder // Get all wasm modules const getAllWasmModules = (moduleGraph, chunkGraph, chunk) => { const wasmModules = chunk.getAllAsyncChunks(); const array = []; for (const chunk of wasmModules) { for (const m of chunkGraph.getOrderedChunkModulesIterable( chunk, compareModulesByIdentifier )) { if (m.type.startsWith("webassembly")) { array.push(m); } } } return array; }; /** * generates the import object function for a module * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Module} module the module * @param {boolean} mangle mangle imports * @param {string[]} declarations array where declarations are pushed to * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime * @returns {string} source code */ const generateImportObject = ( chunkGraph, module, mangle, declarations, runtime ) => { const moduleGraph = chunkGraph.moduleGraph; const waitForInstances = new Map(); const properties = []; const usedWasmDependencies = WebAssemblyUtils.getUsedDependencies( moduleGraph, module, mangle ); for (const usedDep of usedWasmDependencies) { const dep = usedDep.dependency; const importedModule = moduleGraph.getModule(dep); const exportName = dep.name; const usedName = importedModule && moduleGraph .getExportsInfo(importedModule) .getUsedName(exportName, runtime); const description = dep.description; const direct = dep.onlyDirectImport; const module = usedDep.module; const name = usedDep.name; if (direct) { const instanceVar = `m${waitForInstances.size}`; waitForInstances.set(instanceVar, chunkGraph.getModuleId(importedModule)); properties.push({ module, name, value: `${instanceVar}[${JSON.stringify(usedName)}]` }); } else { const params = description.signature.params.map( (param, k) => "p" + k + param.valtype ); const mod = `${RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache}[${JSON.stringify( chunkGraph.getModuleId(importedModule) )}]`; const modExports = `${mod}.exports`; const cache = `wasmImportedFuncCache${declarations.length}`; declarations.push(`var ${cache};`); properties.push({ module, name, value: Template.asString([ (importedModule.type.startsWith("webassembly") ? `${mod} ? ${modExports}[${JSON.stringify(usedName)}] : ` : "") + `function(${params}) {`, Template.indent([ `if(${cache} === undefined) ${cache} = ${modExports};`, `return ${cache}[${JSON.stringify(usedName)}](${params});` ]), "}" ]) }); } } let importObject; if (mangle) { importObject = [ "return {", Template.indent([ properties.map(p => `${JSON.stringify(p.name)}: ${p.value}`).join(",\n") ]), "};" ]; } else { const propertiesByModule = new Map(); for (const p of properties) { let list = propertiesByModule.get(p.module); if (list === undefined) { propertiesByModule.set(p.module, (list = [])); } list.push(p); } importObject = [ "return {", Template.indent([ Array.from(propertiesByModule, ([module, list]) => { return Template.asString([ `${JSON.stringify(module)}: {`, Template.indent([ list.map(p => `${JSON.stringify(p.name)}: ${p.value}`).join(",\n") ]), "}" ]); }).join(",\n") ]), "};" ]; } const moduleIdStringified = JSON.stringify(chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)); if (waitForInstances.size === 1) { const moduleId = Array.from(waitForInstances.values())[0]; const promise = `installedWasmModules[${JSON.stringify(moduleId)}]`; const variable = Array.from(waitForInstances.keys())[0]; return Template.asString([ `${moduleIdStringified}: function() {`, Template.indent([ `return promiseResolve().then(function() { return ${promise}; }).then(function(${variable}) {`, Template.indent(importObject), "});" ]), "}," ]); } else if (waitForInstances.size > 0) { const promises = Array.from( waitForInstances.values(), id => `installedWasmModules[${JSON.stringify(id)}]` ).join(", "); const variables = Array.from( waitForInstances.keys(), (name, i) => `${name} = array[${i}]` ).join(", "); return Template.asString([ `${moduleIdStringified}: function() {`, Template.indent([ `return promiseResolve().then(function() { return Promise.all([${promises}]); }).then(function(array) {`, Template.indent([`var ${variables};`, ...importObject]), "});" ]), "}," ]); } else { return Template.asString([ `${moduleIdStringified}: function() {`, Template.indent(importObject), "}," ]); } }; class WasmChunkLoadingRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule { constructor({ generateLoadBinaryCode, supportsStreaming, mangleImports }) { super("wasm chunk loading", RuntimeModule.STAGE_ATTACH); this.generateLoadBinaryCode = generateLoadBinaryCode; this.supportsStreaming = supportsStreaming; this.mangleImports = mangleImports; } /** * @returns {string} runtime code */ generate() { const { chunkGraph, compilation, chunk, mangleImports } = this; const { moduleGraph, outputOptions } = compilation; const fn = RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers; const wasmModules = getAllWasmModules(moduleGraph, chunkGraph, chunk); const declarations = []; const importObjects = wasmModules.map(module => { return generateImportObject( chunkGraph, module, this.mangleImports, declarations, chunk.runtime ); }); const chunkModuleIdMap = chunkGraph.getChunkModuleIdMap(chunk, m => m.type.startsWith("webassembly") ); const createImportObject = content => mangleImports ? `{ ${JSON.stringify(WebAssemblyUtils.MANGLED_MODULE)}: ${content} }` : content; const wasmModuleSrcPath = compilation.getPath( JSON.stringify(outputOptions.webassemblyModuleFilename), { hash: `" + ${RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash}() + "`, hashWithLength: length => `" + ${RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash}}().slice(0, ${length}) + "`, module: { id: '" + wasmModuleId + "', hash: `" + ${JSON.stringify( chunkGraph.getChunkModuleRenderedHashMap(chunk, m => m.type.startsWith("webassembly") ) )}[chunkId][wasmModuleId] + "`, hashWithLength(length) { return `" + ${JSON.stringify( chunkGraph.getChunkModuleRenderedHashMap( chunk, m => m.type.startsWith("webassembly"), length ) )}[chunkId][wasmModuleId] + "`; } }, runtime: chunk.runtime } ); return Template.asString([ "// object to store loaded and loading wasm modules", "var installedWasmModules = {};", "", // This function is used to delay reading the installed wasm module promises // by a microtask. Sorting them doesn't help because there are edge cases where // sorting is not possible (modules splitted into different chunks). // So we not even trying and solve this by a microtask delay. "function promiseResolve() { return Promise.resolve(); }", "", Template.asString(declarations), "var wasmImportObjects = {", Template.indent(importObjects), "};", "", `var wasmModuleMap = ${JSON.stringify( chunkModuleIdMap, undefined, "\t" )};`, "", "// object with all WebAssembly.instance exports", `${RuntimeGlobals.wasmInstances} = {};`, "", "// Fetch + compile chunk loading for webassembly", `${fn}.wasm = function(chunkId, promises) {`, Template.indent([ "", `var wasmModules = wasmModuleMap[chunkId] || [];`, "", "wasmModules.forEach(function(wasmModuleId, idx) {", Template.indent([ "var installedWasmModuleData = installedWasmModules[wasmModuleId];", "", '// a Promise means "currently loading" or "already loaded".', "if(installedWasmModuleData)", Template.indent(["promises.push(installedWasmModuleData);"]), "else {", Template.indent([ `var importObject = wasmImportObjects[wasmModuleId]();`, `var req = ${this.generateLoadBinaryCode(wasmModuleSrcPath)};`, "var promise;", this.supportsStreaming ? Template.asString([ "if(importObject && typeof importObject.then === 'function' && typeof WebAssembly.compileStreaming === 'function') {", Template.indent([ "promise = Promise.all([WebAssembly.compileStreaming(req), importObject]).then(function(items) {", Template.indent([ `return WebAssembly.instantiate(items[0], ${createImportObject( "items[1]" )});` ]), "});" ]), "} else if(typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === 'function') {", Template.indent([ `promise = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(req, ${createImportObject( "importObject" )});` ]) ]) : Template.asString([ "if(importObject && typeof importObject.then === 'function') {", Template.indent([ "var bytesPromise = req.then(function(x) { return x.arrayBuffer(); });", "promise = Promise.all([", Template.indent([ "bytesPromise.then(function(bytes) { return WebAssembly.compile(bytes); }),", "importObject" ]), "]).then(function(items) {", Template.indent([ `return WebAssembly.instantiate(items[0], ${createImportObject( "items[1]" )});` ]), "});" ]) ]), "} else {", Template.indent([ "var bytesPromise = req.then(function(x) { return x.arrayBuffer(); });", "promise = bytesPromise.then(function(bytes) {", Template.indent([ `return WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, ${createImportObject( "importObject" )});` ]), "});" ]), "}", "promises.push(installedWasmModules[wasmModuleId] = promise.then(function(res) {", Template.indent([ `return ${RuntimeGlobals.wasmInstances}[wasmModuleId] = (res.instance || res).exports;` ]), "}));" ]), "}" ]), "});" ]), "};" ]); } } module.exports = WasmChunkLoadingRuntimeModule;